Sunday, June 29, 2008

US Attorney Jeffery A. Taylor huh?

By beholding US Attorney Jeffery A. Taylor, he appears the kind of person you would hope your daughter brought home as a future son in law. His shining smile, radiant pride along with a resume in working for the Department of Justice in two fine Americans in Attorney Generals, Ashcroft and Gonzales, all speak of baseball, hotdogs, apple pie, Mom and Chevrolet.
The problem is though not as leftists would state in him being part of a Republican administration nor in his being from California in assisting in writing the Patriot Act which Congress is removing parts of, but the fact that Mr. Taylor has been doing a horrid job for the people of the United States.

It all started with a telecommunications operative named Walter Andersen who plead guilty to tax evasion. The problem was Jeffery Taylor in prosecuting made the humongous blunder of listing the wrong statue in the plea bargain, which meant that the US Treasury or you the United States taxpayers who are his employer were not able to recoup $100 million dollars in funds from the fraud.
In every corporation of America and the world unless your daddy owned the company you would have been fired and in most law offices the partners would have been sued for malpractice if a client cost that kind of money, but Mr. Taylor kept his job.

To be fair, Mr Taylor seems to do alright when he has NSA watching him as in the case of Parthasarathy Sudarshan who plead guilty to selling US missile and fighter technology clandestinely to India or in Lester Crawford of FDA caught and fined for conflicts of interest, but on the big cases, he is like Kobe Bryant without Shaq in he really makes colossal mistakes.

One of his most recent horrendous blunders has been in the case of Larry Sinclair, the sodomite, who has exposed Barack Obama to drug and sex charges of the many things Sen. Obama has been not been truthful on.
In this, some very nasty stalkers and Obama operatives have been harassing Mr. Sinclair. There have been trumped up charges coming out of Delaware via the Democratic Bidens to which Mr. Taylor has jumped whole heartily into, by having Mr. Sinclair arrested on a bogus charge, denying him his medications and attempting to hold him on no outstanding DC charges in demanding a $70,000 bail.

In short, terrorists at Gitmo have received more legal, humanitarian and pure American Constitutional protection than Mr. Sinclair at the hands of Jeffery Taylor.

The entire Sinclairgate is turning into this with operatives like the Bidens of Delaware harassing him, Social Security offices in Chicago now denying him health and living benefits which is part of the Daily and Obama machine to entwining key elements of DC police, United States Federal Attorney's Office of District of Columbia and US Marshals. When one starts having Federal Democrats in Washington using State agencies and Federal agencies to target a United States citizen to deny him his freedom and life, this is beyond Nixonian enemies lists but is a jihad in terrorizing a citizen in the worst of criminal conspiracies.

This is the situation for the highest profile United States Attorney in America in costing taxpayers a hundred million dollars and by what Mr. Taylor has either signed off on or has once again blundered into without supervision will in time cost the US taxpayers another hundred million as Mr. Sinclair's human rights and liberties have been violated all stemming from the Barack Obama campaign to his operatives in the Daily and Biden camps.

The most glaring bad publicity for Mr. Taylor is there is a 22 year old in Washington, DC who has been threatening Mr. Sinclair. Below are a few examples:

Quote: What happened to Tim Russert could happen to you.....

What is the perfect murder?

I assure you that you should take this threat very seriously. I can kill you any time I want. You could die of a heart attack or a seizure tommorow and the police would never rule it a murder.

If you don’t die the next day I promise you, you won’t live to see the 4th of July.

Quote: You are playing with fire; I can, and will, follow you personally to each, and every, house of incarceration and personally speak to your incarcerators/jailers from now until the day you depart this earth—Do you get the picture feces?

I don’t just talk, I act, and you are starting to offend me big time. I am doing the same service for a local corrupt sheriff indicted and sentenced on federal charges who had the audacity to mess with me.

You don’t know trouble is until you mess with me you putrid mess.

End Quotes:

For this, the FBI Cyber Crimes Unit led by agent Brenda K. Born, investigated this in doing as fine of job of law enforcement as possible in finding this 22 year old, but were then informed that Jeffery Taylor was not going to file charges nor arrest this person who anyone can note by the above is unbalanced and with murderous intent.

Mr. Taylor though instead arrested Mr. Sinclair and the stalker is still out there and by his own admission invading other people's privacy in tracking them down too.

This kind of Nifong lurching about in running a law enforcement office is what turns mistakes into Sinclairgate and opens the stage to a World Court suit on humanitarian grounds as one can not single out any minority, creed or color on political grounds, throw them in prison on fraudulent charges and deny them medicines as that is unconstitutional in it denies literal life.

Mr. Taylor should re examine exactly what he has either jumped into or blundered into as he has involved the Bush Administration in the smear tactics of Obama, Biden and Daily, the biggest names in the Democratic party in attacking a homosexual male making claims that Barack Obama and he were having sodomite relations and snorting coke and crack together in Chicago.

This kind of thing is reprehensible and when the wheels of politics turn it will be situations like this which will blare in the New York, Boston and DC MSM outlets looking for a scapegoat when an Ed Bradley comes calling with 60 Minutes as he did with DA Nifong making a mess of things in North Carolina.

Mr. Taylor needs to bring this to his superiors and request assistance as he is plunging himself into a Democratic dirty politics whirlpool. The Democrats will not aid him when this starts coming back on them like Forgegate with Dan Rather and the GOP is not going to allow themselves to be tarnished over what the DC office has been doing.

It is time for justice to be done and this circus stopped of Democratic operatives manipulating state and federal agencies into a criminal conspiracy against a United States citizen.

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