/////////////////////Peter Sellers............... Barack Obama/////////////////////////
/////////////////////Being There................. Being Where//////////////////////////
During the middle of the 1990's, Rush Limbaugh pioneered an explanation of the Clinton's in terming them soulless in being amoral creatures in nothing was there inside.
The Clinton' s were the only humans so all they did could not matter in what they were doing to others.
While profiling Barack Obama, something equally pioneering has been developing showing something even more troubling than amoral.
Barack Obama is a person with a blackboard soul who draws upon it whatever person he is speaking with and becomes them for that moment.
Mr. Obama if you look at his early photos was a happy child. When though the separation from his mother was initiated, by his own writings he took on a darkened perspective to the world.
In knowing his mother's denial of Americanisms and steeping herself in primitive cultures and graduate work to find the calm for her soul, he tried desperately to emulate the type of men his mother had chosen suppressing who he was.
This is vital to note as at that early age, Barack Obama, began wiping the slate of himself clean and taking on the personalities of those he thought would get him closer to what his mother wanted.
Uncle Frank, in poetry, Communism, hatred of America and Christians were the mentor factor he took on as Barry.
As college age approached, Barry would reject even further American and become Barack Hussein Obama.
This period is where we have all seen his African Muslim attire with the most broad smile on his face as Barack had thought he had put on cloth for his soul or drawn a character on the blackboard of his heart who he finally thought his mother would choose.
That of course did not succeed and Barack reverted to a sort of failure in choosing intellectual attorney, accepting defeat in the consolation prize in Michelle as a replacement for his mother and to coat himself with the early dream of being a President of some nation as he knew he was born in Canada, to make himself feel wanted, empowered and secure.
Being black, despising America, being in Chicago, associating with terrorists, Barack took the plunge in being the most liberal politician he could modeling himself after Teddy Kennedy.
Of course there were schisms in this which manifested. Marrying one's mother in Michelle, brought out resentment as Michelle's public statements about him being "stinky" was but a manifestation her belittling him in private and the domination she has over him.
This is where the drugs and the humiliation of white sodomites came into play as Barack simply had to vent a rage in he just could not draw on that inner blackboard someone who would please Mother and make him feel good about himself as Mother could not be pleased in Stanley Ann Dunham or Michelle Obama, two very dominant females.
All that destructive behavior in unsafe sex and drug use was replaced in ways as he rose in power in working deals to rise in the political arena.
Kissinger was correct that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac and this was the drug Barack Obama was using.
As the story speeds ahead to 2008, Barack Obama has erased the liberal Senator which he drew for Teddy Kennedy and his Chicago syndicate.
He looks upon America as the Mother might love him and has now drawn upon his heart George Bush 43 policies and even expanding them hoping that as America chose Bush 43, they will choose him too.
This is a messy chalkboard now as Barack was drawing Tom Daschle pictures and Zbigniew Brzezinski pictures on his heart as he left his black persona behind and the white socialist part of him was being nurtured.
Now though he is starting to draw, right wing persona's there which is erupting problems.
Pitfalls are in this, because as Barack Obama meets with Jews, he draws himself a Jewish persona. When he meets with Philistines, he draws their persona on is heart. When in Germany, he is a German. When in France, he is French. When in England, he is English.
The problem is when he is with Gen. Petraeus, he is Gen. Petraeus and Zbigniew Brzezinski who is opposite does not want more troops in Afghanistan, but instead wants to vaporize parts of Pakistan to cause a nuclear economic cloud collapse on China.
Barack Obama now has his globalist benefactors noticing the problem they have on their hands.
For the people following Barack Hussein Obama, they are in denial to what he is doing.
For the people covering Barack Hussein Obama, it is astounding they have not noticed the roots of this psychopathy of being a chameleon to those he is with in having affinity with them.
Tonight John McGlauglin on his program had a unanimous "Obama was a success" on his rock star tour.
The parrot Eleanor Clift would of course say he was a winner as she thought Clinton and Carter were winners, but so see Mort Zuckerman, who is the premier twister if there ever was one, as he once approached Rush Limbaugh at an event and started talking trash. Limbaugh could not figure out if the guy was testing him or a bigot.
Zuckerman though as not not picked up on this nor did Monica Crowley and the ever lovely Michelle Bernard who is as brilliant as Ms. Crowley completely missed it.
Barack Obama is like some drug in the air which stuns people out of there normal senses, so none of them notice what is really happening.
He is like the lone husband and the entire media and a major branch of the Democratic Party are all Stepford Wives.
This is not new. Bill Clinton betrayed the entire liberal Democratic wing of his party and destroyed it and they blindly cheered him. Bush 43 pulled a great many of these same things in his liberalism and spending, but Conservatives never once were lulled into any euphoria. Conservatives spanked Bush severely over Harriet Miers for the good of the nation.
I'm a spiritual person by birth and I do not deal in the physical world alone. It stunned me how America could choose Bill Clinton over a war hero in Bob Dole or George Bush. There seems though at times a hidden force directing waves and trends in human events where the hearts of normally astute people just go dull and they are and like lemmings running over the cliff.
Barack Obama is not an evil person by any Stalin type comparison. He is though a person who can meld himself into the person of empathy which disarms those he has been around.
Bill Clinton could do this in a different way as people always remarked he was a likable guy. Barack Obama does this in not being liked, but people concluding he is the mirror of them.
Bill Clinton felt their pain, but Barack Obama is the narcotic which soothes their pain.
His most telling statement in the entire rock tour which all have missed was in the Middle East when he said to paraphrase, "I do not have a plan, but after meeting with the generals I will use their plan".
This is textbook Barack Obama in telling the world he has no ideas, no plan and Barack has been tucked away and he will mimic the other people's plans and become them.
Barack Obama goes to bed each night that little boy trying to be accepted and each morning draws the person he feels his wife expects him to be, he wipes that Barack away as he meets with his advisers who he mimics by drawing them, he then erases that Barack and meets with someone on the right and he draws that on his heart and just as quickly will meet with Zbigniew Brzezinski and erase it all and tell his mentor, "I understand. I'm like you in this".
That all can juggle fine as the press is drunk on your Don Juan nectar, but when you enter an arena of Russia wants this, China wants that, American financiers want this, European financiers want that, Muslims want this and Zbigniew Brzezinski wants it only his way. One can not promise the world to all and once your enemies figure out you are lying to them and can not make up your mind, then that indecision gets Russian nuclear bombers based in Cuba, Chinese ships landing in Taiwan, Europeans supplanting American economic and military position and Muslims starting a violent revolution with Mexicans in America for their own nation.
Neville Chamberlain pulled this and it started a World War.
Be certain, the Russian FSB, the Chinese PLA, Israeli Mosaad, Iranian intelligence, French CIA, British MI 6 have all noted who Barack Obama is and how to exploit it.
Mr. Brzezinski was the embarrassed parent on this rock trip making notes in Barack Obama is a clay moulded only so long as he is in the grasp of Brzezinski.
Barack Obama does not know who he is. He was fused in pre teen years and if one notices he acts like the smart 11 year old, because that is what he is.
He will tell his teacher he left his homework on the bus. Tell his parents he is getting his work done. Tell the coach he has no incompletes and tell the principal his grades are up.
The problem for the child chameleon with a blackboard heart being all what all want is when they start comparing notes.
Monica Crowley, Michelle Bernard, Mort Zuckerman, Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes and yes Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann are all this smart to figure this out. They need to start comparing notes as everyone of them has an agenda they focus on, but is not seeing the man, Barack Obama.
Peter Sellers in 1979 starred in the most telling of movies, Being There, a story of a mental retard who was Chauncey the Gardener who simply mimicked people who were not listening to him and all of a sudden he became Chauncey Gardener world renowned expert on all.
One doctor noticed who Chauncey really was, but no one would listen to him.
The world instead ran Chauncey Gardener for President of the United States.
America has the same problem now and if the world does not watch out it will have the same problem too as no one is listening in the world masses to what Barack Obama is telling them.
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