As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have not inquired, nor have I a crystal ball reading in what I'm about to post, as this is a projection of economics and cause and effect.
In the following ZeroHedge headline, I would frown at it, as in what I analyze coming, gold is going to crash in value. That of course means the US Dollar is going to surge.
I will explain on the other side.
The US Congress is currently moulding the touches of E Currency in the United States. I read the article, do not have the link and that does not matter, as the basic gist of it, was the United States is projected under President Donald Trump to purchase 20% of the Bitcoin market. America entering into that kind of ownership, will provide stability to the coin, meaning the value will not spike in falls, but it will rise as it has now to 100,000 dollars a coin.
Once this gets going, the trend will be for speculators to become involved. That drives in more investment. President Trump will mine the coin and continue to expand and increase the coin supply. The value of the coin will rise to the trillions.
As the Lame Cherry has projected before, the President has mentioned in paying off the US debt with a few coins. 36 trillion is allot of looting of the Treasury under Bush, Clinton, Obama and Biden, but understand some terms in this.
As the coin rises, money is going to pull out of the Stock Markets, meaning stocks will correct as much as commodities will, meaning they will deflate. As the coin becomes established a reserve, that means that gold and other metals are going to drop in price exponentially. I have mentioned the reason for this is the fracturing of BRICS which is gold based. Drop gold to dog shit value and Moscow and Peking lose all investment value and economic security.
So the coin becomes dominant. It is the trend to invest in. This then projects into the other feature of debt.
Debt in America is serviced by Treasury Bonds, printing money which the Fed sells to Americans in it's easing buy back in whatever is the almost 40 trillion now. The way the Lame Cherry would run this is simple, one does not deflate the debt to pay it off in lowering the value of the Dollar by massive inflation, but one instead deflates the debt by making US Treasury bonds collapse, so foreigners, which is the Fed also, are left holding pennies on the per million dollars paper. With the coin then, the US Treasury can redeem all that foreign holding of US Bonds which are worthless for almost nothing, and the Treasury can stick the same devaluation into the Fed's trillions in debt held. There is no default. There is that almost 40 trillion which would drop to perhaps 400 billion and the President would say, "Here is a piece of cheese, the debt is paid off".
There is a symbiotic relationship in this, in the President is evolving a new economic system to generate massive wealth which will come in from his expansion, and yes into Moon and Mars resources. The President is dropping the debt spending of Congress, shrinking the budget to half, and cutting the size of this unnecessary "government". When you stop stealing from Americans for debt, stop cheap money for the rich, Americans start having allot of extra money appearing, as deflation sets in with the Trump policies which were designed to enslave American in poverty for their control.
So the spending is not a cancer eating away people's money. The President is in the process of terminating the IRS, meaning he has slashed the croc state funding, and to kill this all off in those who are behind this pawn shop deal, he is going to kill the funding source which was set up in the Income Tax. This you must comprehend. He has killed the funding of the insurrection and he is going to kill the way this insurrection is able to steal money from all of us. The example for you to understand is, he has put a plastic bag over the head to suffocate it, and then tied a rope around it's neck and kicked it off the deck of the ship into the ocean depths. It is choked off inhaling and exhaling. This contender to the Board is being obliterated for a new order.
The test in this seems to be what the Jew convert President in Argentina engaged in, in slashing debt spending and cutting government there. It worked. What America is involved in though is larger, but it is the same program. The Dollar remains the reserve currency, the coin is inflated by the stability of America, and that tandem is going to allow Americans to buy nations as the Dollar will have super value.
There is always that lie that, "We have to have a weak Dollar so we can export and it does not cost Americans a fortune for things imported". Bull shit to that, as the President's economic reality is this wealth generation inside of America will produce plenty of cash for all to afford things, things will be manufactured here for American benefit and when you earn a Dollar and it is the value of a Russian AK 47 or a Chinese car, you are not going to be complaining about Dollar buying power.
This is the Trump Golden Age.
Yes there will be things you thought were the things you based life upon, like that scam of stocks in companies. OK so you give someone all your money, and something like Microsoft takes your money and gives you a dividend that amounts to jack shit, compared to if you invested your money in a bank which pays you monthly interest or the coin which is going to elevate due to the nature of this new economic dynamic.
The Lame Cherry has told you the e coin is ridiculous. It is ridiculous as it is a fiction that exists in a computer. But then we all have Dollars which are a fiction in they are not backed by anything, other than the trust in the Government that they represent your work. That same backing is about to enter into e coin once America starts buying that coin as a reserve and mining it.
The apparent reasoning for not establishing a central coin like the Dollar is to keep this out of the hands of the few. Rich people like Donald Trump and Elon Musk can generate their personal coin, so investors as with artwork of baseball cards can put money into them, and not be stymied by any agency setting values. It is ok to set currency value, as in gold, when the money supply does not outstrip the availability of the gold. When you have though allot of money and the same amount of gold, the gold must rise in price, not from inflation in this instance, but from being made more rare by the amount of money. Bitcoin is going to raise in value not from inflation, but from the expansion of created wealth. It will absorb wealth to stabilize the values, thereby inflation does not eat your money you work for. Different economic dynamics.
If I were richer than shit, I would risk in the coin, because the way this is setting up, the value has to increase and keep increasing as the new system is established. I'm not telling anyone to invest in this, what the Lame Cherry is explaining is how this dynamic will work. There is an economic reformation coming to this world, the last one was Dutch banking in fractal lending, but it has spent itself out in rapine. This reformation will require this kind of coin, will require this kind of expansion, will then project to debt retirement and nullification, as this provides sound capital for the frontier of space. America will be a cash cow for Europe West and Asia East, and fulfill the weapon security for both as the robotic technicrats of Germany and Japan expand into their spheres of guidance.
The parts are all there, it is being assembled and that is what all we are witnessing coming together which does not seem to connect.
That about sums up this explanation of what appears to be generating. Gold might shine short term, but it's luster will dull in the midterm. It may absolutely collapse if somewhere in our solar system when the Musk bots hit the mining cores find that gold on some planet or moon is in mile wide veins and gold will become as common as in Solomon's time.
It comes the time for Nuff Said
Nuff Said
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