Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Taxstock Syndrome

No one seems to comprehend the study I did explaining taxes in that it
is not about 40 cents on a gallon of gas or citizens who do work have to
work until June to just pay off the taxes levied on them each year.

THE FACT IS THE GOVERNMENT like all governments have a 100% tax plus on
every dollar in circulation. Here is how it works.

You spend a dollar in Jersey. They have a 6 cent sales tax on it. That
leaves 94 cents of that dollar in circulation. The merchant takes it to
the bank and gets hit with 27% income taxes. That leaves 67 cents. The
bank now pays the teller that dollar in wages and she is taxed once
again 27% which leaves 40 cents.

She buys a pizza on the way home and off goes 6 cents again to 34 cents
left. The merchant gets taxed 27% again which leaves 7 cents and pays
their waitress and once gain the 27% shows up and that dollar is now 20
cents in the red and the government now has taxed that dollar out of

So in basic tax economics, in 6 exchanges the government has taken that
entire dollar back without doing a thing and left the citizen with a
debt which keeps growing. Everytime that dollar is spent the government
like loan sharks skim their high interest share.

It is so asinine and ludicrous to hear people saying the governments is
not legally stealing enough money from citizens. The average dollar
turns over 6 times a day. That means at a 20 cent debt in a years time
amounts to 73 dollars on each dollar.

Want to know why the Federal Reserve which is owned by Rockefellers,
French and English Rothschilds, Warburgs and a host of foreigners get
rich? They print American money. Loan it to the US Treasury which loans
YOUR OWN MONEY TO YOU. In debt lending, they gain interest and to keep
the control on the masses they over tax them so they can not afford
basics and have to "have the government" provide services.

All that scam does is impoverish citizens more quickly and voila it is a
monopoly pay out in money control to the cartels from finance, to
medicine, to education, to military who just have billion dollar checks
written to them as it is easier than fleecing individual citizens.

That should explain the "system" so even dolts who think they are not
paying enough in taxes. I only wonder are they going to be offering up
their kidneys and their virgin daughters too as they have nothing left
now and this debt system demands to be paid.

This cartel bankrupted the British Empire before it sank it's fangs into
America which it is currently bankrupting. The only reason they have not
moved on is there is no other economy worth moving to.

I do not call people names, but it is a fact that anyone who says
citizens are not being taxed enough are absolute morons in the literal
definition of the word.

This all can be fixed as Milton Friedman implemented for the Baltic
states which are prosperous, have ample government revenue WITH THE POOR
NOT PAYING TAXES. If it would work, I would beg Fred Thompson to
implement the old American economic system.......but the problem is
there just is no one in or out of government who understands basic

I have been lecturing about this for years and the above on how
governments eat all money through taxes has never been explained before
for some reason, but people have to debate this as there is no sense in
being tax slaves and then whining for heavier chains.

It is like the Stockholm Syndrome in a Taxstock Syndrome ignorance.
