Friday, June 27, 2008

Larry Sinclair July 4th, 1776

In the days of colonial America, British troops quite abusively pasted American citizens. Much to the delight of Americans they were arrested for trial, but much to the chagrin of Americans John Adams rose to their defense in court as he stated that all people deserved their moment in court for a fair hearing.

A day ago I tried to post on Daniel Pipes site an answer to his question that should Barack Hussein Obama be trusted in stating he is a "christian" and not a Muslim. I stated NO by fact and Truth, Mr. Pipes stated he did trust Mr. Obama on his word alone..........the problem is the following was censored from appearing on Mr. Pipe's site much like the fair hearing all deserve probably because Larry Sinclair at the heart of this advocacy does not fit the bias of the powers that be in this world.

Last week Mr. Sinclair held a National Press Club briefing at which he was arrested at on a false charge by the District of Columbia on a sealed grand jury warrant from Delaware.
Mr. Sinclair has never been arrested, convicted nor jailed in Delaware, but yet DC stated he was a fugitive from justice.
The district attorney in DC refused to prosecute an Obama thug who threatened Mr. Sinclair, his mother and his attorney, but he did lock up Mr. Sinclair with a willing judge for 4 days illegally without medicines he required as Mr. Sinclair has a brain tumor and without phone contact.

This was after Mr. Sinclair asked for release so he could report to Delaware.

Mr. Sinclair was informed by an officer of the Delaware court that a Title 9 existed which meant DC should have only notified him to report to Delaware.

In Delaware, the judge there could not even find out what the charges Mr. Sinclair was being held on and eventually on personal recognisance allowed him to be released on condition he reports back to court.

Mr. Sinclair has been stalked by Obama supporters as they have boasted online.

In addition, Mr. Sinclair received a notice from Social Security dated the day his "warrant" was handed down that all of his medical and financial benefits were aborted and he was now required to repay all the Social Security had provided.

To review, an American citizen was kidnapped on trumped up charges in DC by local and federal officials including the US Marshals. He was denied medical treatment and medications. He was denied for 4 days contact with any legal counsel. He has now been harassed, intimidated and had his Constitutional rights violated.
In short, terrorists in Gitmo have had better treatment than Mr. Sinclair.

To this, complete silence from the homosexual groups, complete ignoring from ACLU, complete blindness by Democrats and Republicans and complete deafness and media blackout which includes people like Daniel Pipes.
Personally, I pray Mr. Sinclair is led to repent from sodomy and finds salvation in Jesus the Christ as it is a harmful and destructive deathstyle, but in the absolute necessity of Mr. Sinclair as an American this blog will champion his right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in his rights as a citizen not being trampled upon by Barack Obama, the globalist machine, the media of all forms and this putrid group of terrorists operating jihad in the United States government.

No one deserves what Larry Sinclair is going through and it is absolutely shameful the silence coming from the so termed self appointed champions of American rights.

....and what has Mr. Sinclair been speaking of? Barack Obama and he met in Chicago at the herding of a limo driver a few years ago where they both engaged in snorting coke, crack and sodomite activity including the limo and a hotel room.

The internet is steamed up with the hot experts espousing ideas about Islam, is Barack Obama a Muslim and is a hidden agenda taking place.........all from experts like Robert Spencer from Jihad Watch in his elementary dialogues concerning what Islam is.

What are the facts concerning Barack Obama in this in parallel of Islam?

How many people now are rotting in prisons in Islamocommunist nations for daring to speak out against the thug in power?

How many sodomite relationships are involved in by imams across the Middle East and the infamous Yasir Arafat who gathered young boys out of Lebanon for gay sex?

How many times has the Muslim Brotherhood distilled their infamous motive of operation of using political means and when that does not work shift to force?

Larry Sinclair was set up by to discredit him using a fake lie detector process. The money came via a Mr. Axelrod who works for Barack Obama.
Now that Mr. Sinclair held a National Press Conference, he has had shifted on him from Muslim Brotherhood political means to absolute jihad.

An American citizen having exactly the same methods terrorizing him as people Robert Spenser champions as heroes, but not one whimper of jihad from expert Robert Spenser, silence from David Horowitz and Daniel Pipes has decided such factual information do not belong on a site answering if one should trust Barack Obama when the entire scenario reads like a Clintonesque nightmare or a typical day in Ahmadinejad's Islamocommunist Iran.

A District of Columbia legislator emailed Mr. Sinclair cluing him in that he was never supposed to have held that conference as it was a coordinated effort.

All of that means in legal terms a criminal conspiracy by federal and state agencies terrorizing Lawrence Sinclair, using Obama operatives in conduct that would in the World Court bring indictments of human rights abuses and in American courts if an honest assessment were conducted that he was kidnapped, illegal use of federal systems, fraud, intimidation, harassment, stalking and the literal attempted murder of Mr. Sinclair by denying him medications.

Where are the voices that scream, "Never forget" when the Nazi came and hauled religious Jews away? Where are the voices that call out, "Never again"?

They are all silent in a most reprehensible way. One does not have to agree with Mr. Sinclair, but this type of terrorizing which he has been enduring is highly illegal and it is coming out of the groups for and against Barack Obama in the leftist community.

John Adams rose up to secure a voice of justice in the mob of bias. This blog rises up to secure one more voice in history to shame the rich and powerful who remain silent and to provide Larry Sinclair a permanent post online exposing what he has been terrorized over and to forever remind the guilty that and the silent that justice always comes.

Larry Sinclair has been Nifong'ed and smeared exactly like the Clinton's smeared Paula Jones and Mr. Sinclair is enduring a jihad of terrorism against him equal what al Qaeda intimidates the people of Iraq and Afghanistan and Hamas intimidates the Philistines of Gaza.

Barack Obama conducts himself not as a Christian, but as an Islamocommunist.

Should we trust Barack Obama by the above facts Mr. Pipes that Senator Obama is a "christian"?

Only a fool would trust Barack Obama and only an ignorant would not see this is jihad against Larry Sinclair.

Are there no voices of John Adams integrity left within the United States or is it all a Soros funded bias mob now of right and left protecting their own paycheck instead of righteousness?
