The only Jon Stewart I have ever watched was blurbs by leftist Democrats like Letterman, John Kerry or the mainstream media trying to implement the propaganda this snot extols to his small number audience in order to implement larger public policy for the benefit of the elitists who allow Bill Clinton to attack women and bomb babies in Kosovo with a smile, but actual war with real dangers as President Bush faces is all discounted and needs to be examined.
There is a real problem in this nation when Bill Moyers, the sometime drunk driver, former Kennedy clique flunky has Stewart on and fawns over him like he is the lama of wisdom in saying things that no one else has said or Dan Rather, the sometime lunatic and forgery criminal kowtowing to Stewart like he actually is accomplishing something practical in a snow few watch, but in Don Imus need the liberals cling to as they need someone to counter Bill O'Reilly.
So out trots Jon Stewart and people who claim to be journalists treat every sound emanating from him like the wisdom of the ages even when all it is sounds like a fart.
Stewart likes like another malevolent little grinner named Bill Maher try to sound funny with hate filled diatribes which only appeal to other hate filled soulless creatures, but the real intent is to cajole Americans with nonsense to make ignorant people follow an elitist America weakening policy to bring "their leftists back into governmental power".
Bring John Kerry onto Stewart's program and it is moon eyes at the dolt, but bring John McCain onto the program it is manipulation with a smile of the Stewart agenda.
Stewart likes framing things so his though can only win. For example, he says President Bush has called the war on terror the fight of our generation. Yet Stewart will snidely add that President Bush has only added ten thousand troops to Iraq. He asks why not 400,000 if this is so important...........
His answer comes that this would mean a draft and no one would want the war.
It is demonic clever, but the Truth soon exposes Stewart for the little mind he is. In Afghanistan, less than 300 American soldiers liberated that nation which 2 empires were defeated by.
In Iraq, just a few thousand soldiers liberated that nation with unheard of casualties being so low.
See people in modern American warfare numbers of soldiers only get in the way and expose precious American lives to danger. Americans have learned and President Bush understands that huge armies are a thing of the past. The American military fights differently now compared to how Jon used to play with his Barbies on his GI Joe bedspread.
Stewart is cagey enough to know this and that is what makes his manipulation even worse as he is deliberately screwing with people's minds he knows are too stupid to figure it out and for the purpose of being a shill for elitists he is endangering Americans and is ever bit as guilty as al Qaeda for every dead United States soldier since Abu Gharib, just like his fawning buddies, Moyers and Rather.
There are always hucksters in every generation. Shakespeare had numbers of them in his plays. Cassius was a bit too lean and hungry looking and brought down Julius Caesar. People like Jon Stewart play their games like Rosie O'Donnell as whores for the elite, claim their interest is "for the good of the national conversation" and shed their tears over heart rending subjects knowing very well that is what sucks the suckers in.
I have always said of another huckster who advocates mutilating animals to save them in Bob Barker, just how many cheering fans would he have without the cars he is giving away that the people already paid for themselves, if Bob was having to make the real decisions of sending boys and girls to Iraq to die.
This is the ruse of the Jon Stewarts. His boy Bill Clinton just sat on his butt allowing bin Laden to grow stronger and buy nuclear weapons which he has tried to use on America repeatedly, but was stopped. Bill felt your pain just like Stewart's mourning over the Virginia Tech kids who were too Stewartized to know to run from danger instead of letting someone shoot you.
Stewart though was what created bin Laden and forced George Bush to go after a real weapons of mass destruction terrorist. Now though he wants to find another solution as George Bush and America having success means all those Christian values which built America will be changing America from a Godless Stewartland to what America has always been.
That is the last thing Jon Stewart wants.
So huckster Stewart, there are people wise enough to know what you are, what you are about and what really tick tocks in that foul mouth of yours when the cameras are not running and the real you comes out.
Dan Rather, Bill Moyers and your exchange audience with Bill Maher might worship every sound which you produce, but to the educated listener they know exactly what you are up to.
So don't fart Jon Stewart and try and tell me it was the Federalist Papers, because I know a comrade when I see one.......because it is nothing but comrades you hang around with and those who worship you like your puppets Moyers and Rather.