Friday, August 31, 2007

The Real 11th Hour

Gorbachev after being tossed out decided with the European narco banking
cartel that "green" movements were how the communists would make inroads
into the west in how to weaken their economies. DiCaprio is no different
from the peace mobs who hooked up to Cindy Sheehan who are no different
than the KGB peace movements against Reagan and the west in the 1980's.

This is an intelligence operation being run out of the originators of
the communist movement, the Rothschilds in funding Karl Marx. The
letters have changed from KGB to FSG, the old geezer Soviets are now
belligerent Putin, but the cartel remains the same using "issues" to
skim money from the west and to gain power for a worldwide control.

Right now the Russian FSB and GRU are running the Islamocommunist
movement attacks on America. Zawahiri is their turban boy who hijacked
bin Laden's al Qaeda. I have maintained for the past year that bin Laden
is basically being held hostage and Zawahiri is only keeping him alive
as a fall guy when the nukes go off in America.

After the real WMD dust up in the Middle East to clean the Judeans out
of Judea so the Ashkenaz sect out of Europe who follow the cult of
Shabbatai Zvi (the enlightened one) will control east Judea and the West
Bank (under Jordanian and central European control) then a real 11th
hour is coming.

I can point to a mathematics I have been developing on frequency called
photon physics that there is going to be a winking out in earth
frequency as it spins on it's axis and changes polar direction in the
next few years where great upheaval will occur. This is all part of
God's Master plan, but the earth and the sun are about to be shaken to
their foundations.

If I may point to real geo and meteorological facts of what America used
to be like. Davey Crocket in his memoirs wrote of huge earthquakes in
the Kentucky region while hunting there with great chasms torn in the
ground. Read Custer and Roosevelt's accounts of the Great Plains in
storms starting exactly like America is entering in again.

Do you know the only reason that can be linked to why the weather
behaved in America each time settlers came into new regions? It is
Christian worship. The Light frequency of goodness reflected in God was
blessed and peace along with prosperity followed.

Want to know when the bad events started happening on a national scale
and recently with storms hitting towns when that never happened before.
The answer is the sexual revolution and the abandonment of God.

Earth is reflecting a dark force now and people are magnifying it. It is
the debauchery of the days of Noah and the frequency of people with the
demonic they are empowering are driving earth and everyone to a
cataclysm. It has nothing to do with CO2, fuels or the physical.

The feeling that everything is speeding up is a reality, but it has
nothing to do with time. It has to do with the earth axis crossing the
constellations in a quicker pattern. It used to occur on a slower
pattern, but as in God's time clock earth enters a new age the earth is
like a strobe light hitting the cosmic pulse faster in the cycle and hat
is what people are feeling.

There is going to be this unleashing of forces which God in blessing
Christians has subdued. There is no reason for the entire time the
United States has been planted on God in science why the sun which is a
yellow dwarf has been behaving. Yellow dwarf stars are notorious for
freezing and cooling planets and yet our sun has been doing wonderfully.

None of this is by accident in this "God math", just like asking any
physicist the question in how the moon can not be in the sky as earth
does not have the mass to snare it nor create it....and yet is perfectly
there and impossible in physics to be there. Exactly in place for moon
phases in earth shadow and exactly in position to the sun for eclipses
with a corona.

The 11th Hour is coming and Hollywood is clueless as the last Advent is
about to be fulfilled in perfect chorus, mandible, cosmos and Spiritual.
It will have nothing to do with will have to do with the
powers which unleashed Hitler and Stalin on the planet. The powers are
operating in the Middle East in their receptive fields they have always
operated through.

After the Mideast dust up, there is going to be an arming, positioning,
assassinations, maneuverings like the world has not known. When the
Eurasians arm for battle again the historic tribes will follows the
World War II patterns they followed since the days of Assyrian and
Babylon. The war will be fought in the physical but is being initiated
in the spiritual, the Light and the anti light.

The initiate wants the Temple Mount for who walked there long ago to
bring that force back. They will build a temple in Jerusalem to it and
that is what this entire dance is about in the leveraging against
America. These are the same frequency lines radiating out of the
universe into Earth and power doors or ladders to the dimensions
Einstein never equated in his missing combined theory.

America has not reached the threshold, but it is come and will not end
now until this people is held and threshed. This is the most marvelously
constructed time in these thousands of years history. Prophets looked at
it and could not comprehend it for it's depths but the Words given them
were sealed for the time they would be needed.

The Advent is years away yet, but this is being driven now and it will
not stop. The Hollywood types like DiCaprio and Robbins will never find
this entire sphere of understanding as they are looking in the wrong
place away from the Source.

Oh the earth is going to be scorched as the pulse winks out, but it is
not about the CO2.......people will probably hope for clouds then to
lessen the radiant heat that the earth is "sweating" away now.

agtG 235