Monday, July 7, 2008

Gabriel's Revelation Stone?

There has been much ado from a group of Talmudic and scholarly Jews this
past week along with some archeology profiteers in finding a rock with
ink Hebrew letters written on it with words missing that this is a
"revelation" from the archangel Gabriel and what it says will shock
Christians as it speaks of a resurrection before Jesus.

The problem in this is there are gaping problems in this scam and it is
another Da Vincci Code scam.

For background, the experts in this are Israeli Knohl from Hebrew
University who has a history of, to be kind, making things up or seeing
things which are not there.
His counterpart "expert", Daniel Boyarin, a professor at liberal
University of California, Berkley is a Talmudic scholar. (For those who
do not know the difference in Judaism, the Talmud is part of the mystic
or mystery religion out of the Babylonian captivity which relies not on
the Old Testament, but on scribes writings interpreting what is being said.
The Talmud is the book which calls the mother of Jesus a whore in being
a hairdresser and Jesus a bastard.
Asking these people about Jesus is about like asking a KKK member their
opinion on Barack Obama.)
The other characters in this including the stones owner David Jeselsohn
have financial stakes in this.

The key elements in this are the New York Times championing this story
as something factual without knowing a thing about the Bible, Old or New
For the first refute, the archangel Gabriel, knows completely he does
not raise people from the dead. Angels abhor anything which even has a
hint of God's office. If one looks at John in the Revelation of Jesus,
the Christ, the angel scolds him when he falls down to worship him in
Gabriel is a messenger in other parts of the Bible. Gabriel is not God
in the Lord and giver of Life. Gabriel knows this, so this is not from

Another factor which these Jews and liberals at the New York Times seem
to not comprehend is the entire Old Testament or Torah and Tanakh deals
with from the Garden of Eden on the story of Redemption in the Messiah.
Nimrod attempting to displace God stole the resurrection story in being
the sun god. His wife, Semiramis, who was the fertility goddess aka,
Athena, Isis, Diana, Ashteroth in various cultures stole the immaculate
conception or divine birth by claiming after Nimrod died she became
pregnant by him. (She was impregnated by a human at the temple.), but it
just reveals the well known aspect of dictators all wanting to get in on
the God story.

The greatest story of all known by all was Jonah. Jesus, Himself, quotes
this as the sign of Him in being 3 days and 3 nights in the fish of 3
days and 3 nights duality of Christs own death and resurrection.

In all of this, if these Jews and profiteers knew an ounce of the Bible
or had God in them, they would see the glaring lies they are perpetuating.

Furthermore, the story of this stone is "it has been dated" by Jews from
the 1st century BC and no one is questioning it.
There are many questions in this as this is rock, so no chemical is
going to date that. The ink has been exposed for who knows how long, so
huge mistakes could be involved as much as the fraud carbon dating has
been exposed.
This stone has been housed in Zurich, Switzerland also after it was
obtained from a Jordanian antiquities dealer. Nowhere is there any
"Dead Sea Scrolls" involved and no one is determining if this thing was
stolen out of the West Bank or what on earth a Jewish stone of antiquity
was doing in Jordan of all places as it is quite large in being 3 feet
long and is not something one would be hauling around on a camels back
just before Jesus.
The writing itself is not an accurate measure of dating to a specific
century, especially as one starts examining "the writing".

This tablet reads something like this:

Line # 80: In three days ??? ???? l?v?, ? ?????? ????? ???

This is the actual line which Israel Knohl says will rock Christianity
and which Daniel Boyarin says is so outstanding. 3 words starting out a
sentence, one word claimed to be "live" followed by other faded words.

Why it can not read, In three days, you will love God, I Gabriel command
you, is something only this group will not explain.

Lines 19 through 21 also read, "In three days, you will know that evil
will be defeated by justice".

This could mean resurrection story, this could mean a reference to Jonah
and as Revelation points out, God's 2 witnesses lay dead in Jerusalem 3
days and on the 4th day or "half day" they are raised from the dead.
So the 3 days is a common happening in Hebrew and Christianity.

Mr. Knohl though "interprets" the tablet to be a Simon, who was recorded
as a messianic figure by the Jewish traitor Josephus. Mr. Knohl also
deems the table to have been written by his followers.
Right now one can point to numerous odd cults such as Shabbatai Zvi, who
was a "messiah" twisting Christianity telling everyone to sin, because
if they sinned it would bring redemption quicker. Most of the European
and American elites follows this "illuminated" religion secretly in the
Rothschilds banking cartel.
One can point to the Book of Enoch to the Jashur 1 book and find all
sorts of interesting things like Moses didn't receive the 10
Commandments from God, but from his father in law, but seeing it in
writing doesn't make it fact and that is why this sect created nonsense
was rejected and no one pays attention to it who has any intelligence.

Gabriel's Revelation Stone is bogus and those attempting to use it are
either charlatans or a sect of Jews with a Christian phobia.

In contacting Professor Boyarin with the above points last week, a
warning was also included in the fact that the same methods these groups
are using to try to form a wedge against Christians who will not be
shaken, will one day find a Muslim who will "find a tablet" like this
one with perhaps the story of Esther on it.
In Esther one can find the story of Haman attempting to kill all the
Jews. So what happens if some lines like this come out:

"And God said ???? ????????, go kill ??? J?w? and the royal command was

That all sounds extremely horrid and imagine what Muslims fanatics would
do with that.

But what happens if one fills in the lines, "And God said, Haman has
ordered, go kill the Jews and the royal command was given".

A person of intelligence can see the firestorm which can be started with
missing words and interpreting something for ones own bias.

The Bible does reveal at times that God does allow certain people like
this in the world to test the faith of the people and it appears a great
deal of testing is occurring in these last days. It is reprehensible
though for this kind of commentary to be coming out of universities as
it is so without any merit that it should ruin the careers of all
associating with it.

The danger in this is not to Christians as their faith is not going to
be shaken by such nonsense, but the danger is to these mystic Jews and
convert Jews promoting this as noted above, because right now there are
Ahmadinejad and Larijani zealots sifting through or creating "historic
writings" with the idea of, "If the Talmudic Jews can get these
headlines for attacking Christians, we can provide the final solution to
Jews by creating our own historic interpretations".

This has been much ado about nothing, but as Shakespeare noted, "Oh what
a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive".

This will bite these Talmudic Jews in the end as it will erode Christian
support and it will inspire deception among the Islamocommunists.
