Monday, April 30, 2007

There is no Money in It

I wonder if you ever considered why Teddy Kennedy isn't a stable boy in Kentucky, bin Laden isn't shearing sheep in Kuwait or Hillary Clinton isn't cleaning crappers in Harlem.
Probably for the same reason the March of Dimes is still raking in millions in donations even though it gleaned from poor children their dimes long ago to find a cure for polio.
Someone in God's grace did find a cure for polio, but the march continued to rake in money for new causes as once the hog trough hogs get a taste or power, celebrity and money their is just not keeping the oinker down on the farm any more.
As I view blogs, websites, radio programs, television and any other platform which has everyone from Al Gore telling us cars are more dangerous than terrorists to Dana Milbank telling us George Bush is more dangerous than dangerous, I have yet to see anyone doing their work for love, God given duty or simply for free. If there is no money in it, then the job just doesn't get done.....or better the job just isn't important enough to be telling the world the danger we are danger is what sells second only to porn.
I never forgot an old Rush Limbaugh interview in which a reporter asked him once in the early days, "What are you going to do when this runs out?"
Mr. Limbaugh without missing a beat said, "I suppose I will just go on and do something else".

From that moment on, I have always believed that the Conservative cause like the Conservative mantle of the Limbaugh family simply overtook Rush and while he knows a great deal, somewhere deep down he is playing a character which has become real. In that, when the legend becomes the reality, Rush Limbaugh becomes the reality.
I really do not believe that most of the people in this world in positions of attracting attention from a Robert Spencer who exposes Islam to a Karen Armstrong who decries all religion except Islam would be doing it if all they were doing is posting on a blog like this with zero readers, no adoration, no recognition, no livelihood and no reason to do it.

Ever wonder why American Indians don't make the front pages any longer? There is no money in killing them. No money in supplying them and no money in making them white. Just enough tax money to fraud elect in mass Democrats to Congress and just enough BIA freebies to keep the wards of America down on the rez. Of course down on rez found a way to be profitable for mafia gambling as you just can't leave a good sheep unsheared no more than the Rockefeller cartel can't stop shearing ignorant Americans in the stock market.
Find some guy though in Peoria who raises heirloom potatoes for research for survival purposes with no cameras, people thinking him odd and each spring he has to decide whether to buy seed potatoes or walk for a month as he can not afford gas and his project, then for the first time in your life you have probably come across someone accomplishing something which matters and they would be doing it whether they were a billionaire or not and rather be doing it than having adoring fans emailing stroking the ego which feels so fine.
If you want to look at what is the focal point of the world, just look at what breeds celebrity, money and power. Islam is currently one of those false hopes just like pornography, politics, Hollywood and allot of the internet. Islam has money flooding into it, promising power and retribution on the evils of the world if only the poor give just a little more.
You might term it the March of Islam diming Muslims to death while imams and ayatollahs sit in condos, western living peoples like Dinesh D'Souza rack up fortunes writing about it and no one bothers to track all that oil money ending up not just in terrorists hands, but in European banking cartels, so many world governments and bribes in the United Nations.
As Abraham Lincoln would say, "Islam is a hog with allot of tits with allot more mouths sucking off it getting fat".

Victor Davis Hanson, a noted and correct Conservative writer recently posted that what gears allot of this in the west against Islam is people just don't like those damned people over there. You could read postings by a Hugh Fitzgerald who has wanted America out of Iraq and his policy is getting that done right now, but instead of being pleased he rants on about "unintelligent George Bush" and the Muslims.
As he wins, he becomes even more malevolent and goes on to new areas to vent and the pacifier in all of it is the adoring fans fueling the fire.
That my friends is how this whole dynamite, gasoline poured, fertilizer stocked nuclear coated stockpile of fuel is ignited from the souls within.
An imam, an ayatollah, radio commentator, webmaster, actor, anchor, politician douses the public daily in their misery, gets them fired up and boom you either got ratings, a suicide bomber or that much sought after condom wearing power orgasm with a money sigh afterwards.
Do I believe that everyone from Katie Couric to Sean Hannity believe what they say with a Bill Maher malevolence to a Jon Stewart satanic influenced slant, yes I do as they are all willing to go where all attention prostitutes have gone since the first woman flashed her legs thrashing grain. Belief though is not the problem in this as the problem is none of these people would be doing any of this if the sugar was not there.
To build on a quote of General George Patton, "If shoveling shit in Louisiana is what got groupies, gained power, won wars, got celebrity, then you can know sure as hell fire that manure forks would be what Bill Gates would have made his billions on and Bill Clinton would be wearing bibs with the shit piled high and Rosie O'Donnell enjoying the view".
There is money in it and that is what makes these people all flock to it, stroke their egos over it, empower themselves over others with it and make certain every day you the miserable people know they have the only answer and you had better adore, spend your last dime and hang on every word or else you are going to die.
Islam, Global Warming, The View, Holocaust Museums in America making tons of money just like the March of Dimes is all the same shit pile with the person with the chair or typewriter pitching it high.
That is why you never see any rich Christians as there is no money in it and only God with a Promise of a better Life if you behave yourself, care about others and acknowledge you are bad and that Jesus as God's Son paid for your return trip back to God.
There is no money in being a Christian and no glory as it all belongs to for the rest of the world's propositions, there is money in it, power and adoration....and that is why it is piled so high and the majority is pitching it higher.
That is why they are in it and that is what it is all about.