Wednesday, February 26, 2025

To Kill a Mockingbird


AOC speaks the kind of things I can not say out loud.

Daniel Reed Crenshaw

March 14, 1984 (age 40)
Aberdeen, United Kingdom

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Small people who have zero Inspiration or intellect, surrender in defeat to the outcome of murder, when they can not refute the debate points of another person having success with the evidence.

Elon Musk, we need to X him.


And by X, I mean formally known as assassination.

While one expects this from the Obama "Nancy's", from British Elvis Costello on Jimmy Kimmel kicking a Bush doll across the state or Sean Penn using his lit cigarettes' to burn the genitals on an Ann Coulter doll, one expects a bit more reserve from someone elected to Government.

This patch bandit, Congressman Dan Crenshaw of Texas went on a rampage for attention with the British coup press against America in stating he would murder Tucker Carlson. Then said it twice. Crenshaw's reasoning was that Carlson attacks American allies and aids America's enemies.

We can examine this on the other side in what Mr. Crenshaw is talking about.

Carlson previously described Crenshaw as “the most liberal, most left-wing person I’ve ever met in the Congress.”

Crenshaw also previously expressed criticism against Carlson. In a post from April of 2024, Crenshaw called Carlson a “click chaser.”

“Tucker’s MO is simple: defend America’s enemies and attack America’s allies,” Crenshaw tweeted at the time. “There isn’t an objective bone left in that washed up news host’s body. Mindless contrarianism is his guiding principle, buttressed by his childish tactic to ‘juSt aSK quEsTiOns!'”

“But any educated adult, especially one with such a long career in journalism, should occasionally try *answering* some of those questions objectively,” Crenshaw added. “But he never does. Instead, he uses his platform to sow doubt and paranoia and false narratives.”

This popular girl will pick 4 of America's top allies at present in England, France, the state of Tel Aviv and Ukraine. These are the peoples that Dan Crenshaw advocates America supports.

Even before 1776 AD in the year of our Lord, England used America as a slave dump for White and Black Slaves. They burned the White House in 1812. They instigated the American Civil War to break up America as a contender. They killed off hundreds of thousands of Americans in two world wars they started, to genocide another contender Germany. Abraham Lincoln defined England as the enemy of America. As of late they dragged America into the Gulf Wars on fake intelligence and instigated the war in Ukraine to genocide Russians.

France? You can basically repeat the above on England, with France invaded Mexico and put a regime there, wanted America defeated in the Civil War to regain Quebec and Louisiana, and while London ran the Russiagate coup again Americans and President Trump, France collapsed the US stock markets in 2008 to install illegitimate Birther Hussein Obama

The state of Tel Aviv. Holocaust against Arabs for Gaza natural gas wells. America linked to this mass murder. For nuclear weapons they ran the operation which shot JFK, then shot RFK to keep the files from being opened. They currently want America to bomb nuclear Iran to let America do the dirty work like the British in the Gulf Wars for Greater Tel Aviv.

Ukraine? Well they ran the British /Clinton operation for the impeachment of Donald Trump. They tried to start a nuclear war in America with Russia for Greater Kiev. They put Tucker Carlson on a death list like many other people. They are an oligarchy of swindlers who robbed America and rewarded political traitors like John the hero McCain and Hillary Clinton.

These are Dan Crenshaws allies that we are supposed to support. The evidence is the reality that one could combine Russia, China, Iran and North Korea and none of them have done one tenth of what the Crenshaw allies have assaulted America with.

I'm not here to defend Tucker Carlson as it would be a lovely interview between Carlson and Crenshaw as Crenshaw is void of the facts as it was his doubts, paranoia and false narratives which has looted America and cost American lives.  FOX fraud with Sean Hannity, Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity all were advocating the assassination of President Vladimir Putin. Their narrative in lying to America on Ukraine and Gaza has been exposed as all lies. None of this has to do with American security or national interests. It is all special interests by the same ilk that DOGE is moving to root out of America.

Donald Trump

Crenshaw with President Donald Trump in December 2019

According to Politico, Crenshaw "voted with Donald Trump most of the time but isn't a loyalist. He's a stalwart conservative willing to criticize other conservatives.

Is Dan Crenshaw Gay in His Free Time - 2/25/25

That might explain his mental tirades in wanting to murder people he disagrees with as Lindsey in the gay ear Graham has that kind of mouth diarrhea and the news is filled with sex deviants who are mass murdering people.

Nuff Said 

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