Saturday, July 5, 2008

Naomi Klein Another Neighing about Oh Me

One can picture the scene of the dolled up little Naomi entering the office of liberals like a tart selling sex........errr my Naomi insight and mind as she craves attention and dirty olde liberal males and dirty olde lesbians are both wondering as Naomi does her routine about whoring her out and not paying attention to a thing coming out of this talking head.
It is most amusing to read of Naomi Klein's expertise in being a former Milibrand Fellow at the London School of Economics which makes one wonder what samples the dirty olde Brits got before they got their mileage out of the tart and how Ms. Klein's other grand listing is an "honorary" Doctor of Civil Laws from King's College in Nova Scotia. Apparently Couscous Queen from Chechnya was already honored out that year.

The neighing Naomi from her plenteous works is a woman who doth protest too much in that she writes too much like most people do in not having a thing to say. In manure talk, Naomi spreads it too thin and it shows in the garden of thought by her stunted turnip thoughts.

On her world tour of sorts she promotes The Rise of Disaster Capitalism and calls in her latest manure spreader rant for reparations to be paid by America and England for "invading Iraq" and Iraq should not be selling 75% of the oil it has to foreign companies to sell.

All of that appeals to the liberal dolt who self loathes themselves and it appeals to Molotov Mob types like Naomi Klein as words are cheap and it doesn't make a difference to her if millions of people are suffering from high prices due to an economic attack on the United States on September 11th which almost brought on a global depression.

It doesn't matter to Ms. Klein that hundreds of thousands of Kurds and Shia are alive today with Saddam gone. It doesn't matter to Ms. Klein that even her bastion of communism in New York City is standing today and not a nuclear heap as the Iraq liberation with Afghanistan so disrupted and destroyed the Islamocommunists and Islamofascists that America is not dealing with a 1 trillion dollar generational death zone clean up.

All of those things never occur to pretty girls selling panty dreams to liberals.

For Ms. Klein she can not comprehend that Iraq was liberated for numerous reasons. She is so flat world one dimensional that Iraq had to only be "invaded" for one reason and now she sees it as oil.

To address oil, Ms. Klein was mum on the fact that Saddam was selling oil off book, laun
dered by Marc Rich, bribing most of the socialists in the world governments and the Clinton's got around 50 million in European bank accounts.
She was mum on socialist France refining 1.77 tons of weapons grade uranium for Saddam which America recovered after liberation.
She was mum on Plamegate in Val Plame sending Joe Wilson to Niger to cover up that uranium deal in what was really behind Valerie Plame and Bill Clinton's criminal behavior.
She was mum on the facts of Russia evacuated Saddam's one nuclear bomb he purchas
ed from them.
She was mum on the fact that Syria has Saddam's biological weapons.
She was mum on the fact that Darfur Christians were murdered with chemical weapons dropped by Saddam pilots and Saddam WMD.

Naomi Klein though brays loudly on many subjects she is so inept on it is no wonder the Brits after tasting her essence do not have her in London any more.
Her diatribe on capitalism which she profits over is ridiculous. Iraq selling oil by companies who can market it will bring that nation trillions and create in it the Japan of the Middle Ea
st in restructuring the entire region. For Ms. Klein, Iraqi's are instead to not have anyone develop any resource but instead eat dirt and die of camel spider bites while awaiting for Iran to vaporize them.

In economics, Iraq was hit for the reason Saddam declared war on the United States by declaring the dollar void. Naomi can try buying things if the US dollar is voided as oil currency and she will find out economics.

In strategic protection so a Eurasian world war does not occur within populated areas like Jerusalem into the Balkans and the Rhine, Iraq was taken out of play so the war would hopefully be fought in barren Asia. But perhaps Ms. Klein wants hundreds of millions of people dead.

In the last comment for her feeble meanderings, Iraq was taken for the expressed purpose that Russia with Iran is attempting to nuclear pollute the region so America will withdraw t
o braying chants from ignorants like her, leaving Putin's thug Russia as the sole supplier to Europe turning it into a Soviet and China then being goaded for oil supply to attack the United States as the Bolshevik Manifesto mandates.
Of course, Ms. Klein has never read this paper in the blueprint for a covert Russian demolition of the United States as she was probably putting paint on her nails, deodorant under her pits and measuring her skirt length for the Sharon Stone slit to entice some pervert to agree to her next job rant.

There is no excuse for such stupidity as Naomi Klein. There is an excuse for horny old perverts as that is what is there from pedophiles to necrophiles and naomiphiles as that is what gets Naomi Klein published.
If she was a fat, pimply, greasy frump, she would be a fat, pimply, greasy frump watching Oprah and posting on Huffington Post some rant which only appeals to Steven Webber types.

Naomi Klein though is a skirt selling it and like cotton candy or a box of horse ship wrapped up in a pretty package, there just is not a whole lot there of substance and when you open it up
you find out it isn't something you want to be around.

God bless Naomi Klein as on her own she has made a self glorified mess of things and will never on her own get a clue as she surrounds herself with rubber stamp sycophants looking at the Kiran Chetry crotch shot instead of what is coming out of that brain.

Oh, and the ugly photo on the bottom is Naomi Klein without the Hollywood photoshop. One knows this Woodstock flashback would never have made it if she had to rely on her brain to make it in liberalia. She instead would be like Joy Behar screeching loudly attempting to cleavage her way to a paycheck as the lights are on, but like all activists there is no one home.
