I have watched with interest the Islamic movement and how everyone wants to tie it all up in a nice package of Muslim woolies with American Muslims being sophisticated, Middle East Muslims being kooks and European Muslims rebelling against colonialism.
It is all bullsh*t as much as all Muslims are of the same cloth of wool. This reality though is not a scolding of infidels "who do not understand Islam", but a slap upside the head to those in Islam who think the title is some kind of Superman protection as they "he he he" in private over the successes of terrorism giving it to the westerners.
In that, this entire Islamic movement is allot like the peacenik, grubby hippy movement of the 1960's with their diatribes, their speaking of absolutes and their fight against some chosen foe.
Let us get the first fact straight and that Islam is a movement who draws in people who are low self esteem loser's and gives them a creed to like a children's club to make them feel better than someone else.
The males are weak Doms like in sexual psychopathy and the women feign submission, but for all their robes and scarves they are the ones getting the thrill out of dominating the male and making them submit to their will.
All of this is a major problem as the same internal liars of American Islam somehow with Arab oil funding now think that getting people into powerful positions by bribes (donations) to Conservatives and Liberals that viola they will usher in a new American dominant Muslim force to make all those low self esteem people feel good about themselves.
Keith Ellison of Minnesota is one such deluded person now drunk with the lust of power. He showed up in Minnesota, hand picked a district of delusional people and all of a sudden we have Muslim Power just like Black Power was the fist to the sky in the 60's.
In this case, Ellison raised the Koran of Thomas Jefferson. The only problem for ignorant Ellison is that Jefferson has the Koran to know his enemies as Jefferson sent the Marines to Egypt to rescue hostages Muslims had taken.
All politicians think they can play with Muslims as most get a huge chunk of change from Saudi, Kuwaiti or some other oil rich kingdom. The problem is the Muslims of the Saud regime are not the Muslims of the real world. The Saud family is refined, diplomatic, wise and quite adept at dealing with issues. The Muslim of bin Laden in turn is forceful, dictatorial, shrewd and his answer to an issue to sever one's head off.
I run into Muslims all the time. The cheering British Muslim taunting the west to the ones President Bush parades out to show that Muslims are nice guys too. So nice in fact, the one he had at the White House from California wants to establish his own imam school to certify Muslim teachers in an American brand of Islam sure to please the sophisticated CAIR follower chanting Islamophobia at ever debate to shut up the American infidel once and for all.
The problem for the Keith Ellisons, to the British hordes to those Muslims in America now grinning at their new found power in being Muslims is that it doesn't amount to a fiddler's damn in this world how many Barak Obama's they put forth in Christian guise or how much big of mosque they put up, because their main problem in their Muslim roar is.............they are not Muslims.
That might sound judgemental, but I am not the one judging western Muslims as one bin Laden and Zawahiri are doing it for them.
See while Ellison and company are smiling at television time, there is the fatwa problem of bin Laden for the following reasons.
bin Laden came under a great deal of pressure from Middle East "real Muslims" who look down their noses at everyone else in the world in Islam that he did not warn America enough before 9 11. He took great pains in rectifying this situation by doing the following.
bin Laden asked George Bush to change to Islam and lead America to Islam in order to save it.
bin Laden has repeatedly told American Muslims to flee America in order to save themselves.
The saving bin Laden is speaking of is from nuclear bombs which he has purchased and nuclear bombs he has built which are intended in a mass strike to murder millions of Americans, including children, in response to the deaths of Muslims in the real Muslim Middle East world.
To put it in western terms to understand, Ellie May might be a beauty queen in Rogue Station of Australia, but that crown in London just don't make her Queen of England.
bin Laden has judged already that American Muslims and in fact all western Muslims are not Muslim enough, but akin to infidels to be slaughtered right along with the host nations he intends to bomb with atomic weapons when his time sequence he has worked out since the early part of this century comes to fruition.
American Muslims and their CAIR chanting Islamophobe have a rude awakening about to hit them in their power pocket. bin Laden has judged them acceptable for the slaughter and incinerated they will be chanting their inferior brand of Islam.
None of this had to happen at all. In the Great Plains Indian wars, Indians actually joined the US government when the Indians were terrorizing citizens to put a stop to it.
In World War II, Japanese interns joined the US army to fight American enemies with glory and honor to prove they were loyal Americans.
What though have Muslims done since 9 11?
They started their own Muslim schools to empower themselves. They selected Keith Ellison who with CAIR staged an airline event and are now suing Americans and they coined the phrase Islamophobe to shut up Americans.
There were no mass volunteers like Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders or Japanese Americans to fight American enemies in a Muslim American division which could have destroyed all terrorism in the Middle East. There was no fund drives for injured American soldiers. There were no Muslim celebrities coming forward to urge western Muslims to try to assimilate into American culture by dressing like Americans and there was not one thank you for Americans in giving them a home where they would have been murdered if they stayed in their Islamic nations.
There was though one line in a manifesto, "We do not agree with violence".
But none of that matters, because as the Muslims bellied up the power hog trough pushing security, the rights of other Americans and loyalty out of the way for their own grandiose power schemes, al Qaeda with backing from Islamocommunist leadership in Zawahiri has deemed secular Muslims are a death sentence and bin Laden in his Islamofascist leadership has declared all remaining American Muslims fuel for his atomic fodder.
It might all be quite funny if it were not real Americans who have been fighting this, not taking power trips, being threatened and investing our money in defense who are about to suffer the murder bin Laden is about to inflict on the sophisticated American Muslims.
I know there is a Christian God Whom Muslims will never understand as they deny His character and limit Him to their own base human standards, and this God must find it amusing, how the power god of Islam in America which Muslims have sold their souls for is not going to save them from the very demonic consumption god of allah, the moon god.
American Muslims can roar all they like, but it is the coming deafening roar of a real Muslim in bin Laden's nuclear wind which is going to show them the real power of Islam as it has judged them infidels for the slaughter.