Friday, March 14, 2025


Yes they are kosher pork brats.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that the Board is moving to the conclusive stage of the ending of the looting of thee American Treasury and what will be the great reset in the Western World. Senator Chuck Schumer, the Jew, nuked the continued spending bill and that means a government shutdown.

Do not be concerned about this as you are aware that DOGE's entire purpose is to stop spending. With the Jew now stopping all spending, the killing off of the looting which the Supreme Court and other courts keep funding in their rulings stops.

Trump Signs EO That He Will IGNORE All Lower Court
Rulings Until SCOTUS Rules on the Constitutionality
of Activist Judges

Europe is about to jump into the shit hole it is. The EU is looting private funds for the Macron war of livable dividends which peace can not provide the socialists there. Thee only way to get the United States out of shit hole Europe is to crash it and let it eat itself. Thee only way pro American and pro Russian governments will appear, is to crash and burn it.

Trump Preparing for Global Financial Collapse
Europe Taking 10 Trillion Of Citizen Money To
Prepare For Defense In Coming War - Turner

So this is where we are entering the phase in this, where Europe will have her 10 and it appears that President Donald Trump will have his 70.

Is Trump Aiming To Replace The UN With
The Organization Of 70 Nations?

The sooner all of this crashes and burns, and goes scorched earth to the bone, the sooner we enter the emancipation of our lives in this entire fiefdom of looting stops stealing our money. I will mention in something which is coming from a shithead named mishtalk which I explain in the tariffs.

There can not be a recession in the United States if President Donald Trump does one thing. If he will end the IRS after this tax cycle of payments, and stop the income tax, the 5 trillion looted from Americans and industry, will appear in the US economy. Just envision if that withholding tax you pay is gone, what happens when Americans get three to five thousand dollars more to spend of their own money? The tariffs in "inflation" will not matter as the President is going to have oil prices dropping which is what drives inflation. The remedy is there and is in process to fix this. Do not be alarmed by this financial situation as the Board deems it a necessity to cut off and kill the problem competitors.

Zionists DO Have Total Control Over US - Gabbard
Cancels Appointment of Israel Critic After Jew
Lobby Complains

Trump Negotiator Who Said US 'Not an Agent
of Israel' Gets Sideways Boot

The biggest competitor which the Board has to deal with is this toxic disease which they dealt with in the 1930's. The Board is giving the Jews the rope to hang themselves in their arrogant lynching of everything that moves. Just remember that Jews have their footprints and fingerprints on all that is going on, and they will be blamed for it all when things crash.

These are pyrrhic victories and Jews in their toxic arrogance of their being chosen and the rest of the goy can be denied place and purpose will bite them in the ass.

Chuck Schumer is driving this and is to blame for what happens just as all of this is going to have the rope tied to those who tied the rope when it was handed to them. The Jew is reactionary and not consideratory of thee many projections which will appear in this, once they lose the control of the line.

This blog is thee only platform warning the Jews of what is coming due to their own initiative in grabbing the 30 pieces and pounds of flesh. They have entered into the trap of their own choice. They should be following the example of Mum Marian Adelson and that Stephen Miller negotiate.

The headlines Jews are generating are to their great harm as a religious species.








For their own vanity, they see those headlines as being powerful, but the entire world reads them as conditioning that Jewry destroys everything.

Mark Levin is but the mind of Jewry. He can not understand, because he is an arrogant, Jewish worshipping, self intellectualism that operates in the echo chamber of the rabbi doing Spock signs. They think they are at less than 1% of the human race that they are rocking the cradle and have deluded themselves in never contemplating that someone else is letting them rock the cradle for their order.

I have always been fond of Chuck Schumer as the most conservative member of Congress, duping liberals to follow in line, It is regrettable that he is being called to fall on the sword for his lifetime of 30 pieces.

Mark Levin should donate some of his lucre millions to this popular girl as he would learn the game and discover he is not as bright as he tells his mirror mirror.

Jews need to read their own press. They release hit lists, they have Americans on lists for being Americans and they publish lists to destroy Americans. The 99% of the world population does not like their lives destroyed by Jewry as Jews sit in multi million dollar luxury like Mark Levin chanting for the mob to "crucify him, crucify him", and, "let his blood be on us and our children".

Davis joins a growing series of appointees in key positions across a number of national security agencies who fall far outside of the mainstream on Israel and Middle East policy, several of whom, including Michael DiMino, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Middle East, and Dan Caldwell, a Pentagon senior advisor, are also alumni of the Koch-linked Defense Priorities.

As recently as Jan. 12, Davis called U.S. support for the war in Gaza a mistake.

and Jews are now killing their own Jews.

Is a Jew destroying another Jew, anti semite?

Nuff Said
