Saturday, March 8, 2025

Peace Comes With Russia - War Comes With Europe


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It will be something new to the readers here to know that the same bitching about Russia with President Donald Trump, was exactly the same bitching the American left, British and French were bitching at President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 AD in the year of our Lord.

In 1863 the focus was on those wicked Russians who were treading over the corpse of Poland just as this corpse of Ukraine is the focus of the Russophobe.

All of this could be summed up in an editorial by Harper's Weekly and it is timely now as the real enemies were, are and have always been England and France, while the best asset America has had is Russia.


"John Bull (England) thinks we (America) are bamboozled by the Russian compliments, and laughs to see us deceived by the sympathy of Muscovy. 

Americans do not suppose  that Russia is upon the point of becoming a republic; but they observe  that the English aristocracy  and the French empire hate a republic quite as much as the Russian monarchy hates it; and they remark while the French empire imports coolies  into its' colonies and winks and slavery, and while the British Government cheers a political enterprise founded on slavery, and by it's chief organ defends the system, while Russia emancipates her serfs. There is not the least harm in observing these little facts. Russia, John Bull will remember , conducts herself as a friendly power, that is all. England and France have shown themselves to be unfriendly powers. And we (Americans) do not forget it."

The fact is that Russia had been bloodied in the Crimea by England and France. Russia was seeking a new hegemony with a coming America, which would avenge herself on the same two enemies. It was in the vested interests of both nations to be allied as separated they would be carved up and destroyed.

There is zero difference now in what President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin face, after the same Norman Bulan intrigue with French duplicity to all, in what the Czar and President Abraham Lincoln faced. The Goddamn propaganda of the past 100 years about "special relationships" was all bullshit by the same elite. England since World War II, stole back everything America gained in supporting that war. Europe swindled everything out of America in the Marshal Plan. It was a plot to succor communists out of Europe banking while sucking the American Republic dry of life.

That is what the illegitimate stooge Obama was foisted on America for, to erase and replace, to humiliate Americans and apologize for them.

The one focus that Moscow and Washington City should have is to unhook themselves from this factional cesspool of bankers and monarchs in all their human genocide and form an alliance which perpetrates itself in crushing spheres so that Europe as it is, is no more.

Should there arise a Bismarck Europe, a Prussia led economic and political force? By all means, but you will recall that the Prussians were genocided off the map from these same Goddamned Europeans and Poland is the shit hole that holds those sacred Prussian lands.

Russia has stated and understands that it's greatest enemy is England. It is past time that Americans repeat the words of President Abraham Lincoln in England is the perpetual enemy of the United States. Russiagate came out of England and was Norman intrigue. The 2008 bust that installed Obama, came out of England and was set off by the French as a 9 11 attack on America.

If the Germans could rise up someone to lead Europe, this would be the solution to the French, English and those Goddamn Danes, to be put under the hobnail boot and made to buy or sell only at the direction of the Assyrian of Berlin.

Peace and stability will arise from Protestant Moscow and Washington City. Armageddon will arise from the godless schemers of Europe.

Nuff Said

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