Sunday, June 22, 2008

Vero Possum

It is often a Jimmy Carter crap shoot to see how long before the media
will turn on a candidate who is showing Bill Clinton signs of
psychopathies which should scare liberals as people who are mentally
unstable do not belong with fingers on nuclear warheads, but yet here
stands Barack Obama in the first moments of his leadership of the
Democratic Party and some very bizarre and troubling actions are

First, the great debate has been to put Hillary Clinton on the ticket as
Vice President.

Mr. Obama's first public action was to hire former fired hispanic Patty
Solis Doyle of the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Solis Doyle is reported as the source of the Vanity Fair smear on the
Clintons and she has not been speaking to Hillary nor Hillary to her as
they apparently do more than hate each other.
In short, a Democratic fund raiser in New York but it plainly that
Barack Obama just gave Hillary Clinton the biggest F*ck you in American
political history.

This gives in depth insight to Mr. Obama as he is trying to win the
presidency with the need of a group of white and brown racist Democrats
whom Hillary Clinton has millions of, but Barack Obama instead chooses
to publicly slap the most powerful white liberal woman in America.
To use in understandable military terms, this would be like Dwight
Eisenhower kicking British General Montgomery to the curb and appointing
German Nazi Rudolf Hess to command British forces.

This is beyond reasonable. This is a presidential candidate whose sole
intent was revenge at all costs.

Is this someone the American people nor media wants with fingers on
nuclear bombs or mandates to suspend the Constitution?

Second major action is Barack Obama has changed the Presidential Seal of
the United States ridding it of the creed, "One Nation out of Many
Peoples and States".
Mr. Obama has now changed it to Vero Possumus. While the media seems to
enjoy being ignorant in translating this phrase as "Yes We Can" loosely
they inform the public it is vital to read the exact Latin words.

VERO: To be sure of the Truth

POSSUM: To be capable of

If one links it to the common phrase, possum posse potum, it relates the
ability to avail one's position to have influence.

The truth for Barack Obama's America is disunity with him as a leader
tearing down tradition or Constitution.
Those are his own actions.

None of that loosely translates Yes We Can, but it does mimic the
mindset of the Muslim Brotherhood and Marxism which both are communist
fronts to first infiltrate and then change the existing status to the
communist dogma.

In addition the National Coat of Arms has been removed by Mr. Obama, and
replaced with a yet to be explained rising sun with 3 bars across it.
Conjecture is out yet on his 3 bars or chevrons as to what is going on
in his mind that 3 whatevers mean something to him.

The doctrine which Mr. Obama manifests is one of ripping apart the
United States, and as president his chief mandate is protecting the
Constitution, but his entire first acts is to attack the office of
President and replace it with the Obama doctrine of America divided,
it's heraldic past wiped out for a sun symbol.

To put it in layman's terms, screwing over an enemy and rubbing their
nose in it in a most malevolent way Barack Obama did to Hillary Clinton
shows a rage beyond even Bill Clinton's purple tantrums. Barack Obama
has shown a side of himself which is quite juvenile and highly vindictive.

This streak of juvenile behavior reflects in the deep rooted scarring of
his mother, mentor's, his wife, his clergy and himself in a hatred for
America in showing his first act is not to be President of the United
States, but a dictator shaping himself as the symbol of America in the
rising SON.

This underlies the troubling profiles of a lurking group which includes
celebrities who term Barack Obama, the "messiah" in extremely strange
rhetoric, even coming out of Oprah Winfrey.

All of this should be red lights, sirens and tidal wave warning that all
is not psychologically well with Barack Obama and before Jimmy Kimmel
grins another vote for Obama commercial it is time the kids in the big
media start looking at this changling they have brought into the halls
of power as he is not the smiling persona his propaganda notes.

This man Barack Obama is not psychologically balanced and is behaving
like petty tyrants before they became major Hitler headaches for the world.

*Let Time Prove the Words which They Confess

*laissez-les prouver avec du temps ce qu'ils admettent avec des mots