Saturday, March 15, 2025

Canada is not even a Country


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I happened upon an odd statement that Jews did not have a Constitution and that a few other peoples were like that. That puzzled me as a nation is not a nation without borders or an agreement which is unbreakable, making a people into a united group, indivisible. otherwise they are no different from aboriginal tribe out in the jungle with the monkeys.

In this, comes the reality of President Donald Trump annexing Canada, because the legal facts are now that unless the United States takes Canada, those critters in the north are going to be annexed by the first Russian or Chinaman who plants a flag there, and the Russians and Chinamen will have full legal right to all of Canada, because the Canadians do not have a Constitution to protect them from Ottawa or anyone else.

Why does Canada not have a written constitution? - Quora

Feb 21, 2021 ... The constitution of Canada is not codified in a single document. The Schedule to the Constitution Act, 1982 lists all of the following (subject ...

It is imperative that President Donald Trump, send in some official, perhaps Secretary of War, Pete Hegseth to plant the America flag in some part of Canada. It is not like it has to fly over the dictatorship in Ottawa, It can be on some out of the way place, and recorded on video, and America has all Monroe Doctrine legal standing to all of Canada.

Canada can not be left as some extension of the London crown, which so happens to be without a Constitution too, little surprise as the abuse London has debased the Irish, Scots and Welsh. Those Normans have been busy exterminating the colonials for hundreds of years from South Africa to Australia to Canada to America. The Canadians in world war two were almost wiped out by British officers, something like 250,000 of them were slaughtered in Italy. It was disgusting as Ottawa murdering American  Patriot and Emancipator for the Mettis Peoples in Louis Riel.

There does not need to be any purchase of Canada, no vote, because Canada is just land with the critters of the land upon it. They are not a people, not a nation, they simply are like gophers in need of a responsible caretaker to make them more than crittters.

The Lame Cherry supports President Trump in all of this to make the critters into Americans in time. I would advocate in this that President Trump must rid Australia of the Obama liberals who were installed on fake voting machines and to restore Conservatives there. Australia must be evolved to it's position in the world, as in this, New Zealand is a place without a Constitution, just rabid chew your genitals and vax death globalists. I fully remember a history when the world was in the final countdown with the Soviets and President Ronald Reagan asked New Zealand for support, but the Kiwi abandoned the Free World and said like the pussy they are, "I want to set this one out and not die by Soviet missiles". The West went on to topple the Soviets and there sets that wretched New Zealand, who is not even Goddamn nation or people as they have on Consitution.

It is time for Australians to take New Zealand as their land as America takes Canada as their land and together join to a more secure world, without these Goddamn critters who are just more aboriginals to become fuck makes of Chinamen or Russians once these Asians advance into the Pacific North and South..

So Canada is not even a country, they are not a people. They have zero respect in this world as nothing. None of those critters donate to this blog which has attempted to educate their biling the kettle halfwit minds to something of a destiny. While I would not go so far as the Reich with those halfwit Ukrainians in World War II in being not even human, I would agree that the contempt civilized Peoples have for these primates is well founded.  Australians should find a use for New Zealanders as a non people, and perhaps place their nuclear arsenal on the island as that is a fitting place for a nuclear deterrent as Greenland is.

So who knew but the Holy Ghost when I was Inspired to define c*nadians as critters that legally that is all they are. Gophers have no Constitution either and one does not bother listening to gophers when you plough up their dens ploughing up your lawn.

I would so love to be with the Americans when the Secretary of War plants the beautiful American Flag and claims that land up north which is not a nation or a people. It would be like Columbus in the New World, dawning a new Survival of the Fittest in true Darwin doctrine. One can hear the laughter of the geese becoming American and certainly the flowers would blossom in joy.  No more critterland for the sun will shine bright on President Donald Trump's northland addition.

Nuff Said
