Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oh to be queer now that Obama is near

In being banned from Huffington Post, I noted very loudly in blogs that
the reason the leftists like David Letterman, Bill Clinton, Sharon
Stone, Bill Maher etc.... keep bringing up homophobia is because their
cocktail parties are dripping with hatred of Christians, hatred of
Americans, hatred of the military and the greatest slur one attack
anyone with in these intimate events is to call them queer.

HuffPo actually printed a piece attacking the Bush Administration and
the greatest slur one of their pimple writers could attend to was
calling them queer.
Now that is quite odd when Barack Obama and Hillary are both at the same
time bowing to the gay lobby at a gay debate. Odd only if you have never
been at one of these Letterman events.

To give a taste of what actually goes on at such gatherings that never
gets into print, I found in the British Press excerpts from Christopher
Ciccone book about Madonna, his sister, having a before the wedding bash
for a few nights.

At the dinners, a host of the friends of British film maker and Madonna
hubby, the Guy, nightly would make remarks about Guy being a "poofter"
which is British for gay.
This is a remarkable first hand account by Mr. Ciccone who is himself a
misguided homosexual.

The gay bashing goes on nightly without Madonna showing any outrage at
all. Strange, since Madonna's entire career was built on gay fan's money.

At one point when Mr. Ciccone is asked to make the nightly toast he
simply weighs in with, "I'd like to toast the happy event which only
comes twice in a person's life and if anyone wants to f*ck Guy he will
be in my room later".

The entire room bursts out in laughter and to this Trudie, the wife of
Sting of rock n roll fame leans in and says, "That was hysterical. I
have been listening to all those homophobic jokes. I just want you to
know that we are aware of how you must be feeling".

Dear, dear Trudie and Sting, how compassionate, you and all the friends
are including maid of honor, Paul McCartney's daughter. I suppose they
would laugh and lean in to Jews in Warsaw telling them, "Hey we know you
are being hauled away to work to death camps, but we want you to know we
are aware of how you are feeling."

Talk about Bill Clinton feeling your pain.

This type of homophobia goes on nonstop in the leftist circles. You can
see Robin Williams prancing around as a gay man, but you know it is all
You can attend leftist gay parties and hear the people insulting each
other in the most derogatory ways.

The greatest homophobes in the world are the leftists who honestly are
terrified of sodomites and effeminates.

I can not recall the last time I was at a gathering where the subject
of being gay or insulting someone as gay was even deemed funny or spoken
of. Of course, the people I associate with do not go around insulting
people on the choices they make which are destroying them. They have
compassion, prayer and hope that the person might reform. They don't
laugh at a bi polar nor a gay person, but lament the problem and hope
for the best.

This is what this blog has been exposing to the effect that the left
uses Scott Ridder who has been arrested for trying to have sex with
little girls to the hidden talents of Barack Obama helping Donald Young
hit the high notes in the choir to showing Larry Sinclair a good time in
sodomite drug use.

Just ponder how the left treats gay people in Donald Young had his body
riddled with bullets and Larry Sinclair who is ill was thrown in prison,
had his medication withheld, had the Chicago Social Security harass him
and Biden's syndicate in Delaware is still terrorizing him.
The entire Obamanation literally has signed off on not just bashing
homosexuals, but the murder of them and the terrorizing of them.

This is standard operating policy and every actor, singer, pundit and
politicians has been to these parties and heard all the garbage and
laughed along with the crowd.

I have pointed out that ALL of them know exactly which execs are getting
young kids doped up for sex and which people end up in the Orient to sex
little kids. They know all of this and none of them says a word.
You think Roman Polanski doping a 13 year old girl years ago was the
exception? Look around people as this is going on and why these types
are talking about it so much as they are purging themselves from
covering it up or acting it out.

For a closing comment we visit Trudie again with a final thought to Mr.

Trudie: Christopher do I have BO?

Christopher: Huh???

Trudie: Do I have body odor? Do I smell?

Christopher: Not that I can tell. (perplexed as to why on earth this
woman is bring this up.)

Trudie: Are you into that sort of thing? Mightn't you be?

Christopher Ciccone extricates himself and simply replies, "Isn't the
smoked salmon delicious."

Oh to be queer not that Obama is near for all of these leftists. They
really are a disgusting lot and from his remarks and the people he
surrounds himself with he seems to fit right in with the hate crowd of
the left.
