Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Congratulations on Secretary Linda McMahon


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I remember the languished Bushisms of school choice and yet 41 or 43 did not do a damn thing to save American education.

With the advent of President Donald Trump we are witnessing a wonderful mix of federalism and states rights. DOGE is federalism at it's Abraham Lincoln finest and Secretary McMahon is states rights in Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln in signing the Homestead Act to appealing to states to send troops to win the Civil War.

We all know that American education has been deliberately destroyed to make zombie children. My one hope is the McGuffy reader and TL's math program returns to American education form the Kindergarten up.

America does not need calculators in class nor computers. We need books and pencils. I hope that children are unleashed on books again in having them read and rewarding them. I have a story about reading in I HATED READING, then it occurred to me one day that I was getting piles of hunting and trapping magazines which I devoured............oh I loved reading if it was not that shit I was forced to read in school like that perv Grapes of Wrath. That books should be banned for disgusting.

I remember every year going through the reading list and being in in the library with that old bitch Freddie Cox who ran it like a holocaust camp, and finding each book, going to the back and if it as over 250 pages...........I was not reading it. I read Jonathan Livingston's Seagull because it was short. Starman Jones without permission as it was short and I read Fahrenheit 451 because it was the shortest book around in novels.

Which is a surprise now in what the Lame Cherry inundates you with in Greek history. books bigger than I would ever touch, and this Sandberg collection on Lincoln which I'm just half way through. I have  read thousands of pages from historians like Parkman and Roosevelt and enjoyed them all. You can live for the future if you do not understand the mental workings of the past.

American education must be returned to the states, but with a federal direction that thwarts unions and California perversion. There must be a set standard  for a direction for children which is gone in America. I get tired of this Elon Musk stuff about needing Curry Nigs as engineers. If you make mathematics interesting to children, you will turn out more engineers in America than the world. That is the problem in teaching in America, in the teachers are Goddamn pervs and control freaks.

I have 3 examples of this. A now Lutheran pastor who was a real asshole in school for my 7th grade, had me barley passing early algebra. When I told the asshole this, he said, "Yeah I know I thought you weren't going to pass either." I mean what the fuck is that? A teacher knows a kid is not doing well and does nothing on their lazy ass?

Teacher two was Dad, that is what we called him. A fat little German with an attitude. His one story was, "I played basketball, didn't like it much, as I fouled out allot, but I had allot of fun fouling out". He liked beating up pansy boys on the court. I averaged without trying in his class in the 90% range of an A.
So that got me stuck in Lester the Crotch's class. He kept wiping his chalk fingers in a nervous tick on his pants by his dick........hence the name. He was a shit teacher like the Lute pastor, and I got C's in that class.

I love Elementary Algebra, because Dad taught me so I could understand.

So don't tell me American kids won't be engineers or anything else. The problem is shit teachers. I always got excellent marks from teachers I liked and the teachers I liked, I would try harder and learn from.

So these Goddamn teachers in America and my sister was one of the shit ones, need to be all DOGE'd state by state and end this seniority bullshit........in fact, just have computer programs as TL informs me in homeschooling that those programs were wonderful for teaching the high sciences. You do not need teachers, just parents to monitor and make their shit children complete assignments.

Linda McMahon, in her first act as Secretary of Education, is informing all employees that she will lead a “momentous final mission” to send education back to the states, according to a letter obtained by Fox News Digital.

McMahon is sending a letter to all Department of Education (DoEd) employees on Monday evening, informing them of a “new era of accountability” as she oversees President Donald Trump’s promise to dissolve the department.

“Our job is to respect the will of the American people and the President they elected, who has tasked us with accomplishing the elimination of bureaucratic bloat here at the Department of Education—a momentous final mission—quickly and responsibly,” McMahon wrote to employees in the letter that was shared first with Fox News Digital.
[…] “My vision is aligned with the President’s: to send education back to the states and empower all parents to choose an excellent education for their children,” McMahon told employees on Monday evening. “The Department of Education’s role in this new era of accountability is to restore the rightful role of state oversight in education and to end the overreach from Washington.” — FoxNews

Lastly in this, I want to compliment the Secretary on the two babes she has behind her. Nothing like bright faces, mini skirts and low cut dresses to inspire children, and I do mean that, as pretty makes any child pleased to learn. Worst teachers I had were a dwarf and a giant. Both were fucktards with a pissy attitude. One ended up in the National Guard. Surprised we did not lose wars from that asshole who was so boring he could make students look like they died.

So Congratulations to President Trump and Secretary McMahon. This education dictatorship is ending. I say draft all these teachers into the military and put them into some shit hole to boil their brains out to teach them a lesson or just revenge on all the kids in America who have been abused by these self important pricks.

Nuff Said
