This commentary which I hope Foreign Affairs will post not as a Letter to the Editor, but as a complete article rebutting Mr. Pastor who with his benefactors have never once asked one citizen of North America if they want this lame plan and never once spent one penny of their money, but have instead taken tax money from the very people he now laments do not want to play in the sand box he wants built on their property.
I have contacted Mr. Pastor and like all elites he is just too busy to deal with the citizen as the millions just get in the way of the pristine skyline dreams of this united orb of the mass.
This one unit of humanity always looks good from the people in the ivory towers who do not sweat for a living, but ask the 1.1 billion Chinese who are being used up and spit out in the united Chin led China while two hundred million elites sit in luxury and they will by frequent riot tell you it does not work.
Great ideas like Ronald Reagan's free trade and the subsequent NAFTA are wonderful until robber barons drive up inflation bankrupting Brazil and stealing all of it's resources and floods of Latino's pour into America degrading the entire infrastructure, but once again the robber barons make billions in slave labor profits in cheap housing, used cars, food and that 200 million gallons of gasoline illegals are burning each week creating inflated prices against United States citizens.
So until Mr. Pastor comes out of his scholastic ivory tower where the masses are tasting his "union" already where Canada is being moved to be plundered and polluted, the US is being bankrupted and Mexico is being used as a slave labor camp, he needs to stop lamenting and start realizing the misery his policies are enslaving the masses too.
See, I did contact Mr. Pastor a year ago with a way to fix this entire miserable fiasco he wants to shackle North America too, but there was only silence from him as much of this CFR only has time for their ideas and never concludes the generalized socialism is bringing the patrician to ruin in the same sinking ship all are in.
Advancement and genius does not come from the upper class. Genius is born of the masses where one child touched by God struggles as Teddy Roosevelt did, Thomas Edison did and Bill Gates has done to change the world.
To put it simply, one does not breed a jack to a thoroughbred and when a mule comes out wonder how on earth did this disaster happen.
The elites bringing in cheap Latino labor which is third world to America does nothing but impoverish both nationals. It causes immense political and cultural friction which even inflation can not create enough wealth to feed.
The answer in his is the solution Mr. Pastor has ignored. It is Benjamin Franklin to Milton Friedman. The way one creates solutions and wealth is by production in numerous states and fields of endeavor.
The centralized unit only works when it is loosely federated allowing the local populations to produce and enjoy the entire fruits of their labor.
Then the patrician reaps huge rewards in taxes for their schemes and expands their banking assets by all of the revenue the masses are generating.
This model worked effectively in America up until 1960, but then was discarded as financiers thought they could rig the system to take a bigger cut and all it did was make them the same slaves as the masses to inflation.
The solution in this is to require the multi billion dollar now leftist foundations such as Ford, Rockefeller, MacArthur, Heinz to start investing in northern Mexico in building schools (real schools and not schools telling Mexican children the American southwest is "their's" so it will inspire them to move north to be slaves.), real hospitals and real corporate structures with land reform so that the northern Mexican states will be Americanized in the best ethics of Franklin prosperity all in keeping Mexico, Mexican.
This zone will then expand to include southern Mexico where there is must poverty and Indian trouble to prosper all of the peoples in a traditional Catholic Mexican culture where production in Mexican labor stays in Mexico.
Mexico within a decade will then be the Latino base for all Central America to raise their standard of living and commerce. Linked with Columbia and Chile who still survive as Reagan's trade partners a new prosperous dawn will occur which will profit Mr. Pastor's benefactors.
In Canada, the people there of west Conservative and east Liberal will cleanly mine, farm and forestry their raw resources in the American monetary system of wealth production for the consumer and technology market.
Once again, high paying jobs, a Christian Imperial working force and Canadians prospering in an Americanized sphere, but keeping their Canadian identity without the masses being educated in one school program in one idea will make the Canadians like the Mexicans industrious, prosperous and happy workers for the patricians managing this.
In America, the benefits of course are immense as trading partners are created with vast wealth generated in North America so the funds circulate here creating more wealth.
Standards of living rise, advancement in competition rise in a healthy way and Canadians, Mexicans and Americans stop being suspicious of each other invading the other's nations for the purposes of the elite few.
America becomes the benevolent family and not limited to replacing a bad neighbor policy which Mr. Pastor advocates for a good neighbor policy.
In this base of energy, raw resources which will include sea mining to supply Asia, technology and finance where North America as in the 1950 system had America the greatest lender nation instead of debtor, will provide that utopia to prosper the world.
I have advocated that the two God given natural points of land in England and Japan be brought in as the America's trans shipping partners to Eurasia. These massive financial partners would also be military links for the security of their interests and the American ocean fortress.
Once the Eurasian interests understand America is not competing but prospering them in trade and supply, there will not be a problem of nuclear missiles being fired at America as it will be in the Eurasian interests to not attack a valuable asset in America and her forward partners.
I have advocated a trading hub in the Middle East also of the familiar peoples of Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi's and Kurds for a water, energy and financial center with Iraq building on oil supply to become the Japan of the Middle East to prosper all peoples there in giving them work, purpose and hope so they leave terrorism behind.
This same vista awaits Africa where the world should under British Commonwealth mandate move in and restore Zimbabwe to the Rhodesian glory it was of prosperity and feeing Africa.
A security arrangement, financial and trade group centering on South Africa to keep it from imploding, Botswana, Uganda, Mozambique, Kenya and Zimbabwe in the south with Egypt, Libya, Algeria and Morocco in the north forming an energy and shipping exchange will unite Africa into a prosperous trading partner, free of robber barons and a people advancing as the colonials intended, but left too soon before the situation had laid a generational foundation for the African people.
This doctrine is not just about America. It is about an Americanization of the world's second and third world states. Not though making them American, but giving the same ideals of prosperity and responsible liberty which the founders brought from the financial, labor and ethics which of Germany, England, Greece, the Middle East and China which created this system of paper money, banking, land ownership, unalienable rights and the strenuous life which Theodore Roosevelt advocated for the fulfillment of all mankind.
Mr. Pastor's doctrine ignores the reality that the homogenized system settles out to Rome, the Soviets and now what is happening in China which is a catastrophe in building a coming Eurasian world war.
If he and his benefactors continue this erosion of American success, there is not going to be an American sphere left to rebuild the world.
The Asian land bridge which brought a wave of immigrants will bring a Chinese invasion of Alaska for the massive untapped oil fields there as they will not enter Siberia against a strong nuclear Russia of a centralized system but keeping defined it's different peoples.
In the end, Mr. Pastor should not be lamenting, but cheering this disaster has been started to be blocked so a future generation would not be looking back on his plans and noting after the collapse that it was Robert A. Pastor who pushed for this.
Mr. Pastor needs to heed with his benefactors the reality that their policies of Keynesian homogenization are not working and are in the process of eroding to jeopardy their positions of leadership of the world.
The world is not a world by committee, but one of one leader. America must be that one leader which the world patterns itself after as the Japanese did so wonderfully, but in keeping their entire Japanese identity.
Put the American in place, leave Americans be Americans and leave the individual localities to prosper in that system in their diverse ethnic histories.
That makes a secure, happy, industrious, prosperous united world by choice and not by pouring in billions of dollars in education centers, banking centers and trade centers where the masses are fleeing as that kind of dictatorship only benefits the few prospering from it.