Thursday, March 13, 2025

The D Word in President - Diplomat

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Jew is a contentious quarrelsome person, according to the Bible as Pontius Pilate could not appease them no matter what they did, so why do people think that after Trump45 was sidelined by them, that Trump47 can do anything with the Jews now, except appease them, any more than the Normans of England are contentious intriguers that you can not turn your back on.

The Lame Cherry does not like the "fringe" smearing President Donald Trump the Jew Issue, namely that his recent booting out agitators in America with ICE arrests is somehow an attack on American Rights.
For the record, this Philistine who was booted out and is some new poster boy is not an American. The Lame Cherry has stated that foreigners in America DO NOT have the same rights as Americans. This is as old as the founding of America, when George Washington and the following Presidents were frowning over French intrigue in America, wandering around spewing their murderous rebellion as a revolution, and conning Americans into calling themselves by the title "citizen" to drag America into another war with England.

It was not kosher in 1776 to sow discord in America by foreigners and it is not kosher now to have foreigners in America sowing the same discord.

As President Trump is giving the devil it's due in this process of gaining the Golden Age by paying the piper, instead of attacking the President for his protecting America from foreign activists, let us remember that the knife cuts two ways in going in and out.
The debate is coming as to whether dual citizenship is allowed in America as it was NEVER allowed in it's founding. People always had to give up allegiance to their former leaders and nations. So the question coming is, and this would be for Philistines with dual citizenship raising hell in America, as much as for Jews with dual citizenship, raising hell against American Rights with "exception clauses" in what is anti semitic, that people being arrested now and deported on campuses are no different than something like the ADL raising hell in Congress for votes and giving them bribes for those votes.

When an "exception clause" appears in America, favoring one group over another, that is unConstitutional. Rights are for all or none. So when a Jew gets an Executive Order or a law in their exception, there can be no exception. That same law then applies to all religions, from satanic, to Muslim to Christian.
So if people start being penalized and thrown into prison for anti semitism, then Jews who write stories or Christmas songs not including Jesus are Christophobes who can be penalized and thrown into prison too. Equality under the law.

Only this popular girl has warned that the Jews are being hand a rope which they are going to be hung with as their arrogance is unbounded. You can not be a less than 1% people in a hundreds of millions population and make the 99% criminals, or you will end up like Jews in Germany, Jews in the Soviet Union or Jews in America in various eras.

Just keep in mind when 47 is railing on Thomas Massey, that Massey is the only politician who is not a street walker for Jewry and they want him gone. Trump has to talk a good ADL game, and people like Jeff Rense can post convincing headlines as:

Is President Trump an Israeli Puppet? - Roberts
Is Grass Green?

Now we all love Mama Miriam Adelson, but just remember in the photos, who is grinning like a skunk eating shit and who is frowning like,who does not like being the doormat or the doorman.

We are obtaining the objective of the long game. The President is engaged as he has to and the Board are the adults in this game who brought us all to this point for their purpose.

This President is delivering more than 50% when we were getting ZERO for the past 30 years. He has allot on his mission, and if he drops down to only the crumbs for America, you know you will hear about it here first, with substance backing it up, just as I warned everyone in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord that MAGA could not exist in what Trump policy was by March of that year.

People did not like it, but I was proven right.

President Donald Trump is not a Jew puppet. If he was, he would not be kicking the shit out of that dwarf in Kiev.

Let us just keep playing the game as we just started this and stop bitching in ignorance like we are losing, because we are winning.

Trump Selects Anti-Israel US MI Mayor
as New Ambassador To Kuwait

Nuff Said
