Il y a une qualite' chez un vrai homme qui quand chacum autrement court loin, un homme est celui qui marche dedans.
These are words which the cowards of communist China who make billions off of slave labor, run drugs, slavery, arms and terrorists in their COSCO container ships and are so afraid to show their own people the bravest man who ever walked in China, Tank Man.
This gentleman is unknown in China as much as the Chicoms shooting, murdering and executing their own citizens for doing the unheard of thing of actually talking and thinking in wanting to protect their own city of Peking from military invasion by the People's Liberation Army or the Murderous Mob of Tiananmen Square.
1 simple Chinese man standing up to 4 tanks and then spirited away by either concerned Chinese or the nefarious Chicom Police who beat, torture, sell a few kidneys and murder their own citizens who are not of the party.
You would if Chinese never hear of such things, not because of the Chicoms so much but as the robber barons named Yahoo, Google, Cisco and Bill Gates who sensor news and information. Tiananmen in Google, Yahoo, MSN and Cisco only comes up with lovely pictures of communist China with no photos of bleeding mutilated bodies in hospitals and morgues by the PLA in dispersing the freedom advocates of China.
That is the filthy secret of American business which includes Boeing who literally fund the communists of China, make billions raping those people so the people in the cities can have a taste of "life" which means 20 dollars a day, working yourself to exhaustion and then being fired after 5 years by the Chicoms as you are all used up.
China has pillow cities, bedding cities, cities for anything specialized where they work people to death and discard them all to keep the murderous mob of Chicoms in power.
That though is the good "life" in Chinese cities as the good death in the countryside peasantry is starving as no one can make a living farming. So the workers all filter into the cities under special permits to do construction like at the upcoming Olympics where after a year of slavery they find out slavery is real........as the workers are not paid a dollar for a year's labor and they simply in exasperation commit suicide.
I have seen China in action and it is nothing modern. In the civilized world a tree is moved by a payloader for beautification for the Olympics. In China, it is how many Chinese in usually a dozen can they work to death to move on tree.
All of that is the robber barons creed in the literal slave masters who even own Blogger are the notorious boys from Google who sit in their fancy homes, counting their billions, disgracing American holidays like George Washington's birthday, but making certain they honor Chicom New Year.
It is time that the "Americans" from Bill Gates to the jerks at Yahoo who handed over the name of the person in China reporting on the Olympics which was information the Chicoms wanted suppressed.....and this poor Chinese man is now sitting in prison for 10 years for sending an email......to those nation rapists George Soros and Warren Buffet are all brought up on charges from human trafficking to the pillaging of national economies.
It is time President Bush stopped being a whore for big business and created a Gitmo Camp for billionaire rapists aiding American enemies and repressing the God given right of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
It is time President Bush, as General George Patton said of Dwight Eisenhower, start acting like an American for Americans and stopped the profit for exploitation of dumping illegal Mexicans raping our women and our economy all so Farm and Construction cartels can make billions more.
All of this bovine excrement must stop! American companies have a mandate to not rape other citizens of the world nor rape the citizens of the United States. American politicians have a Constitutional order to uphold liberty and not bastardize this Republic for their elected power.
I will not stop in this in just blaming the United States as Europe is the worst in getting United States stolen money by despots getting loans at the World Bank to selling weapons of mass destruction to thugs like Saddam to butcher his own people and export it to Sudan for Muslims to butcher Christians.
This rampage is all through the Middle East in all the despots from Ahmadinejad to Khadaffi all telling their citizens one thing, blaming Americans and Judeans while they rape their people of money.
The Israeli state is no different in importing Czech women for whoring to the drug trade and Olmert preying on Judeans so his Ashkenazi minority can rule "their" nation.
Africa is rife with butchery of citizens from the communists of South Africa exporting nuclear bomb technology to Iran to Robert Mugabe of Rhodesia committing genocide on white people while murdering blacks.
Russia with Putin is no different in creating Chechnya and butchering Muslims there so he can cement his dictator's rule while bashing the west as he becomes oil blackmailer to the world.
All of this savagery, butchery and inhumanity is rotting from the top down with the majority just accepting this rape of their nations as the media tells us how good Warren Buffet is, how we all should marvel at Bill Gates and how China is such a robust economy.
All of this must stop and I believe God will stop it as He records all events and what is going on now is worse than Sodom and the cities of the plain, Nineveh and Tyre combined.
China is suffering in drought. America is in economic ruin by these rapist barons. Russia is in self destruction as it attempts to bully Europe which will rise to a Eurasian war and Africa is a festering aids pool returning to the land where lion dung is filled with the people it feeds on.
This is all disgusting and it all begs the ever more shining light of the great leaders like George Washington to a guy in China over decade ago now called Tank Man whose dandruff is more precious than all the kickbacks lining the billion dollar pockets of the Chicom crooks who rule that miserable nation.
Tank Man, the world requires your example to inspire as all we are deluged with is SINsperation with a capital S from all the pretty and powerful people feeding on the world's citizenry like vultures in a maggot infested kill.
God save the Good. In His Name. Amen
The real man walks in when the others are fleeing.