I would like everyone to behold the above as Allah Gore's fraud evidence of GlobAL Warming as the following debunks him along with all the other money whore enviro leftists trying to use global warming to ruin nation states and seize power.
(The evidence I have conducted shows that there will be a fraction of ONE DEGREE increase perhaps, but what is causing ice melt is not "heat",but solar radiation from the sun in a specific cycle frequency like microwaves in your kitchen cause heating but not heat.)
In any case, I would like you to focus on the "white objects" in photos, BECAUSE THEY ARE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE REPORTING STATIONS.
You will notice one is right next to a trash burner and the other is next to a brick house and asphalt driveway. Anyone with sense knows this kind of heat and heat retaining structures will inflate heat readings AND THIS IS WHAT ALLAH GORE USES IN HIS GLOBAL WARMING RELIGION AS "EVIDENCE".
I can point to my local weather service station although I have never seen it I know exactly where it is, because no matter the day it will ALWAYS IN LATE AFTERNOON TO SUNDOWN SPIKE a huge reading in heat not matching other local cities.
The reason is they have this station the west side of a building in direct sunlight and it is surrounded by asphalt tar. It is like the station is in an oven.
These same false readings are all across the world. Most stations are located in towns which because of the heat of auto exhaust, homes leaking heat, sewers leaking heat and all those shingles, tar roads and concrete sidewalks are causing readings which look like the earth is heating up when it is no different if you put your thermometer inside you car and saw it was 120 degrees every day and concluded oh it is a heatwave.
Please people consider the facts and use God's Wisdom to ponder the real things going on. Just because icebergs are melting does not mean "greenhouse gases" as there are different kinds of solar heat and solar heat does indeed heat the earth not people farting.
There is nothing which can be done about the heating as it is solar and the sun is always in flux.
Many learned people even believe that a warming planet will make Canada and Siberia huge grain fields to feed the world. I contend that a warming planet (which I do not believe is occurring yet) will create MORE PRECIPITATION in larger fronts slamming into continents and where moisture was being dropped out in mountains these new larger fronts will push over the barriers and make the drier areas wetter in snow and rain.
Evidence is starting to suggest just that happening, along with an interesting fluctuation in temperatures of being overtly cool for a period and then warming up rapidly.
None of that is a bad thing as people living in Montana have done quite well with below zero temperatures one day and due to Chinook winds been 60 degrees the next.
All of this is about the pictures though below.....Allah Gore is telling you a thermometer by a trash burner proves global warming when all it proves is the National Weather Service hires idiots who put thermometers beside ovens.
God bless the Good and His Understanding to All.