Sunday, June 22, 2008 What the Hell do you Think War Is?

In receiving emails from asinine people with allot of globalist funding,
I got one today asking me to sign a petition to stop the United States
from using cluster bombs.

I just sat there incredulous wondering what does think
war is?

Is war some Tom Hanks where only some bad guys get killed, some good
cowards get killed and everyone goes home feeling sad?

It is just something beyond my understanding such stupidity as liberals
come up with.

Martin Sheen and his ditzy lot hated nuclear weapons and they must be
Dudes do you realize that America can not make enough bullets to kill
200 million Chinese or that millions of Russians being bullet fodder
would bankrupt America?

The reason America has nuclear, biological, chemical and cluster bombs,
thermobaric bombs etc... is because they keep hordes from starting wars
where those same hordes not being stopped in Asia or Europe will next
show up on commondreams doorstep, raping, pillaging and murdering.

Want to see what war looks like?

Ask the people who lost in South Vietnam in the brutalization they went
Ask the Serbs how much fun it was to be on the wrong side of the money coin.

The problem is the fact that war is not brutal enough and some Euopeans
thought up rules so you could misbehave, get a few million people
killed, your women gang raped by Russians and then go home to your
palace. War is a brutal thing and the US Pentagon has made it look so
simple that liberal twits think American victories just happen.

The reason one uses cluster bombs is so that soldier who actually went
to war while your commondreams types smoked dope and hid under Chelsea
Clinton's bed gets to come home.
Cluster bombs kill effectively masses of troops the first time so they
hiding under a rock don't get to rise up with at Russian AK 47 and shoot
an American hero.

You make the thug on the other side die for his despot while th
American just has to come home to excrement like John Murtha,
commondreams, George Soros and nuclear bomb loving Barack Obama who
wants to vaporize the Pashtun.

Amazing though that commondreams has no petition to stop Barack Obama
from blowing up Muslims in Pakistan, but it does have a petition to stop
George Bush once again to effectively keep America secure.

As typical when you are a liberal hating America and being a racist
hating those colored people "over there", that is a good policy in using
nuclear warheads, but is bad policy when a white American is winning wars.
