Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Mind of bin Laden

 Without further ado, the mind of bin Laden.

Ossama bin Laden has a distinct pattern of speech. He starts out in a rhythmic prose of a zealot Muslim in all of his utterances. "Praise be allah" is a frequent chorus in a very melodic chant which soothes the listener and carries them into a receptive state for what comes next in his main purpose in speaking.

He often enough quotes poetry in the beauty of the fight or war. He equates the fight not as violence, but as a noble deed in which he can equate any situation to murdering even children as an event which is justifiable homicide, because of wrongs he will equate himself with done to other Muslims around the world.

What has never been touched upon is bin Laden is a mystic Muslim in what he believes. I recalled this trend of Asian island Muslims in the 1600's when a prophet there spoke of dreams he had which actually came true.
In a literal quote from bin Laden, not only he believes in dreams, but his entire immediate following believe in their foretelling too.

QUOTE: Abu Al Hasan told me a year ago that he had a dream in where we were playing a soccer game against the Americans and our team was all pilots. He wondered if it was a soccer game or a pilot game. He said the game went on and we defeated them. It was a good omen for us.
(bin Laden and his group recount 4 dreams on the World Trade Center attack. He even orders one dreamer not to tell anyone of the dreams as bin Laden fears everyone is having dreams and they will be discovered.)
He directs the conversations with authority and is aware of everything in detail. His engineering background comes through time and again. He is obsessed with numbers and dates.

QUOTE: We calculated that the floors which would be hit would be only 3 or 4 floors. Due my experience in this field I was thinking that the fire from the gas of the plane would melt the iron structure of the building where the planes hit and all the floors above it only.

This continues on in his taking credit for things he does not do personally, but realizing the glory belongs to another so in modesty bin Laden always tries to distance himself, but always tries to show himself superior in intellect to those around him.
He often speaks of numbers of dead in what are exaggerated terms and he is the probable source of in al Qaeda propaganda for the inflated numbers one finds on sites like Jeff Rense publishes.
bin Laden fixates on Bosnia and Iraq dead.

QUOTE: and despite the huge number of those killed, which has exceeded 1 million.

It does not stop with those conflicts though. He has taken a personal grudge in Palestine, because in the beginning when the Saudi's laughed at his "plans" for war against the enemies of Saudi Arabia and America.......It was the Israeli invasion of Lebanon which he seized upon as justification for the 9 11 attack on New York.

QUOTE: America will never taste security and safety unless we feel security and safety in our land and in Palestine.

In his mind, he sees 9 11 now and future attacks as a conversion tool, an evangelistic action, to bring hosts of infidels to Islam. He has deemed the action a reprisal and the horror of it to justify it is that people convert to Islam and are "saved".

QUOTE: The number of people who accepted Islam the days after the operations were more than the people who accepted Islam in the last 11 years.

His fight though is centered upon a literal land battle as he sees it against a Greater Israel, or the former reign over territory of King Solomon which encompassed into Iraq.

QUOTE: to occupy a former capital of Islam, loot Muslims' wealth, and install an agent government, which would be a satellite for its masters in Washington and Tel Aviv, just like all the other treasonous and agent Arab governments. This would be in preparation for establishing the Greater Israel.

He lays out his strategy for choosing terrorism as the only way to destroy the west and Jews. In parts he glorifies the constant use of trenches or holes in the ground and then reverts to calling American soldiers cowards as they use firepower instead of being lured into primitive combat.

QUOTE: Due to the imbalance of power between our armed forces and the enemy forces, a suitable means of fighting must be adopted, i.e. using fast-moving, light forces that work under complete secrecy. In other words, to initiate a guerrilla war, where the sons of the nation, and not the military forces, take part in it."

What this follows into in his thought patterns are constant. He relates the Clinton war in Bosnia, past military actions by the west in the Muslims which died and then he reaches for grandeur for the final solution which he is fixated upon for power, nuclear bombs detonated to achieve his objectives, because America dropped them upon Japanese....who were not Muslims, but that is how bin Laden's processes things. He is feminine in nature in deciding what direction he wills to take and then fills in the reasoning behind it. Japanese are not Muslims, but they become his reason to justify mass murdering Christians.

QUOTE: withholding of arms from the Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina leaving them prey to the Christian Serbians who massacred and raped in a manner not seen in contemporary history. Not to forget the dropping of the H-bombs on cities.

bin Laden admits often enough that al Qaeda does possess nuclear weapons. In conversations with Hamid Mir, the Muslim journalist, bin Laden brushed off the question in attempting to verify his source. He does though repeat the theme in quotations and in video imagery.

QUOTE: I wish to declare that if America used chemical or nuclear weapons against us, then we may retort with chemical and nuclear weapons. We have the weapons as deterrent.

The problem though for bin Laden is it appears he never meant them as a deterrent, but has hoped America would be goaded into using nuclear weapons so that bin Laden would be the victim and justified in using them on Americans.

QUOTE:So when the swords came after eight years to America

He has been looking for a reason to use his weaponry and hijacked other Arab attacks to bring down America to take credit like he has taken credit for being a player in driving the Soviets out of Afghanistan when it was Afghanie fighters doing the work.
He wants the sword to come to America again, but it was startling in interviews he literally tells the world he is in the hinterlands after being driven out of Tora Bora as he fixates on Pakistan.
Personally, I believe he is in the remote area of the Chinese Pakistan border and is in China knowing the no man's land is his safe quarter for what he is planning and is why it takes so long for communications to come from him.

QUOTE: We will not leave the Pakistani people and the Pakistani territory at anybody's mercy.
We will defend Pakistan. But we have been disappointed by Gen Pervez Musharraf.
The reason bin Laden has been disappointed in Musharraf is Pakistani intelligence during the Clinton years was invested greatly in al Qaeda or the Muhajadeen in almost controlling it, but in helping in training it. Pakistani intel frequently fed intelligence and warned bin Laden of upcoming attacks planned against him.

As by  the following quote, he was receiving intimate details on American operations almost directly from the CIA Washington desk via his Pakistani sympathizers. He knew exactly the weaponry and even the exact aircraft being utilized against him.

QUOTE: The American forces were bombing us with smart bombs, cluster bombs and bombs which invade caves. B-52 aircraft were flying every two hours over our heads and throwing each time, 20 to 30 bombs. The modified Sinmo 13 aircrafts were bombing us daily with new bombs.

See it doesn't have to be an American conspiracy of Bush, so called neocons or whatever kook ideas are dreamed up when one realizes American CIA and State Departments share information with friendly allies and the United Nations in normal channels. bin Laden simply gleaned exactly what was going on from people in governments he was doing business and it was Muslims feeding him information who supported his fascist cause.

QUOTE: And the convergence of interests is not detrimental. The Muslims' fighting against the Byzantine converged with the interests of the Persians.
This is informative as he notes even the Chinese in knowing what they are learning. The key though is the Persians or Iranians as his example, because it reveals Iran has taken the lead in the directing of operations now with bin Laden and al Qaeda a sort of mullah with a nuclear koran.

In this though leads to the constant thread of what bin Laden appeals to in his mind warped followers. The Saudi's which carried out 9 11 were reacting to the catalyst bin Laden used of American military in Saudi Arabia, the sacred Muslim sites of Mecca and Medina.
The last thwarted attack of Pakistani's which the press reported wrongly were not just Pakistani's, but Kashmir Pakistani's which al Qaeda is telling hot heads there to recruit them has been handed over by Pakistan to the devils Bush and Blair.
bin Laden twists any scenario to blame the west and the Arab governments friendly to the west, because he often reveals his main focal point is the worry over all that oil money which he desires to control.
It is "home" which he always speaks of from Palestine to Kashmir. It is home which verbatim his followers always repeat in their reasons for bringing death to America, because death has been somehow equated to be brought to each of their homes in the way bin Laden equates it.

QUOTE: In my view, if an enemy occupies a Muslim territory and uses common people as human shield, then it is permitted to attack that enemy. For instance, if bandits barge into a home and hold a child hostage, then the child's father can attack the bandits and in that attack even the child may get hurt.
As stated, this is not logical thought, but emotional thought processes and psychologically reflects the standard feminine reasoning process. It also is how bin Laden and the entire mideast terror groups get children to suicide bomb while Ahmadinejad and bin Laden sit in safety not risking a thing.

Analysis Projection:
These Muslims gossip in grandiose fashion and as even bin Laden knows none of them can keep a secret. They are a people of low self esteem and try to effect power by the information they know. It is like the jungle telegraph of long ago. An event happens in bin Laden's camp and within days by simple conversation it has reached hundreds of miles.
The effective eastern routes are the "stans" of Asia and into Iran with their knowledge and help and then into Iraq.

As stated when bin Laden appears for the final show, he will probably be wearing his golden dagger to transmit the image he has from the 1990's that an attack is coming to not just the Middle East, but to American soil again.
Until then the rhetoric is more regionalized as the American and British effort has indeed bled off a great deal of this terrorist group's resources. Information ebbs and flows as one period they are focused upon America and the next the castigation is against Hamas.
There is though no longer the warning of Muslims must flee America, but now the warning of they have been warned and al Qaeda is free from blame in murdering them in a coming attack.
The attack specifically now referenced is not nuclear material smuggled into America via Mexico by one Adnan el Shukrijumah, the nuclear point man bin Laden chose to carry out the attacks who is said smuggled in a nuclear bomb by a hijacked light aircraft 2 years ago from Mexico, but an attack to eclipse 9 11.

bin Laden in a strange conversation of 9 11 actually blames Bush for allowing people to stay in the World Trade centers on the morning of the attack, but in the same sentence relates the attacks were to be all accomplished in 20 minutes, so Bush could not react.
bin Laden the murderer realizes somewhere in his soul that he is harming people deliberately to inflict massive deaths, but in a split morality seeks to shift the deaths to President Bush who could do nothing about it.

In this is the catalyst of remembering Lebanon as bin Laden's excuse for the first 9 11 attacks. Lebanon being attacked again by the Judean state in August of this year is the trigger mechanism once again for the leopard who will not change his spots.
bin Laden will attack as Hezbollah is claiming glory he desires and even though the war did diminish that terrorist group, bin Laden realizes his combat fronts are loosing across the board. In that, Iran is his last buffer of hope.

al Qaeda has finished their cycle of warning like the moon god allah cycles in monthly time divisions. They have their fatwas and edicts to attack with nuclear measures. bin Laden has not told his people though the exact date as he learned too much information had made it to American, Israeli, European and Russian intelligence that 9 11 was coming. That is why the "We can choose to attack any time", phrase keeps popping up. It is coming from bin Laden himself to mask the event until he can take full credit for it.

9 11 2 though is the conversation now ongoing in the al Qaeda gossip and one can only hope that the intelligence and security services are going to find the mistake these braggarts always make as bin Laden's mind works simply and in trackable patterns.