Sunday, March 2, 2025

The One Million Dollar Trump E Gold


We need American Patriots of the Golden Age to join me on 
these Treasury notes.
President William McKinley

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In this Trump Golden Age, Americans really need larger denominations of American currency to be put back into circulation for all the prosperity, trade and ease of E Coin purchase.

Yes as President John Kennedy offered his silver certificates as legal tender, President Donald Trump should offer E Coin Certificates, signifying they are backed by e coin currency for immediate redemption.

The Treasury Bills over 500 dollars have not been in circulation for some time. It is of necessity now that the Treasury issue new notes and honor Americans who should be on those notes.

Some Congressman wants to issue a 250 dollar bill with President Trump on it, as a new currency, but that is not fitting for the savior of America.

Republicans launch bid to put Donald Trump's face on new $250 bill

The 500 Dollar Bill honors that great Christian, and first true Republican President in William McKinley. This Patriot of course should remain on this note.

The changes should be as follows.

Now I like Grover Cleveland, a Democrat. He is hardly noteworthy though. I think he has that panic which McKinley recovered America into. Let's shelve this nice guy, for a really outstanding President that we all could get our hands on, President Ronald Reagan on the 1000 dollar bill.

It is time for President Trump to finish the Revolution we have begun.
President Ronald Reagan

I like James Madison too. Great Founder in creating the Constitution framework. I though want for the tax rebate next year to have this 5000 dollar bill what we all get who are American taxpayers. The first modern President belongs on the 5000 dollar bill in Teddy Roosevelt, the Rough Rider.

There is one cure for thieves of the Treasury. A rope and a tree.
President Teddy Roosevelt

Now we come to the big cash bills, and yes Salmon Chase had raised allot of cash for the Civil War as Treasury Secretary, but we already have that great Federalists, Alexander Hamilton on the 10 dollar bill. The President who literally guided American and world policy from 1952 on, and saved both Democrats and Republican Administrations, is the survivor of the JuCoup, President Richard Nixon. He should be emulated on the 10,000 Dollar Bill as every success which is being generated now, is based in Richard Nixon policy.

The traitors who got me almost got America.
President Richard Nixon

OK, the last makes me want to puke. The only thing worse than international socialist Woody Wilson on the 100,000 bill is Frank Roosevelt on the 10 cent dime. These traitors suck excrement. Now the Lame Cherry is open to the President 47 placing that great budget balancer in Calvin Coolidge on the 100,000 Dollar Bill...........providing we have one more bill add which would be fitting.

Those who plundered my Treasury should have their asses beat.
President Calvin Coolidge

The fitting place for President Donald Trump is the Million Dollar Bill. With all the prosperity and expansion taking place into outer space, there is a necessity for an e coin denomination of this stature.

This is thee E GOLD CERTIFICATE, the sound foundation to new evolution of President Donald Trump economics.

All of these large denomination bills will be chipped, just like credit cards, so if destroyed, lost or stolen, they will be recovered for the full value of the possessor.

President Donald Trump on a mountain of his own with other Patriots and the Carriers of the Torch of Freedom on the Trump Golden Age of currency.

The Team should ponder this as it is fitting.

Nuff Said
