Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Pyrrhic Victory......

Mr. Karl Schwarz on the Rense site sought to examine the Pyrrhic Victory of America in as of the past years "to win the battle but to loose the war".

For those who do not know history, Pyrrhic Victory is named after the Greek King Pyrrhus, who after defeating the Romans and loosing most of his army told those who were sent to congratulate him, "If I have any more victories like this over Rome, we will be undone".

I in no way mean to challenge Mr. Schwarz as his examination is necessary, but in the same context I hope to answer the question he asked in, "Why are we allowing this insanity" as Americans and his naming George W. Phyrrus and his empire as the problem.

For historical perspective which most Americans seem now taught in 2 hour movies where Private Ryan is saved and all go on from there, America has never had an absolute victory in any war it fought nor has any nation.
If one visits the Civil War, one can revisit emancipation and ask if blacks were free then why is Jesse Jackson speaking of removing Barack Obama's testicles and if state's rights were the at stake then why is the federal government trampling on the 10th Amendment.

One  can look at the Great Sioux War which supposedly ended in 1877, but find in writings that Indians were still attacking whites into the 1890's on the plains.

One  can find the victory in Japan and Germany and ask the soldiers of occupation about the no travel zones for Americans in those held states where Americans would be murdered if caught into the 1950's.

Just because peace treaties were signed did not ever mean the mission was accomplished in any of the history of this world.

The question though is not one of disagreeing with American policy nor agreeing with American policy. It is not in terming it sane nor insane. The answer though is to examine the tactical results which are being implemented that are the facts of the modern world.

One can ask are the Bolsheviks of Russia and the communists of China with their proxies of Islamocommunists in Persia, Hamas and Hezbollah, one can add Zawahiri of al Qaeda as he is indeed a communist, if they truly want good will toward the United States or if their actions have proven either in defense or offense they want to destroy America.

For example, the Bolshevik Manifesto published in the late 1990's which Vladamir Putin signed off on states that the United States must be hemmed in, made to retreat behind it's ocean walls where it will then be dispatched at the leisure of Russia and her proxies.

China is implementing and currently implementing vast fields of new warfare all aimed at the United States. Some of the old warfare they blackmailed William Clinton into handing over advanced nuclear warfare plans.

The Persian Islamocommunists were caught as was predicted in trying to sell bomb grade uranium to FARC, the narco communist terror group of Columbia to open up the "American nuclear front" in vaporizing US cities.

This is key in examining what one would term "Bush insanity", because one has to examine the question of, "Knowing the Russian and Chicoms seek to use a proxy to cripple America, the proxy Islamocommunists seek to vaporize several US cities which would cost 1 trillion dollars per city and send the world economy into depression".

If a leader was faced with such a catastrophe, would one allow it to happen?
Would this leader attack and spend a great sum, creating enormous more debt knowing that 2 events were certain if it happened:

1. The United States could not print enough money if 2 US cities were vaporized to recover.

2. Once America was so in the throws of nuclear trauma, it could not keep it's bases around the world as front war zones and would soon be faced with a creeping invasion akin to the what Japan tried in WW II and what Germany tried to get Mexico to start in promise they could have the American southwest.

If a leader was between a rock and a hard postion, then perhaps insanity from being drawn into an Eurasian world war where America could not manufacture enough bullets to kill over 200 million communists nor deal with a nuclear escalation would be to fight crescent front wars in a flaming line on the communist frontier in hopes that certain measures will buy a 20 year window when the following will occur.

1. China will consume the Eurasian and African resources to extinction.

2. Funding for Russia and Islamic oil will cease as their wells will drop production and as they are now spending all revenue they will have no reserves.

This case scenario in inflating food prices worldwide and oil prices worldwide which rewards the financiers by soaking up the trillion dollars America printed after 9 11 to stop a depression also soaks up Russian and Chinese billions, so even the Perisan communists can not produce enough to feed their own people and arm Hamas and Hezbollah.

This is the answer Mr. Schwarz was in apparent exasperation searching for, for what appears as insanity is a measure to keep American cities from being vaporized in the near term and when resources run out in Eurasia and Africa, that then the super stores of oil like in Gull Island will be opened with America in a coming generation as the Saudi Arabia and still food producer setting the stage where Eurasian communists will only be able to march for war and as they can not walk on water, they will be vassal states serving American front line allied partners with England and Japan as examples.

So while this dance at times seems pyrrhic, almost like the Spartan combing their hair to the perplexity of the Persians, this is a real war and real victories are occurring even if they do not seem so as of yet.

Iraq, by Donald Rumsfeld was allowed to go into a cauldron of anarchy to draw in terrorists from across the world into a kill zone.
George Bush could not bring that to light or the terrorists would not come. He was though forced to secure Iraq and the terrorists stopped coming and now the field of battle is in Pashtun and Afghanistan. A mark of this having worked is there were only incidental terror attacks in Muslim African states and none in Europe. The Islamocommunist proxy terrorists are dwindling and only leaving the one state of Iran.

Iraq was of course about oil, but about more than oil. If one examines the map of the area and what is being generated in a closing crescent of containment on Russia, China and Persian communists who have shown nuclear intent against the west, one can formulate an order of battle where if a Eurasian war breaks out it will be fought in the sand and steppes where western firepower can obliterate exposed hundred million person armies.

If Iraq is not there and America is forced to withdraw as Putin and Ahmadinejad hope to achieve by nuclear polluting the oil fields in a "small war", then this epic Eurasian world war which was coined by this writer first 2 years ago, will take place in India, strike into the Israeli valleys with an Egyptian front and cut a swath of nuclear death from the Balkans, into Bohemia and over the Rhine valley.
If it is not checked there, then it will obliterate western Europe.

America might stand the chance of only loosing a few cities to vaporization as a stalemate occurs, but it would be certain that the Chinese would be goaded by Russian oil and the promise of American Alaskan reserves an invasion of Alaska and Canada to pin down American forces as was in

The net result would be around 3 billion people dead in a world war with more following in Chernobyl children for a generation.

These are difficult times and difficult decisions are being made. Most of the reality can not be spoken of as it reveals United States intent.
The fact is George Bush has never been fighting the Iraq War nor the Islamic terrorists. This President has been instead forming a battle front for the Eurasian World War which is coming, as China can not provide for itself and it will have to march it's troops out to die or face revolution and Russia can not sustain the status it has before the central Europeans in two decades once again by financial means bleed all of the Russian assets out of that nation.
The Eurasians know they only have a short window to act almost like Japan and Nazi Germany were in a must die situation in the 1930's.

So the world will have war, but if the George Bush policies are completed this war will not suffer America or western Europe the hundred million dead it would not without the current action.

Those are points open to discussion and debate, but those are the answers to Mr. Schwarz dilema in looking at a current situation which seems insane, but it gains clarity if one realizes that George W. Bush has been fighting a war 10 years down the road which might now be only 3 years down the road in order to bring about a better outcome.

With all due respect intended to all and may God bless.


Original Incorrect Article:

The Pyrrhic Victory of  The Great Decider