Sunday, June 29, 2008


In what is a world exclusive broken here, follows the tale of something which the electorate never thought it would see matched in the Clinton lie, deny and vilify machine but has now been surpassed by the Obama Syndicate which upon examination is quite scary.

Like Watergate, this all started out over something quite trivial. In Barack Obama's case it was about a homosexual meeting with a Duluth, Minnesotan named Lawrence Sinclair in which it is stated both snorted coke or smoked crank and engaged in sodomite sex in a limo and a hotel room.

Upon examination of the political dealings, it appears by actions in a Barack Obama dispatching an operative Mr. Axelrod to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to a former porn site to administer a skewed polygraph test to Mr. Sinclair and discredit him that the entire Sinclair matter was covered up as the MSM decided to leave it alone as Mr. Sinclair had a shady past.
In operational stance, this maneuver by the Obama camp looked like something orchestrated by the Kennedy clan who are Obama supporters. It was clean, crude, well financed and well done.

Something though happened when Sen. Ted Kennedy had his brain tumor sideline him a month ago as what has now taken place has brought this from Barack Obama lying about being a sodomite and a drug user to a criminal conspiracy of the most disgusting sort.

Lawrence Sinclair booked the National Press Club to lay out the entire information including his criminal past to the international press.
Immediately DC police arrived and a bit of a scuffle ensued as plain clothes detectives had Mr. Sinclair in custody and a very angry female black officer arrived with her partner attempting to spirit Mr. Sinclair away into her custody, but was denied.

In this, the DC police told Mr. Sinclair they had a warrant for his arrest. When Mr. Sinclair with his attorney Mr. Sibley asked to see it, they were informed it was in the car.
No warrant was ever produced from the car and the "charges" kept changing during the next few hours with Mr. Sinclair in custody.

Mr. Sinclair was later emailed by a District of Columbia legislator informing him that the press conference was never to have taken place as he was to have been arrested first and as soon as he was taken into custody, the version was canceled to refute him.

During this time a United States District Attorney for DC, a Jeffery Taylor informed the DC court that Mr. Sinclair was a fugitive from justice in Delaware.
Mr. Sinclair had never been arrested, tried nor convicted in Delaware, so he could never have been a fugitive.
Mr. Taylor is the same DC DA who bungled a tax evasion case which cost the people of America 100 million dollars. He apparently has now bungled into something bigger in Nifong'ing Mr. Sinclair as he demanded of the court a $70,000 bail bond on a warrant which was not even from DC, but from Delaware and refused to allow Mr. Sinclair to report to Delaware.
Mr. Taylor did though refuse with US Marshal's to allow Mr. Sinclair his medications which he takes for various illness including a brain tumor which his attorney had and refused him phone access.

In addition, a group of Obama stalkers hounding Mr. Sinclair, including one in DC who is 22 years old, was visited by the FBI for making murderous threats posted online against Mr. Sinclair, his Mother and Mr. Sibley his attorney by the FBI Cyber Crimes Unit, was informed to not be arrested nor prosecuted for making death threats nor stalking by Mr. Taylor, DC Federal District Attorney.

An officer of the Delaware court arrived after 4 days of imprisonment and explained to Mr. Sinclair that the Title 9 of the warrant which was sealed meant he should have only been informed by Mr. Taylor and the DC police to report to Delaware and they had no business arresting him.
When Mr. Sinclair arrived in Delaware the Judge hearing the case inquired to Mr. Sinclair what he was arrested for. Mr. Sinclair did not know and the Judge upon looking through papers could not ascertain what this sealed warrant from a grand jury was concerning either.
The Judge allowed Mr. Sinclair to be released on his own personal recognisance.

In this is where Obamagate starts the criminal conspiracy when out of the tutilage of the Kennedy clan.

For whose name was on the warrant in instigating it?

Beau Biden, the Attorney General of Delaware whose father, Joe Biden, is a Barack Obama supporter and is on the shortest of lists to be either Vice President or Sec. of State.

Joe Biden is also a ranking majority member of the Senate Judiciary Committee which oversees people like Jeffery Taylor.

So at this point, Obamagate has the United States Senate implicated, the US Marshals implicated, the Attorney General of Delaware implicated, the US District Attorney of DC implicated and the DC police implicated in terrorizing a United States citizen on no charges in DC and sealed charges in Delaware which Mr. Sinclair adheres to he is innocent of.

The web continues to grow as on the date Mr. Sinclair was arrested a letter was sent to him from the Social Security Administration of Chicago "quoting" the case file charges in Delaware. The Administration citing the non conviction case informed Mr. Sinclair that all of his medical benefits were being terminated and that his Social Security check was also being terminated.
The Chicago office then went on to state it was demanding repayment of all money and medical benefits which Mr. Sinclair had received over the years.
This would in effect put a person with a brain tumor on the street without shelter, food and no way of repaying a massive debt.

It should be noted at this point that Chicago is the city of the state of Illinois in being home to the Daily machine which is notorious for having stolen the 1960 presidential election and is currently without comprehension that the Supreme Court in affirming the Second Amendment means that Chicago Democrats are under that law and not making it's own laws dictating to the rest of America.
It should be noted too that Chicago is the base of operations for one Barack Hussein Obama where this Social Security human rights attack on Mr. Sinclair has been initiated.

This is the stinking cauldron of Obamagate which surpasses what even the Clinton machine attempted in attacking and attempting to silence those who were exposing their crimes. This is a criminal conspiracy involving federal and state agencies with the inclusion now of the Attorney General of Delaware Beau Biden with the United States Senate in his father, Senator Joe Biden all working in consort for political favor, power and the protection of Sen. Barack Obama.

As stated when this was under the leanings of Sen. Edward Kennedy, this was typical smear politics, but somewhere in this the Biden machine has met the tooth and fang of the rhetoric of Michelle Obama and the clergy of racism out of Chicago implementing a Zig Brzezinski style war not on Russia, but on a United States citizen.

These are the known facts and it is not known if former Senator Tom Daschle who is an Obama political point man has been privy to this as this has not been his character in the past or if this is a rogue group of political moles and operatives practicing jihad politics in America like the Muslim Brotherhood.

No United States citizen deserves this kind of brutal attacks, but this is no longer about Larry Sinclair, his sodomy, his drug use, his character. This is about Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Beau Biden, the Chicago machine and various moles in the district, state and federal government terrorizing a citizen.

There was enough of a mess and impeachment with Bill Clinton and the brutality and strangeness which went on with this. America can not afford to have this Obama machine acting like Saddam Hussein in attacking it's own citizens, because as they are already in a criminal conspiracy acting like thugs........what will this Obama machine resort to when they have absolute power to go against any citizen who disagrees with them or exposes some lie they are guilty of.

This is about crime now and it is about time the MSM starts covering this as names like Obama and Biden with federal agencies are a very worrisome thing when thuggery is unleashed on our own citizens.

Come on Charlie Rose when are you going to do the work Ed Bradley accomplished in his final story exposing corruption in the Nifong case standing up for Americans.

Where is the press on this?
