Thursday, July 3, 2008

Meet my son, Barack Hussein Bush jr.

I wonder if Democrats, those types on Huffington Post, Charlie Rose,
DailyKos and have noticed something in the Barack Obama they
have been drooling over in pasting George W. Bush as the worst President
in history for his policies..........when Barack Obama has been saying this:

Quotes: I intend to expand George Bush's faith based initiatives in
providing more money.

I agree with the Supreme Court in upholding the Second Amendment.

If the United States is attacked, I intend to use nuclear weapons in
bombing the Pashtun.

I intend to provide another round of George Bush's rebates to expand the

I'm flexible now in bringing troops out of Iraq and think now that they
should stay.

I do not believe distress should be a reason to allow late term abortions.

Will the Obamamaniacs be able to discern that the savior they have been
panting over is planning on giving George W. Bush a third term by
implementing and expanding all of the Bush policies?

People have noted that most of Barack Obama's people are Jimmy Carter
dregs so it would be Carter failure part two, but this time with Zig
Brzezinski instigating the nuclear war with Russia he wanted and the one
Wacko Wesley Clark attempted to start in Kosovo, but in reality the
coming Barack Obama if one tosses in sodomy, hating white people and
being Muslim the BO White House is sounding just like George W. Bush,
except Brzezinski will make Dick Cheney look tame to liberals.

So what will these Democrats do in suffering from another Democrat after
Nance Pelosi and Harry Reid affirming that George Bush was implementing
the exact policies America needed?

Can they vote for Barack Obama knowing he is going to continue the Bush
policies and expand them to even more lethal ones?

I suppose they can always vote for Ralph Nader, but in the meantime I
would like all of these liberals to explain just why is it when George
Bush is making policy it was evil and when their candidate is expanding
Bush policy it is now somehow.........just something they are going to
vote for.

Perhaps George W. Bush will have a Rose Garden ceremony and announce
soon, Meet my son, Barack Hussein Bush jr.........the 3rd term of the
Bush White House.

ain't life a kick for liberals lol