Friday, July 25, 2008

Is Nancy Pelosi the next President of the United States

For the good of the United States of America, the Barack Obama
supporters who are legal voters and not foreigners weighing in on this
election ordering Americans to vote for a black man when not one
European nation has an elected black or royal African in their lineage,
have it placed upon them to settle the issue of Barack Hussein Obama's
missing birth certificate.

The current one is judged a fraud and that leaves the gaping window of
why does one forge a birth certificate unless the one which does exist
would reveal that you are not qualified to be President of the United
That might be a fine cover up for Sen. Obama to get the prize. It might
be a fine cover up for Howard Dean to not be embarrassed. It might suit
Obama supporters to finally win something, but what happens when reality
sets in when in 2009 someone shows up with a Canadian or whatever birth
certificate disqualifying President Obama?

What is he going to do with his supporters? Call out the military and
police and beat people into submission like Robert Mugabe?

This is why this has to be settled before the Denver convention for the
good of the United States and the world.

Tickets are elected in combination and not separate. So when Barack
Obama is disqualified, then there will be a legal challenge stating that
his appointed Vice President is disqualified too as the entire ticket
was inelligible.

Do Obama supporters want to wake up that?

Do Obama supporters want to have a General looking around as China or
Russia advance for Taiwan or Georgia that he doesn't have a President or
Vice President and declares an emergency and America then has a junta
running things for decades?

So does all of this mean that the reason the Democratic leadership is so
quiet in this that they know if they keep control of the house that the
Speaker, Nancy Pelosi is going to be the next President of the United

Do the Obama supporters want that with Mrs. Pelosi choosing Mrs. Clinton
as her Vice President as Hillary has not let conceded for a reason she
knows is coming?

Or do the Obama supporters want if Republicans take control of the house
to have a Republican in John Boehner of Ohio as the President with maybe
Richard Cheney signed on for his experience.

There is an old adage in being careful what you wish for as you just may
get it. The Obama supporters are looking at a scenario they are not
vetting which is playing right into the elite's hands.

Do they want President Nancy Pelosi?

If not, produce the Hawaiian birth certificate, the person who
registered a baby Barack Obama born in that hospital and not registered
later and then if legal, Barack Obama can be President.

All very simply if they would just call on their candidate to do it.

This is about the United States, the country everyone in this says they
love, except the foreign Obama supporters that is.
