Dear Mr. Steil,
In reading your current thoughts in Foreign Affairs magazine, I can not help but me amused as you know everything in what you wrote was completely invalid and that your assessment of the dollar not being a viable currency for foreign debt has been caused by the very people promoting your career.
In showman's terms, you are the barker at an economic carnival just as Robert Pastor is the barker at a united North America carnival.
It saddens me when gifted people such as yourself are only promoting venues which benefit the finance community whose policy in international banking has been fractal lending creating the enormous debts which you now state are the reason for a need for an international currency.
All this will do Mr. Steil is put the printing presses out of America and create an international debt where the entire world will be one of elitists such as yourself, no middle class to challenge the financiers and nothing but an in debt class whose entire life is not one of hope, but of taking a government succor to survive.
You know this and this is what is sad considering Adam Smith and Milton Friedman proved what economies could do based upon the Franklin/Jefferson American plan of free enterprise which is what created all of your benefactors.
What you advocate is what all of us saw in the old Soviet system where the state made certain industrialist wealthy as the masses didn't have clothes to the current work to death Chinese manifestation where workers slave for pennies in a 16 hour day for a centralized structure.
These are the ideas you are paid to float for the globalist view and if you did not do it someone else would be paid to do it just like Robert Pastor. All of this is aimed at the end of a sovereign United States which is too large to be controlled to a vassal United States which is manageable.
It is frustrating Mr. Steil as you know this and you are well aware of how good life could be for the entire world population if these communistic type regimes which are kept in place in far flung places for the purposes of extorting raw wealth for the few were turned into Republics. For short sighted reasons, the financial cartels can not see that a billion people as millionaires through wealth creation and not inflation will make them more wealthy than a billion paupers with no future, but the cartel is able to control the few gems coming out of Madagascar.
You advocate a monopoly and monopolies only stagnate. The real production of wealth is diverse currencies which cause competition and competition as in all aspects of life produces greater wealth.
Yours is a generated disaster in the making for the control over nations and economies for the privileged few. Milton Friedman is no longer here to tell you that, but in the spirit of a brighter city on a hill I remind you that and hope your voice can influence your benefactors to the reality that, "The world is a big enough place for all and all in it producing together create a more prosperous world for all".
Thank you for your time and may God bless you and your work.
I am your humble servant.