Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mr. Lawrence Sinclair

This blog has always been about expressing what required needing to be expressed.

Several years ago, I was inspired by God in an analogy for people who are Nazi, feminist, Bush haters, bigots, racists, anti semites, Christians, Patriots etc.... the following:

Imagine any of the following, Keith Olbermann, David Duke, Jeff Rense, Louis Farakhan etc... falling off a boat in rough water and drowning.

On the dock was Bill O'Reilly for Keith Olbermann, Jesse Jackson for David Duke, George Bush for Jeff Rense and Benjamin Netanyahu for Louis Farakhan all throwing out a rope to save them as they gulped in water screaming for help.

Do you think anyone of these people would care who threw that rope or would just grab on begging to be pulled to safety?

Just as their are no atheists in foxholes, there is no prejudice when you are trying to save your life.

In listening to Larry Sinclair, I do find his story of drugs and sex with Barack Obama credible. In listening to Larry Sinclair, my concern for him is nothing to with his exposing Sen. Obama, but in him the person.
Mr. Sinclair like all homosexuals has been acting out in most destructive ways. A gentle man like Larry Sinclair, and he is a gentle person, has exhibited a great deal of conduct looking for ways to psychologically act out so he could punish Larry Sinclair.

If you look at his rap sheet, he is not a violent person, but a person who committed crimes dealing with money. In psychology, that means a feeling of a lack of self worth.

If you look at his sexuality, he was exposing himself sexual disease and situations which could have killed or murdered him. In most cases, a person acting out like this is looking for events to end their life so they will not be forced to commit suicide.

Mr. Sinclair recently admitted most of his sexual contact was with hispanics and blacks. While there is a vast dynamic in this, the Freudian simple forms always lead that when white people are acting out not in love with someone of another race it is about punishment or degradation as the "dark" sex is the most enticing.
For hispanics and blacks who exhibit the fetish for white people, it is a dual matter when love is not involved of both the status of white people as being the top of the heap like the Jeffersons moving on up to the deluxe apartment in the sky and the ability to turn the tables in making a white person serve them.

Mr. Sinclair's sexual interaction fits Barack Obama's profile exactly. Mr. Obama refers to his own Grandparents as "white folks". For reasons implanted in him by his mother, Barack Obama hates the white part of him as she hated white Christian males and chose only dark skinned males.
This trauma has scarred Barack Obama and led to the deliberate finding of Larry Sinclair.

I pointed out to Mr. Sinclair in a blog that he was not a random meeting with Sen. Obama, but he was specifically chosen as a white sodomite of good nature for Mr. Obama to be serviced by.
Tellingly, Mr. Sinclair states the limo driver knew exactly who to contact for a "good time". This action by the driver means there are numbers of white gay males with a drug history who serviced Barack Obama.

Service is the key issue in this as in Mr. Sinclair relating enough details of the sex, shows he was the submissive or of feminine nature to Barack Obama's dominance.
Mr. Sinclair was snorting coke of of Mr. Obama's knee running his hand up his thigh and in the hotel it was Mr. Obama laying back on the bed.

These situations reveal a great deal about Barack Obama as one must question why a successful black man would in psychopathy be so driven to expose himself to political ruin and sexual diseases. The answer of course is a warped Oedipus Rex complex in the same manner of Bill Clinton where he used sex to vent on the feelings he felt his tramp mother was to Barack Obama required to vent on white males his Grandfather was one in wanting a son and not a daughter, and, in the scenario of Mr. Obama's mother rejecting whites to the affirmation of his communist mentor, Uncle Frank, hating white America, Barack Obama being serviced as a lord by white males gave him the affirmation in degrading white people to make up for the way his mother abandoned him.

No evidence exists in this if Sen. Obama is still actively being serviced by white sodomites, but if Donald Young was intimating to Mr. Sinclair the facts, it appears that Barack Obama has gone back to his roots in a comfortable association of like race in now being serviced by black males.

Barack Obama is someone who is still the little boy abandoned. His comfort zone is racism against white America and in a field of religion heaped with sexual perversion.
His current wife, Michele, is the mirror image of his mother in psychopathy, an intellectual smiling but in character having massive problems with her own race and blaming another race.

All of this is a great problem psychologically for presidential candidate Barack Obama as of late he has literally left his black heritage behind. His entire political agenda is now George W. Bush and not in the least Teddy Kennedy liberalism. His entire public commentary is one of now mirroring Bill Cosby's lecturing of the entire faults of black America.
What is occurring with Barack Obama is he has turned on black America in punishing it for his perceived weaknesses and is embracing the success of chosen George Bush so he too will be chosen by white America.
What this entails in a psychological profile is simple. Barack Obama the child now in his 40's is desperate at denying even who he is all to keep from happening the one thing he is most terrified of in being abandoned again, not just by a mom and dad, but this time by an entire nation.

Mr. Sinclair was never to have been an issue in this. His being chosen was patterned that he would either be dead now from drug overdose, meeting the wrong gay kook or having committed suicide.
That is my concern for Mr. Sinclair in not any physical harm coming to him as if that happened it would cause a massive investigation, but that Mr. Sinclair stepped into this cauldron knowing exactly the attacks which would be heaped upon him but Obama supporters desperate in their own psychopathy of lack of self worth.

Mr. Sinclair deserves humane treatment from the malevolent Obama supporters who are acting out in their own fear of abandonment. These citizens were let down by Al Gore who abandoned them and were let down by John Kerry who abandoned them.
Right now Barack Obama is abandoning them in becoming George Bush. These people have to deal with that Larry Sinclair is not the problem and Barack Obama is not a savior. Everyone in this are just people who are being carried away by their own issues.

One does not make fun of drunks and one does not kick a sick puppy. People must come to the understanding that caring for another human whether we agree with them is thee mandate in this.

I will never agree with Mr. Sinclair's personal acting out as if one looks at them they have been destroying him. A caring person has to hope and pray for a better choice for Mr. Sinclair, especially all he is having heaped on him now.

The same is true for Sen. Barack Obama in his acting out if one looks a person making choices time and again from weakness. That is a recipe for disaster in leading a nation in a man running from himself filling in the holes of empty with other angry weak people.

I honestly hope the best for Lawrence Sinclair in not denying who he is, but in denying the burden of homosexuality which is causing such problems in his life. From what he has related, he is a good person at heart and loves his mother who watches out for him. Those are all good things which can be built upon as sex is a choice and not a man. It can be left behind and I hope Larry Sinclair can find himself in Jesus Who does save all from themselves.

I honestly hope the best for Barack Obama in not being elected President as having that happen would be a wall around him that would never allow the little boy to deal with who he is. From his children, he has shown himself a parent who is capable of nurturing the child in him. That is a good quality and he can forgive himself for the weaknesses his parents and mentors piled upon him which caused him to act out badly. His problems legal or not can still be left behind in the Spiritual where Jesus forgives sins and will welcome anyone who comes to Him honestly.

That is perhaps too much an assessment of too great a depth, but it is one of compassion for people who are in over their heads at times. None of it is offering excuses, but is hoping for the best outcome because not enough people have believed in too many people in this and that is what started this mess which the devil got involved in.

Jesus believes in these people and I hope that is a belief they can find comfort in to heal in Him to find the Way meant for them for a glorious life for the heavenly Father.
