Friday, June 27, 2008

Jeff Rense and the uneven Balance

My purpose in life is Truth, the Truth of God and not from my world view.

In that, Jeff Rense and other purveyors of profit find their places here being exposed. I do a great deal of hammering Mr. Rense, but this time I will instead point out a few of the things right about Jeff Rense.

Jeff Rense is correct about the Second Amendment. He has fine guests on dealing with the base of freedom to the United States in being pro gun and defense.
He will even from his vegan prejudice not call for an end to hunting although he never would hunt he states.

Jeff Rense is correct on the secular Jewish manipulation of the holocaust, but will then swerve into incorrectly using the term Zionist when God is a Zionist, speak like Philistine neo Syrians are victims and not state the problem is secular "Jews" whose religion is of the Khazar line of a false messiah and false illumination based in the Babylonian Mystery Religion.

Jeff Rense does a number of these issues and a few times in 100% correct, sometimes 70% correct and sometimes he is 100% wrong.

For example being right on the gun issue, he will still for 8 years bash the living hell out of George Bush, but not happen to mention the United States has firearms for all citizens now because of George Bush and the people who supported him. It was the Conservatives who held Mr. Bush to the facts and put in Justice Roberts and Justice Alito.
It was Mr. Rense who in being uneven in anarchy with inept ranters like Devvy Kidd who have brought down George Bush so that the causes which Mr. Rense is interested in for the good of America and the world have not had the opportunity to be implemented.

Devvy Kidd wants to topple John McCain and Mr. Rense promotes her and often refers to John McCain in the worst of terms...........yet it will be a President McCain who will give Mr. Rense his 6 - 3 to 7 - 2 vote which he is wanting in the Supreme Court for pro gun issues, pro United States Amendment and Constitutional issues and a continuation of the Bush peace process of hitting terrorists, making Iraq sound so it with other Arabs can police the Muslim nation all so America can get out of that region and let it snipe at itself.

If Mr. Rense was more even in considering that a Gore/ Hillary / Obama ticket will mean nuclear exchanges in the Middle East to more Ginsburg, Breyer patricians stealing rights of citizens, then perhaps he would start seeing the battlefield for what it is in one picks the battles so you get an Alito, but you also make certain that when impeachment nonsense comes up that you tell the world, "Hey we had this under Nixon and got disaster Carter and people being stupid in electing Bill Clinton and then forcing an impeachment got us 9 11".

As I informed Mr. Rense years ago, 9 11 was a Clinton operation in letting terrorists in to make them look good over all the al Qaeda attacks in capturing them and make George Bush look like a dolt as he didn't know the Gorelick operation was running.
The problem is Gorelick lost the terrorists and yes the buildings were brought down, because it was better that a few thousand died than half a million as al Qaeda had planned in a chain reaction.......and yes that means the US government did the demolition, but that does not make it means it was doing it's job in a horrid situation.

I have told Jeff Rense which end was up often enough to be ignored or to have a snotty reply from him as he was ticked about the exposure that vegan diets are not beneficial in the long term. So I know his egomania and his being petty. I also know in him there is a bright person who does read enough blog slaps where he starts pulling back and acting American and not promoting issues and anarchy which is playing into the hands of the very people he states he is trying to protect himself from.

As he stated, there are not enough guests to go around for all the programs..........well there are enough guests if one bothers to bring on experts who actually are not selling books of lies like on peak oil or one of his sponsors like Lorraine Day or the Herbal Healer chicks whose ideas I tried both got me quite ill.

Art Bell before he did this used to have fun. Mr. Rense needs to have fun and start weeding out the satanists and the book promotions who are all being funded by George Soros. Then he will start being even and causing just as many problems as he says he is trying to solve.
