As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The naming of an Ambassador to the United States is one which carries an absolute message to America in what that nation's intentions are. The Russian Federation has named their Ambassador to America and President Trump has consented, in Alexander Darchiev.
Ambassador Darchiev is a signal that Moscow is absolutely serious about a stable relationship with the United States. Mr. Darchiev is both intellectual and scholar. His prior post was namely Ambassador to Canada as that is where he is an expert on North American people. He speaks both French, English and Russian. His tastes are refined.
Ambassador Darchiev dealing with Hillary Clinton
This is not some fly by night principle. Mr. Darchiev has been a primary secondary on the Putin team in first appearing in the odd Hillary Clinton "reset" in her travels to Moscow Russia at the beginning of the Obama regime. We have all had the interesting pleasure in noting the choices of President Vladamir Putin in his very sound appointments of the leadership of Russia from Secretary Lavarov, Marino Shipova and the outstanding former President. Dimitry Medvedev. Vladimir Putin does not choose people who are not skilled and outstanding. Mr. Darchiev is such a person and he understands the United States in the People of President Donald Trump.
Ambassador Darchiev with world famous pianist, Valentina Lisitsa.
There is an absolute focus of President Vladimir Putin on all things Russian in the People. That is what the liberation of Georgia South Osetia and Donbass in the Ukraine has been about. Yes it is security, but in those lands are Russian peoples. Vladimir Putin is not going to leave any Russian behind or not represented. The Ambassador even in far off Canada, was involved with the Russian Orthodox Church in the memorial of all Saints in Canada memorial for Soviet fighters in World War II.
This is focus of Russia to the only asset which matters, like Adolf Hitler in knowing the German People were the greatest asset that Germany produced.
Ambassador Darchiev at all Saints Memorial in British Columbia
The comfort level of the new American Ambassador from Russia in all things Western and the focus of all things Russian is primary. That attention to detail speaks of what Moscow intends in an absolute representation of Russian interests and representation, in melding that with an understand of the people of America which Russia necessitates vital.
Russia desires peace with the United States. Russia desires a protective embrace of all her people, both living and dead. This sums of the legacy of Vladimir Putin in all of his actions. His ideas are that Joe Stalin was not a butcher, but a great protector of all things Russian and that Catherine the Great was not a German empress who ruled Russia, but one who protector and advocate of the Russian People.
One does not rise in the Vladimir Putin inner circle for being a fool or a favorite. One rises there from merit and years of absolute dedication of the vision of Vladimir Putin. America is assured with Ambassador Darchiev that Russia is absolutely focused on peace with America and the representation of Russian interests. That is how it should be with the Russian Federation, the priority is the interests of Russia and the understanding of the People of the West to convey those interests in diplomacy, to avoid war.
Russia is most serious about President Donald Trump and President Donald Trump is a mirror image in his appointments of his Cabinet.
President Trump appears to have retained two intelligence officers of the Biden era, meaning President Trump is serious about exact relations with the Russian Federation in both "career" diplomats of Lynne Tracey and the lovely Stephanie Holmes.
As with President Putin, policy is being set in Washington DC by President Donald Trump and these professionals are establishing those orders.
Nuff Said