Sunday, September 2, 2007

$82,000 Poor

The New York Times is advocating now that an $82,000 family is poor, I
know that it is easy to satire this as Limbaugh and others have done,
but can not Fred Thompson utilize this for the common American
supporting the GOP as they can understand this issue.

Is not something wrong with a system where 82,000 dollars is considered
in need of welfare.....of course it is.

Most of us can remember at least as children going with our mothers into
a grocery store and for 20 dollars we got 4 huge bags of food. We can
remember gas at 35 cents, really nice houses where rich people lived
were $50,000 and Gramma and Grampa could live comfortable on $200 a month.

People do not seem to understand that houses, gas, groceries or the cost
of living has not gone up........but inflation has driven up prices BY
MAKING THE US DOLLAR CHEAP so it takes more money to live.

Reaganomics is always a feature here and I mentioned Milton Friedman the
genius who built upon the Adam Smith and Benjamin Franklin doctrines how
money supply and capitalism works so all people prosper. For people who
lived through Richard Nixon price controls and Jimmy Carter stagflation
we remember prices jumping by 5 dollars per month on items....and it was
cheaper to buy things that month than wait a month as the dollar was
cheapening so fast.

Those were the days when Argentina too was an economic disaster in
prices raising 300 percent a month.

What as I sit here am trying to explain is Ronald Reagan proved what I
still consider could not happen, but it did in the 1980's by having low
interest loans, high interest bank savings accounts, NO inflation and in
fact price deflation with wages increasing.

That is the economy Americans need to have restored. It does no one any
good to have your home which you paid $100,000 for going to
$150,000........because your house did not increase in value ALL THAT
HAPPENED WAS THE DOLLAR DECREASED IN VALUE.....and while you ponder your
$50,000 increase you do not notice that increase is eaten up by food,
gas, interest and cost of living inflation.

I would beg if it would help for Fred Thompson and the GOP to get that
point. America should be a place where every working citizen should be
able to become a millionaire TO AFFORD TO PAY FOR THEIR OWN HEALTH

I have advocated that income tax free corporations doing deep sea mining
to sell metals to the Eurasians would create the Franklin wealth to
increase money supply and make America a lender nation again bringing
prosperity in the balance of trade. I will also bet that there is more
renewable crude oil under the ocean just under the surface in gushers to
plunge oil prices which will stop all of this nonsense about funded
terrorism, Russian aggression to the world and America in debt.

There is an absolute way out of this mess with real solutions. These
corporations for profit would pay no taxes as would employees if they
invested back into America. In numbers this would be TRILLIONS of
dollars not in inflationary terms, but in literal wealth created terms.
For students of history, America would be awash with money as the
British Empire was in the days of Victoria.

Ronald Reagan proved this can be done and with certain public investment
projects driven by private industry like a new tube train linking the
United States with 200 mph underground trains, each state would then
share the wealth and our airline industries could transfer part of their
carry capacity to trains and Detroit could make the new technology which
would all employ high paying jobs for Americans.

There are numerous chain reactions which will be enabling to spur this
American economy for the benefit of citizens. I designed a gravitational
water "engine" which is perpetual in generating electricity which is
nothing more than a counter weight clock that uses high pressure pumps
to move water around, all self contained, all clean........which would
power America in electricity in a new industry we could export and
license around the world.

Everything is there and just waiting for a national leader to convince
the banking cartels to get on board and abandon their petty control
cliques as what they are doing is going to start nuclear and biological
wars in the next decade which will even consume them.

This tax enslavement of Americans must end. It is as repulsive today as
when Edmund Burke in the British Parliment railed against it as
enslavement of the colonial Americans over 200 years ago.

Milton Friedman found a man in Ronald Reagan who understood this. I know
if enough people keep informing someone like Fred Thompson enough that
he will understand it.

I will repeat my doctrine which I formed now 20 years ago, "America
should be a place where EVERY citizen can become a millionaire".

That is something the American voter understand, will grasp when you
show them Reagan proved it economically and that the British lived it by
generating wealth. This is the 2008 direction the United States of
America must seize for our economic and security future. America
becoming so economically powerful that no nation would dare attack us
will stop the terrorism and the need for wars as America through
leverage can persuade nations to join our lead as it is the proven best

God bless.