The email was short and referenced an article posted on the Jeff Rense site originating here.
Amusingly, Mr. Diabi being an Obama thug tracking people down he does not agree with and in charge of conferences has no command at all of language.
He is stuck not just on stupid, but on race. His problem is he calls this blog a "bigot", but is ranting about race.
As reading is believing, the forwarded email which Mr. Diabi was tossing about the internet slandering people and exposing himself a moron debuts here.
just read you | |
From: | Lamine Diabi (musashin1@yahoo.fr) |
| You may not know this sender
Sent: | Fri 7/25/08 2:52 PM |
To: | lame_a_cherry@yahoo.za. |
Just read your column on Rense, you bigots cannot accept the fact that a fi=
rst generation black man whose father is African might be leading the US ne=
xt year. What you cannot understand America needs its soul saved from the e=
vil its been sowing worldwide, this is a chance=C2=A0for the US to redeem i=
tself. No matter what the party is over!=0A=0A=0A
Apparently Mr. Diabi has a system which has problems writing emails on the internet as warped as his message.
For the record, all articles posted by this blog deal with the qualifications, lies and psychopathies of Barack Hussein Obama. Race only is a subject when it deals with Mr. Obama or his mother using black people to step on in getting ahead.
Yes Barack Obama is a racist, Stanley Ann Duhnam is a racist and Lamine Diabi is a pure racist of Hitleresque persona as he deems me a white American without knowing anything of my racial profile.
If Mr. Diabi was more interested in fact in what this blog stands for instead of Robert Mugabe brown shirt politics in promoting Barack Obama as a "savior" to the world. I would suggest he do the pure thing and start writing a monthly check out to the United States for the billions of dollars this nation has spent in defense of France and providing a world where Mr. Diabi entire African purpose in life was to be a meal for a crocodile or dying from a myriad of African diseases which the United States has provided vaccinations for in decades.
The United States has a stockpile of mercy and grace for it's sins of the collective soul. If one asks an American Jew, they have a Messiah coming. If one asks an American Muslim, they have a Mahdi coming. If one asks a Hindu they have Krishna coming. If one asks, a Christian they have Jesus coming and if one asks a Buddhist, they have enlightenment if you ask the communists funding Mr. Diabi with moneys raped from United States citizens by high food, fuel and taxes they have Luciferian coming.
So Mr. Diabi, America doesn't need any more crack headed, nicotine addicted, racist sodomites who are about as non intelligent as you as people are known by the company they keep.
For a reality check, Mr. Lamine Diabi, can be found in association with a Metratech International conference.
Mr. Lamine Diabi ENPC, was a representative of ENPC, which is a French Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, or Engineering Department of Highways founded in 1747. While that might sound mundane, it isn't until you start reading and a quote from the site might explain who this Barack Obama supporter is:
*From 1960 onwards, this evolution gained momentum. Progress in science and technology linked not only to construction, town planning, environmental protection, but also to social organization, brought about significant changes in the ENPC curriculum.
In translation, this ENPC is the foundation for Gorbachev's communist Al Gore environmentalism sticking their nose into village's businesses and dictating to them how to live their lives.
If perhaps one mentions, Rhodes Scholars, Rockefeller CFR and the Bilderburgs, this is the French equivalent for 3rd world Barack Obama thugs looking to dictate "to all of those people" in the world "who need saving".
The ENPC is quite bragadocious in their placing their graduates all through powerful positions in France.
In 1988, they started the "international school of management" which specialized in "international management school based upon a collaborative environment, holistic values, cultural diversity, social responsibility and self-empowerment."
If you want a living example, just behold high priest Al Gore, this is the same old world religious rites which had Nimrod as 'god king' with a group of Harikrishna followers or if you like Jim Jones cool aide drinking Huffington Post followers.
Lamine Diabi is the international face of the Barack Obama thug who is not content to just order 3rd world slaves around, but is salivating on getting his chance through Barack Obama to dictate to those white folks in America around.
As. Mr. Diabi was lurching around to make this about race, I would gladly vote for Barack Obama is he was Clarence Thomas, Dr. Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams or I would even consider Bill Cosby. It was my blogs urging John McCain to place Condi Rice on the ticket as America needs someone to pull the trigger in the coming years and Sec. Rice has been blowing up Syria communists, Iraqi communists, Iranian communists, Pakistani communists and Colombian communists with repetitive motion the past year.
So put an America on the ticket interested in responsible liberty, justice for all, backing Milton Friedman economics so all will prosper, with the mandate of life........hey I will vote for them.
Mr. Diabi though had better look at the Molech fires he desires America to sacrifice to in Barack Hussein Obama, whose policies are the aborticide of over a million black children across the globe. Policies which had his cousin bashing other black tribes in Kenya for power. Personal choices of drug use which is destroying the black culture and imprisoning it.
None of that sounds like salvation, but a globalist mandate of death.
One has to forgive an ignorant like Mr. Diabi enslaved in his own lack of self esteem so he has to attach himself to anyone in power who is black to make him think he actually is someone, as in France and all across Europe, one can notice the black Queen of England, the black Prime Minister of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The black Sarkozy of France is most noted as Mr. Diabi helped elect so many black people where he lives in Paris, France or how prosperous and free his African peoples are from the Africa he fled to dictate to the world who all should live.
The Barack Obama world army of thugs, not too bright, not at all civil, but then what would one expect from a Barack Obama supporter. Mr. Diabi probably believes America too has 57 states like his messiah and thinks the nuclear sacrificial fires of bombed Muslims in Pakistan that his messiah advocates is sure plan of salvation.
I hope no one ever tells Mr. Diabi that like Barack Obama, he was plucked from the masses and advanced because he was so easily manipulated and dense that if given a little power he would be the one advocating the slaughter of his own people and the enslavement of the world.
West Africa must be so pleased to have dumped you on the world, perhaps though now you and your messiah can return and be Prime Ministers as that is all British native son Barack Obama is qualified for as he was born in Canada.
Ooopppsss though Mr. Diabi, in Africa, if you are not one of Barack's tribe, he will probably beat you and throw you into prison to die.
Tough love having a messiah like that isn't it Lamine.
PS: Remember Lamine, write the check out to the United States Treasury to pay back your entire life which you owe to the Americans as you certainly do not want their tainted money to make you part of evil America needing saving.
Gee evil America, the great satan, you wouldn't be buddies with that Isalmocommunist Ahmadinejad who hates Americans too now would you.
That is rhetorical, Lamine, and that means it is not a question as we already know the answer, meaning intelligent people and not you.
In addition this blog had forwarded to it another Obama thug email from Rory Philips of the UK
What is most hilarious about this one is the lack of knowing how to write, but the lecture that he is more "mature" (European for more intelligent than Americans).
Apparently like Lamine, maturity is butchering babies and vaporizing Muslims while sodomizing other men and dragging disease home to your wife so your children will be orphans.
Mr. Rense always states his audience is more intelligent. The black holes of Lamine Diali and Rory Philips sink that ratio to an absolute deep space zero.
Stanley Anne Dunhams Revenge | |
From: | Rory Phillips (lanval@hotmail.co.uk) |
| You may not know this sender.
Sent: | Fri 7/25/08 5:08 PM |
To: | lame_a_cherry@yahoo.za |
In response to your piece logged on rense.com above title. I am utterly amazed and taken back at how negative you Americans seem to be about the prospect of Obama becoming president. All I can say is may GOD HELP US if McCane wins. McCane is a war monger thirsty to send thousands more young bright Americans ( usually poor whites ) to their deaths in point less wars so the Nasdaq can go up a few points a day and the 1% of American Billinoaires can make a few more million quid. Oh by the way, people close to McCane describe him as being an unbalanced personality who may not be fit to be President. I come from the UK / Europe, and being maybe a bit more mature in my outlook I realise that the world has become a more unpradictable and dangerous place since the tyrant Bush W has been in power. McCane will only be a continuation and extention of this Neo Conservative Nazi Fascism. Funny thing is that their main purpose is to enslave America Black and white and all alike. Their chains are debt and they intend to create a police state that will kill your beautiful American dream which I for one admire greatly. Obama would be well placed to create change in your country and this current dyabolical world situation. Maybe Ron Paul was the best candidate but he never had a chance. The Zionists who control your country dont like him. No suprise there. Writting the kind of article you did is not very smart. You are obviously a Republican but please use your common sense. Whatever you feel about Obama you should remember this. McCANE WOULD BE THE WORST THING FOR AMERICA.