After watching Diane Sawyer and Speaker of the House babe Nance Pelosi do the burkah fashion show for comrade Muslims Ahmadinejad and Assad, I have decided that in fairness western women must now dress in the appropriate religious attire which corresponds with the host peoples they are going to interview. If Muslims can demand that women dress a certain way then sure as the sun rises in good old liberal New York love that Hillary Clinton and fill her up twelve more times Teddy Kennedy that women must dress as the people they are interviewing demand.
Fair is fair in liberalism and we must demand fairness for one small step for Muslim is one giant leap for interviewee kind.

No one in the public ever listens to what women like Brian Williams ever say when they chatter on, so why not give the people what they want and start with the perfect outfit.
What is more interesting than a woman you don't have to listen to, but just look at her with the sound down wearing your best beer. Advertisers would love it and CBS might just get some ratings beyond the kook fringe who believed Dan Rather in forgegate and now only have kook Rosie O'Donnell to watch sitting like a guy and talking like Charlie Sheen still high on a kilo of coke.
The Playboy religion is the next coming attraction since chicas are putting on the old burkah.

It would save allot of time as.....well I was trying to think of some talk show chica who people would want to see naked interviewing someone, but goodness there just isn't anyone out there who wouldn't make most people want to barf.
Maybe in this series, the public could vote like on American Idol which actress they would best like to see playing Barbie Walters in a stripe tease as she interviews Snoop Dog about the dichotomy of his spew being art and Rush Limbaugh's views are considered hate.
Maybe Sean Penn could play that vixen Keith Olberman of MSNBC when he isn't working for the Iranian film festival.

In behold the beauty of the first Islamic woman in a burkah, one wonders just what on earth Muslim women see in homely, sweat smelling lunatics who would rather murder people than do what God commands in caring and loving everyone in trying to help them grow to be all they can be.
Yet for these psychotic turban wearers, Diane Sawyer and Nance Pelosi get all grinny and put on clothes which state, "I am woman. Come dominate me you nasty boy". Something in that just doesn't add up, because these same female creatures mentally castrate all the men in their lives and bash the hell out of Christians for respecting women.
So my new religion is to give women what they want and that is for all people interviewed from now on to not give an interview until the reporterette is attired in the religious apparel sure to please.
Sure it is dangerous as someone is sure to have a MILF complex and want to see old Katie Couric or Meredith Vierra all sagging over the television.....but hey with stand ins and remotes there is always the chance some Carolina Panther cheerleader will be taking the place of toothsome Paula Zahn addressing the pressing question of, "How it is George Bush's fault the Crusades happened even if he wasn't born yet......but he was born of a woman so there must be a connection there."