Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory dickory dock
The mouse is off his block
Hickory dickory daze
The mouse runs through the maze
He keeps banging his head
In mortal dread
That the things he does fear
Are the words right here
Thinking if he ignores the facts
It will change his insane acts
Hickory dickory dork
It is amazing the "brilliant" people who claim to know so much about terrorism and Islam climbing the internet publicity clock daily only to be tied up to a dock in their port of fame and cash in "their agenda of ideas being infallible" that when Truth appears which proves them wrong........it is the Truth which is wrong.
The thing which I have found in these people whose names I am not going to use as it will only feed their New York Times best selling book fame is they are a collection like actresses who care nothing about acting and only being adored.
I have experienced malevolent letters with every bit the venom a terrorist would spew.
I have experienced censorship ever bit as complete as a Wahabbist imam.
I have experienced pure flat worlder mentalities as non intelligent to literal facts as bin Laden's cemented brain.
None of these "experts" know one facet about where Islam came from, what it is now in Islamocommunist and Islamofascist factions to where it is going. They know nothing about it's use and who is using it against the world and who will in time wipe the Muslim problem off the earth when they gain control.
There is though a non stop tirade about George Bush, neocons, America and that greatest of all boogeymen.....Muslims themselves.
No one seems to care one bit that findings show terrorists are upper class, liberal leftists, cajoled to consider terrorism by family and friends, spurred on by internet sites and finally indoctrinated into being murderers once they receive training in an al Qaeda camp.
No where in the above is an imam, a mosque or Islam. Yes Islam is a problem religion in being male oriented and a place that appeals to people of low self esteem in preying on them like Jehovah's Witness, but Islam is not turning out terrorists. The terrorists are only hiding in Islam to give them a god mandate to act out illegally.
There is even more evidence which will never show up on sites nor in books by people make a whole lot of fame and money off of terrorism and Islam now that it is the cash cow for enabler experts to suck the teats until the milking machine burns out.
These "experts" all are part of an anti Iraq war crowd while still preaching against Islam and terrorism. Some come up with the quite amusing Clinton type speak of, "We must disengage in Iraq, but we must remain in contact with fighting terrorism".
That is absolutely bullship. For some reason in their minds, Iraq is somehow a bad place to fight terrorism, but it is a good place to fight terrorism somewhere else. The terrorists are in Iraq and that is one of the finest places to kill terrorists and is why President Bush and his advisors chose it and yet these armchair terrorist Islam experts deem to fight in another place on another day without ever realizing the fact that millions of people are about to die because of their get out of Iraq policies.
Real tactical assessment reveals that leaving Iraq and Afghanistan will provide an immense springboard into Europe and from there into America for terrorists utilizing all sorts of new weapons of mass destruction attacks now in a fertile base of Iraq.
The "experts" though want to hear none of this. They think that all Muslims will just kill themselves and if they don't well America can just whack them a few more times and they will just take it.........like Assad of Syria with Saddam's biological weapons mounted on Russian missiles is not going to fire them on Europe, the Judeans and American bases or that Iran with it's already nuclear arsenal isn't going to fire it's weapons at the Israeli state, American bases and Saudi oil fields when whacked.
These "experts" do not seem to equate that these terrorists want very much exchanges like this so they can so bloody the west that it will retreat. They want the fight because THEY ARE TERRORISTS.
Real assessment shows that if America continues it's withdrawal as these bogus experts are advocating that America will be back in not only Iraq and Afghanistan, but will have to take out Syria, Iran and likely a coup laden Pakistan.
That would be dozens of nuclear missiles and dozens of plague carrying biochemical missiles murdering millions of European and Americans in what would have to be a multi trillion dollar war with a real invasion of millions of people as soldiers in the first stages of a world war.
None of those facts ever come up on "experts" websites, blogs, articles, television and radio interviews nor in their books. These people who are making money off of being experts about Islam, terrorism and the Middle East in league with Democrats playing politics have opened a phase where they are going to be to blame for millions of dead people.
This is not going to be like the movies in 2 hours it is over. This is the real world like Chernobyl where concentrated radioactive fallout is still killing people years later. This is the real world where weapons grade anthrax is going to lay in the ground for generations as people pick it up and get sick from colds they will die immediately as anthrax emerges which was dormant. This is going to be mutant diseases which will only die out when entire populations are dead.
I do get upset by all of this as these expert enablers are messing things up so bad that it is going to change the entire world where the news headlines will be, Damascus was destroyed today........New York was vaporized today by nuclear weapons,  Paris was evacuated today when terrorists caused the meltdown of a nuclear reactor and now rural France is in chaos as three million city people are consuming all the local resources.
People deserve better than that.......ok so maybe they don't as most are Godless, selfish absorbed trash who need flushing from the planet, but they are still people and do have a life which they should be able to live out or screw up without dying of radioactive tumors of puss coming out of their brains.
This is what the "experts" of the flat worlder fame have initiated and no matter the evidence even in commentaries as this one projecting in factual data where this is going they still keep harping about Islam is ideology and not charismatic characters.......
Wake up experts! It is not about Islam.......it is about the mouse running up the Islamic clock making it ding the money till so you can cash in while the bell tolls for the world in a grave from terrorists whose ideology is communism and fascism.
They are working for Russian Bolsheviks, Chinese Communists and Central European Fascists all intent on ruling the world.
Hickory dickory dock
The clock did not strike one
Because midnight has come
....and that means the end is near.