The reason, John Edwards was boinking a blonde as his wife was and is battling cancer and apprently Mrs. Edwards had to vent in transference on the blonde Coulter.
Apparently John Edwards is Jesse Jackson bright in not only adulterating, but also impregnating the tarts they are sexing.
Yes Johnny Edwards was caught in a hotel in California by the National Enquirer, sneaking into the basement at past 2 AM in the morning after having spent the night with Rielle Hunter pictured below.

What on earth is it with these Democrats?
Can't they learn from Donald Trump? I mean Ivana, Marla and that current babe he is married to on their worst days after a 3 day drunk, menstrating, having the flu and finding out you just had sex with John Edwards never looked that bad.
Yeah, this is satire and from Edwards standpoint this is hilarious in his being exposed for the low class rat he is, but from his wife's standpoint and the children, she sure doesn't need a knocked up Nellie measuring her bed for size and checking the days off before they put her in the ground with a new Mommy taking her place on her mind.
It is beyond reprehensible in any husband doing this. This ranks as low as pedophiles. To do this to a woman you vowed to honor is just disgusting.
According to the story, John paid the tart, $114,000 to do videos. For that kind of money, Johnny could have hired good looking porn stars to do sex videos and they wouldn't have gotten pregnant on purpose.
Heck of that kin of money he could have got the Carolina Panther cheerleaders to roll around on him for charity and called him a naughty poodle.
I mean just look at that woman. She makes Camilla Parker Boles look Playboy quality by comparison.
I know John Edwards is nothing to look at, not that bright and a wimp, but sheezam Gomer, if he was wanting to be dominated on the campaign trial, he was with Barack Obama and he would have sexed him for nothing and not got pregnant.
That is a guarantee.
Way to go John Edwards, I think your picture is now beside the Webster's Dictionary for PARIAH.