As a child, I was witness to the savagery in the coup manufactured against Richard Nixon and disgusted by the adoration Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were afforded as I watched these two from Hollywood portrayals to drooling interviews which literally revealed Woodward was standing around spoon feeding Bernstein facts he already knew to drive an American coup.
One of the most telling events was Deep Throat basically telling the 2 "reporters" something so obvious as the sky is blue.........and Bernstein was was incapable of understanding until Deep Throat spelled it B L U E.
In relating that, Carl Bernstein is no idiot. He is bright enough, but like all chosen shills for a greater purpose he has a set of bias which run deep, so he can be led to conclusions which always are: Democrats are misunderstood and everyone else is the problem in the world.
That tendency afforded a chosen intelligence operative who served in Naval Intel, one Bob Woodward a wonderful partner to hide behind as his cartel bosses brought down Richard Nixon.
Bernstein has rode the ride since the 1970's in being famous ever since and not knowing quite what to do with himself, but sadly the shill has been dusted off again for a 7 1/2 year in the writing book about one Madame Hillary Clinton just in time for the presidential run off.
Bernstein labors to love Madame Hillary in calling her the most interesting woman of the times, but in his penthouse of money he apparently never ponders the numbers of Muslim women risking their lives to expose Islam, a Laura Bush staying in the White House after 9 11 knowing nuclear bombs were inside America to the trust, grace and dignity she restored to being First Lady after Madame Hillary broke through the China shop to any number of mothers and wives who have sent their husbands and sons to fight in Iraq and deal with real issues of poverty, raising families and dealing with Hillary Clinton attacking their soldier family.
No for Bernstein, a woman I have already psychologically analyzed here in attempting to destroy the "right wing", because daddy and Barry Goldwater both let her down is more alluring in being in need of Christian psychiatric counseling than women dealing with real issues of motherhood and marriage and succeeding in them where Hillary failed.
Bernstein even admits Hillary is a fake, but somehow believes the leopard can change it's spots in a 12 month period of time in actually learning to be honest, learning to be truthful and learning to be comfortable in her own skin........Bernstein believes a great deal and that is why the globalist cartel of Rockefeller led intelligence officers singled Carl out and put Bob Woodward as his handler, because Carl Bernstein can be made to believe anything.
He also can believe his book is revealing the real Hillary when with the Clinton's all that information just does not "happen". Every page was force fed the rotund reporter in the great acting job all the Clinton people are so adept at. They call it acting, but in everyone else's life it is called lying.
Bernstein's book is designed to pluck the goose, so there will be nothing for any of "the vast right wing conspiracy" books to reveal. His book is designed so there are not going to be any Swift Boat Vets sinking the CCP Hillervostok as John Kerry was torpedoed by in those nasty facts of his deceptive life.
These are the best at manipulation in the world these graduate corps of the Tavistock. They had this plan running while Bill was still paying off oil bribe debts from Saddam via the cartel's bag man, Marc Rich.
See that is what Bernstein as a shill is designed to hide. He gets all gynecological exam on Hillary in making us all want to believe that Lady Macbeth was not a sociopath, but just a misunderstood woman that allot of people seemed to die around. Nowhere though does Bernstein examine the literal facts of:
Chinese influence bribes and blackmail of the Clintons.
Saddam's oil bribery scandal which the Clinton's profited by.
That little bag man Vince Foster running funds for the Clintons and how his not liking someone stealing over a million dollars of Foster's own skimmed funds in his squealing about it got him killed with a handy little "point the finger" at Saudi Arabia at Fort Marcey Park.
The allocation of American technology which now has Putin making supersonic cruise missiles and the Chicoms pointing advanced long range nuclear missiles at American cities.
and the list would go on too long, but the truth about Valerie Plame sending Joe Wilson to Niger was to cover up thee fact that Saddam was not shopping for Niger yellow cake uranium, but that Bill Clinton with his socialist bribe buddies in France refined 1.77 tons of Niger weapons grade uranium which was sold to Saddam by Chirac of France for a load of "United Nations food for oil cash".
How do we know it was 1.77 tons? Because that is what the published reports from the Department of Defense state America recovered and removed from Iraq after it's liberation to White Sands in New Mexico.
Bernstein somehow misses in his political puppy love of Hillary the real stories which President Bush directed the Department of Justice not to investigate as he knew the Clintons would be in prison and the American political system would have crumbled, because of all of this traitorous lawlessness.
Unfortunately, Bernstein concludes that a traitorous, criminal psychotic couple would do well in the White House again........overlooking every bad thing the United States has suffered from 9 11 to the nuclear exchanges we will be facing in the coming years are all from this psychotic couple.
Inspired people though Carl Bernstein, sadly Carl Bernstein have concluded exactly what you are and you should be ashamed if you were not a shill pretending as deluded as Hillary Clinton that the things you make up are only what matters.
God help the good in America.