Monday, August 27, 2007

Gonzales Repaid

I will keep reposting this so people understand the reason the Democrats
went after Alberto Gonzales as it has everything to do with the "coup to
get George Bush" just like this same cartel went after Nixon and got him.

If you remember from 2001 onward, there has been a strange "impeach
Bush" mantra coming from these globalist leftist when Bush had not done
anything and just got into office. There was a plan hatched after 9 11
which was meant to bring down a sitting President of the United States
in a Watergate style coup of dragging the President into an "event" he
had nothing to do with.

The basis of this was Clinton keeping Saddam in power and Saddam bribing
most of the western world with billions. Part of what Clinton signed off
on was Saddam paying France to refine 1.77 tons of weapons grade uranium
out of Niger.

This blew up before the liberation of Iraq and is why Val Plame working
for the Rockefeller Clinton faction was employed to shut down the Iraq
war and cover up this huge scandal in sending Joe Wilson to "find
nothing" and then go on a rampage in the press. These people knew if
Saddam was caught that this would spill out. (Bush later to keep the
allied powers and the United States from political implosion covered
this all up.....and it is why Saddam's papers were not translated as
worse scandals were hidden there.)

It was deemed by the globalists that Bush having taken their billion
dollar Saddam from them that he had to be punished. The first thing they
did was work with the Russians and central Europeans to implode Iraq in
violence........the second measure was the set up of "Val Plame was leaked".

Yes she was leaked by cartel operatives Richard Armitage and Colin
Powell. Do not think these people just because they serve Republicans
are any more Republican than Kissinger ever was. They work for the CFR
and that is who their allegiance is based.

In this Armitage chose Bob Novak who he hated. Novak is known to talk to
everyone including Karl Rove. This was the first leverage to tie this
into the White House........the "Watergate" moment though was to come
after Armitage and Powell gave testimony to Patrick Fitzgerald.

It was AT THAT MOMENT that Armitage and his lawyers PHONED THE WHITE
HOUSE. They spoke with then White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales in
"asking him if he wanted to be briefed on what was said in closed

Gonzales was expected like all Counsels to immediately take the bait and
be informed.......this would then bring closed testimony into the White
House. Gonzales would then according to the coup plot notify the
President of what he was briefed on..........AND AT THAT MOMENT IS WHEN
WATERGATE II WOULD INITIATE, because then the coup plotters would have a
sitting President learning about evidence he should not.

IMMEDIATELY, a David Gregory would be "tipped off" by Armitage that he
told Gonzales secret testimony........Gregory would then in public ask
Bush what he knew, when he knew it blah blah........Bush was expected
like Nixon to deny it as all Presidents do.........and with that you had
a Watergate coup or impeachment which Democrats were promised would
happen in the same way Dan Rather was promised Forgegate was real as
these are all the same trusted sources.

The problem was Alberto Gonzales when asked by Armitage said NO and
protected the President. An entire coup operation meant to impeach Bush
was stopped by Gonzales who probably still does not know what he did as
it was that subtle of a plot.

The globalist leftists though have been furious over this in being made
fools of and this is why the furious attacks on him were undertaken "to
make him pay".

The headlines were meant to be in 2003 or in 2006, President Bush
tampers with Patrick Fitzgerald Investigation; Impeachment Likely.

Instead Fitzgerald sat on this as Novak stated for 2 years, ruined
Scooter Libby, drove Rove from office and only got Alberto Gonzales.
This was a disaster for the liberals in all these coup attempts
literally tanked and they never tagged Bush like they did Nixon. (Iran
Contra was another coup against Reagan)

This is what Alberto Gonzales was persecuted for and not these attorney
firings which he had every right to do. It would be wonderful if talk
radio would actually bring all of this out, but when you have Michele
Malkin ignoring things along with the rest one starts concluding that
the Conservative voices owe their employment to some rather connected
people too in the globalist community and as Rush Limbaugh says often
enough, "There is more to this I know than I can say".

It is a sad thing like Ray Donovan said during the Reagan years, "I have
been cleared, but where do I go to get my reputation back?"

Alberto Gonzales served the United States and protected the United
States and for that this good Hispanic American was crucified. It is
shameful.........but hey, Mike Chertoff who is apparently a globalist
liberal will be AG. Almost have all the fox watching the hen house again.

God help America.