Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Policy Paper

The main concern as I would be assured anyone's is also is the security
of the United States. In that, my analysis is based starting in 1992.
That shadowy period when Boris Yeltsin was drinking his way to
corruption and Bill Clinton was struggling with his various flaws and in
this window when President Rafsinjani's brother in law Hajj Rafij and
Defense Minister Akbar Torkan engineered a purchase of nuclear weapons
out of Semitpalatisk, Khazakhstan under President Nazarbayev's direction.
There were 4 original warheads stolen and sold ranging from 2 to 5
kiloton yields.

Some intelligence hints that Iraq received 1 of these warheads as a sort
of checkmate to Iran. This is the warhead which the GRU smuggled back by
flight to Moscow as America started the Iraqi liberation. Saddam Hussein
was never able to threaten with this warhead as it was too large to
launch on his systems.

In any scenario, Iran did end up with a number of warheads in the 1992
window. There were 3 warheads for the SS systems to Migs and 4 152 mm
nuclear shells.
The launch codes were not provided in the original purchase and the
routes were deemed through Bulgaria and Turkmenistan for the shipments,
but Iran hired Khazak nuclear engineers who by 1993 had bypassed the
coding making the weapons operational.

It has been my assessment in this is why the sign off was allowed for
Saudi Arabia to fund and gain it's own nuclear arsenal as a Clinton
shortcut to reach a balance of power in the region to protect oil supply.
There was no surprise in the Pakistani bomb as it was sanctioned and the
disaster of Dr. Khan caught even the Pakistani's by surprise in his
selling bomb prints to numerous states.

Communist China entered the arena in 1995 in providing the Iranians with
the blueprints to create a uranium conversion facility. While not
processing large amounts of weapons grade material in these 13 years the
estimate is Iran has built 25 plus nuclear bombs. The recent Atomic
Energy Commission "finding" a blueprint for an advanced small size
nuclear warhead in Iran was simply the Iranians signaling to the world
it's capability.
The IDF has hinted at the Iranian stockpile composing some 20 sites and
has been the logistical nightmare of stopping them and the Americans in
how to neutralize all the warheads as one existing in Larijani's hands
would be a western disaster when Iran retaliates.
This is what I noted in this early 1990's maze there are hints that Iran
purchased weapons grade uranium out of the defunct Soviet States and it
is this material they would use in a retaliation attack upon United
States cities as it would not trace back to Iran but Russia causing a
huge diplomatic problem.

In this logistic, it is this material which it is believed Iran was and
still is attempting to market at around 2 million American dollars per
kilo to narco communist terrorists like FARC in Columbia, South America
to open a nuclear front against the United States in vaporizing several
US cities and the blame being South Americans while the Bolshevik
Russians and Islamocommunist Iranians would sit "innocent".
Transportation likely would be the Chinese communists into Panama or
Guyana where a burgeoning Islamocommunist sphere is developing.
As a side note, this is why the United States has been assassinating
FARC leadership as their depositing drug money into patrician banks is
acceptable but their fronting a nuclear attack for Iran and Russia is
deemed a huge problem.

The Iranians though do not have a complete ICBM delivery system. Their
touted Shahab 3 was deemed patched together rocket parts. While not a
sustained threat, they have enough of these systems to deliver warheads
that would reach Tel Aviv to Paris to Berlin and is why President Jaques
Chirac surprised everyone in the last months of his term in threatening
Iran with vaporization. It is these handful of Shahabs which had Ankara,
Berlin and Paris installing Patriot systems and overtly threatening Iran.
It is also why some in the Pentagon have been relating America can live
with a nuclear Iran as America has to some extent. That game though will
change as the Persian Islamocommunists gain exportable quantities of
nuclear weapons and embargo oil as the Russians are leveraging for.

Russian General Baluyevsky in 2002 who is the Deputy Chief of Staff
confirmed why Chirac was waving the nuclear weapon he said the Iranians
had "non strategic" nuclear weapons in the less than 5500 kilometer
range. His musings that they were not a threat to Russia confirmed
Russia was shepherding the program as a 5th column threat against Europe
and American allies in the region.

Right now this is a Mexican standoff, but the American political system
is in a rush to do "something" before George Bush leaves office. Yes the
President wants the hammer and anvil to get bin Laden so he will be
deemed a success, but the greater problem is the Israeli secularists if
they can not get America to strike Iran, then they will and they just do
not have the firepower and unless one pollutes with plutonium nuclear
bomb sites one has the same 20 to 90 pound cores sitting there to be
shipped out in retaliation.
As stated, the Iranian Islamocommunist will wait in this until a few
years after the elections. Their first order is if Barack Obama wins or
an Al Gore is drafted in to "siphon" off like North Korea all they can
be fore they attack like TWA 800. After they get their finances and make
a fool of a President Obama then a surrogate will vaporize an American
city or cities with probably a new method of utilizing a theory of using
small grade nuclear bombs in tandem which in large cities which are open
as American cities are would form concussion firewalls.
To explain, one would require 2 small devices in a MERV and detonate
them aerially within moments of each other. In Hiroshima one had city in
the bowl of mountains to create the ultimate blast effect.
In open cities with skyscrapers the blast would radiate out and in many
ways be impeded with the canyons of skyscrapers of concrete deflecting
the wind, heat and radiation creating a smaller blast zone.
If in theory, one uses 2 devices so the concussion would smash off of
each other like hand clapping the internal crushing blow would then in
equal force radiate out in pattern more a maximum effect as the eddies
of wind currents would swirl in the cauldron crater for a longer period
of time.

The Islamofascists of bin Laden and the Islamocommunists of Zawahiri and
Larijani have proven westward thinking in munitions and have not been
impeded by concerns for destruction. In every case, they plan not for
just an event but for maximum yield.
The Persians are the same Xerxes mindset of massive results, but have
added to this the lesson of defeat by the Greeks with as noted the study
of Immanuel Kant. When they come within he next 5 years, they will leave
a massive signature pointing to a scapegoat and with a mess that 9 11
will not clean up. They will leave a Chernobyl.

In discussing this with a European counterpart a few days ago, he noted
too the crescent of war from Kosovo to the Hindus and agreed that the
smaller wars would probably ignite "my big war" as I have written on the
past 2 years in a Eurasian world war.
My concern for America is this nation has been subjected to a kinder and
gentler war doctrine espoused by Colin Powell. The Marines in Falujah
and in the Green Zone are practicing old methods again as are the
British in Afghanistan, but with Iran a disaster is in the making as
whoever strikes the Persian communists they will not do it completely.
This will in turn create some form of WMD exchange which will scare
people immensely as it should.

The problem in that is in that chaos, the American left will demand US
troops vacate the region. This American buffer will no doubt be filled
by a central European clique as they have been maneuvering into the West
Bank when not selling WMD's to terrorist states with the end result being:

If Iran is weakened enough, then Egypt in it's massive military will
attempt to fill the void along with the bizarre diplomats of Libya.

The central Europeans seeing the EU is room temperature will move to
form a German, Italian, Greek led empire for security and arm themselves

Russia will with it's nuclear arsenal now complete in oil money will
revamp in a few years a massive armoured mechanized corp.

China with interrupted oil and supply will march the PLA out to some war
as if the PLA stays home they will seize power.

Every Eurasian nations in that theater will rearm and leverage exactly
like before both world wars and some flash point like Kosovo will bring
this WMD war which no one will stop until billions are dead and nothing
is left.

If this would simply consume those empire children in Eurasia as they
never do play well with anyone, it would not be of concern for the
western Europeans, America or Japan. But every time they start a war, it
is Eastern European flash point, then the Germans or Italians leverage
and France always jumps in with the net result so does England and voila
America gets begged into the fight again.

For that reason, somehow a diplomatic case must be made to which
anarchists and leftists must understand the stakes so there is no
infighting in America and the Persians must be neutralized harshly.
The rearming will occur no matter what as the Eurasians are all pushing
for this war, and, America will loose to it's humiliation no doubt the
massive bases it has in the Middle East, but in falling back to Diego
Garcia, Okinawa with Japan as our mainline base and England in the
Atlantic, perhaps by God's grace this nation can produce some diplomacy
not like FDR in jumping into a war by having whoever is paddling about
in England and France to eat some humility and wait this slug fest out.

I apologize for the lengthy response, but I believe the entire situation
regrettably hinges now on the Persians in dealing with them effectively.
In could of's, the food weapon should have been unleashed agains them
and China in 1990 to have so weakened them they would have imploded
already. Now though, I behold Brzezinski and his bribe the nations to be
friends while he mounts for dissecting China so he can have a go at
Russia as too pronounced in American policy.
Iraq as I wrote on should have been the crescent of containment for this
war and using regime change or cantonment in Iran provided that the
coming war would be fought in the Asian steppes where western firepower
would be of advantage for victory. Now though, my conclusion this
Eurasian world war will spark from India, to the valleys of Jerusalem
into Kosovo with Chinese military there and Russian spearheads
thrusting into Prague, Bohemia, Prussia and the Ruhr Valley. This thing
is going to be fought out in the most lovely and populated areas as it
stands now.

So it does not become Dante's Inferno, the assessment is obliterate the
Persian core. Make certain Pakistan and Saudi Arabia maintain the
nuclear front and put a Conservative of sorts in charge of the Israeli
state who will quickly disarm by force Hezbollah and Hamas, give them
their own state and have the Egyptian regime police the African
door.........then when the central Europeans flex along with Russia and
China, this might just implode on it's own as the Russian need European
money for oil as they will have spent it on munitions and the Chinese
will slowly implode.

The Persians though want that Caliph extending into Europe first and
with their nuclear umbrella they will have Oslo, Paris, Berlin and
Madrid burning in communist revolution at the behest of the Bolsheviks
in winning territory from within.
As Democrats have taken the Bush war policy off the table, diplomacy
will never work with Iran, there has only been one option left to any US
leader and that is nuclear response in why Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton
have both been so vocal on vaporizing the Pashtun.
In these impossible choices in only one being left, it would be best in
short term and long term (so the United States is not facing a Chinese
invasion via Alaska pinning down our forces here so as not to aid Japan
and western Europe), followed by a desperate nuclear launch by Russia
when they start loosing, that a scenario of themrobaric strikes on Qod
Forces, the decapitization of the Supreme Council and Iranian government
with substrata nuclear detonations to take out all nuclear centers and
warheads in Iran is the only viable option for American security, but
only if it is massive and thorough. Otherwise America will be struck as
was noted above in the 2 device method.

The internal chaos methods inside Iran must yield results within 5
months in so weakening Iran the regime looses control. If not, the worst
will occur and even with striking the Persians completely it will not
stop the Eurasian world war. It will though by a 83% margin keep western
Europe and America with Australia and Japan from being attacked, invaded
or facing nuclear launches.
Iran though will be struck, not sufficiently and the end result will be
a Biblical nightmare.


/*"il nous faut de l'audace, et encore de l'audace, et toujours de
l'audace" we must dare, dare again and forever dare */

*Georges Jacques Danton 10/26/1759 - 4/5/1794*