Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Sloven and the Selfish

Children always believe they know more than their parents and each modern generation believes it knows more than the past, but when it comes down to it children like established cultures several hundred years old are naive and ignorant in that they have no experience with real life.

America today is such a culture. Every part of it is lazy in either wanting to blame someone else for their lives being miserable or thinking government which is other people's hard earned dollars is there to take care of them.
That is sloven and selfish.

If you behold America in the Republic for which it stands our founding fathers built upon English law which was formed against the harsh reality of a Roman Empire slaughtering, raping and stealing everything in Angle Land, graduated to the Vikings and Normans and then various local kings who were tyrants.
Jefferson and Madison both knew of this past and knew of medieval history in the Roman Senate and in Greek citizen rule.
Each of these 3 records of people stated one thing: Every citizen is responsible for their own armed defense and every citizen is responsible for feeding, housing and caring for themselves in return for the combined citizenry which is government putting criminals to death and sticking objects into foreign enemies in killing them.

The net return was a citizen secure in their home and their community from theft of kingly taxes, criminal rapine and foreign army plunder.
It is a perfect system as it works and has built every civilization.

The problem is Democrats who are socialist weaklings exist in fear and instead of creating opportunities for people to be all they can be, Democrats instead choose to steal from people who work, buy votes with that money from the lazy and get a pretty nice job in government for life not working a day in their life.

Until the citizen stops thinking that life is a free ride with no responsibility, the United States of America are going to crumble and fall apart.
The reason being we as a people are aborting our next generation, killing off this generation with drugs, sex and a poisoned food supply causing auto immune diseases and the people who are working are being taxed, stolen from and imprisoned for simply living their lives.

If Conservatives want a solution to the problems of America, the President who runs for 2008 should have one platform and that is to rescind off the law books all laws created since 1920. This wiping the slate clean of laws will then force Congress to actually repass all the repressive laws which have strangled freedom and productivity in America.
Now I can hear the fearful sloven and selfish, "What if what if what if", but that is the point in people are so law abiding in America that there is no corporation going to be dumping tons of sewage into the rivers, because they know very well they are going to get socked in cleaning up the mess just as much as no one is going to be going out and committing a crime they were not already going to commit with the laws on the books.

This will give Congress something to do instead of enslaving Americans more with more laws about non sense. It will also force Congress to debate on how to fund the government in perhaps a Milton Friedman plan which is working in the Baltic States where people pay only 24% of taxes and the poor pay none. Compare that to America where you are paying 50% taxes and the poor are paying a greater share.

See if people would have to start being the government in governing themselves there would be none of this mob rule of a democracy destroying people's rights and there would be none of this shiftless representative rule where government is robbing from people and giving it to those who figured out life is better waiting for a handout.

The people's right is to protect themselves with weapons and protect their living with the money they earn. You the citizen know very well what you want out of life and where to spend your money on everything from a doctor to a computer. That is the reality and in asking you the question what would you do with another 25% of your paycheck?
You are starting to realize that the children you are in being know it alls have spent yourself into oblivion and that the founding fathers just like your parents are proving they knew the method by which a prosperous and peaceful life would flourish to bring you happiness.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is there for a reason. There is also a reason that aborticide, democracy and the pursuit of welfare are not written there.

You can not have a future if you kill off your children, have a mob stealing other people's money called welfare nor have a 250 million kings and queens who do not work.......but do have time to watch Oprah and Rosie O'Donnell after their morning and afternoon nap.