Barry Obama learned as tall black kid that if he stood silent and looked like he was thinking that people would actually think he had something going on between his ears.
He plays this role a great deal. If you study his Letterman appearance to the recent sit downs where dinger questions are handed to him, you get those perplexed eyebrows like Dan Rather constitpated for thought which apparently impressed "white folks".
This is always followed by Barry going into his real radio broadcaster voice where he gets deep and low, so everything he Walter Cronkite says sounds bold, informative and thoughtful.
That show appeals greatly to people who think America has 57 states, who Barack Obama is one of them. It worked great on getting white girls in Hawaii with a touch of poetry as his conquests noted, but how will it play in Germany.
I will make prediction that Barack Obama will be just like he has been in Iraq, Afghanistan and every place he has shown up.........he will be dwarfed by the stage.
See Barry the basketball jock only performs well in areas about the size of a basketball key. Put n makeup and lights with lust filled groupies screaming at anything the cheer sign lights up cuing them and he does ok, but put him on the real stage where real people are seeing what they are getting and the real people expose just how mundane he is not even having the star quality they have.
Barack Obama entering the German crossroads now for a speech is like showing up for the premier of Gone with the Wind 70 years too late. There is nothing in Germany as Reagan and Lutherans freed the slaves of communism.
Barack Obama is going to wade into an arena trying to be John Kennedy, but is going to look like that bungling oaf Jimmy Carter trying to impersonate him.
Jimmy Carter visited Germany with the height of misery and no one remembers him but being foolish.
It would be Ronald Reagan standing in Germany and uttering the immortal words he expressed for all mankind, "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall!"
What on earth is Barack Obama going to say to the world, "Mr. Medvedev, I'm a Berliner and sure glad this wall is gone".
Real Robert Mugabe presidential lines there.
The press reports a million Germans will show up. I doubt that except for that Nazi's and the American hating communists, most Germans will have better things to do like having a beer with some salted radishes.
Barack Obama is incapable of inspiring anyone. Here though is the speech he should give, but it is not his but the Lame Cherry.

Germans remember the reason for this monument which was set when America was still an infant fighting in the first World War which engulfed the world.
No, I do not speak of 1917, but a war where Frederick the Great of Prussia was doing battle with empires of Austria, France and Russia while American Rangers did battle on our continent during the 7 Years War. That was the first world war which engulfed the world from India to Quebec.
It was that war which shook the foundations of the world and brought forth a flickering light which stretched from the embers of English Common Law to Biblical German Lutheranism which would grow to an eternal flame of liberty setting an American Revolution ablaze as empires whithered and peoples over the next centuries would unite in the common cause of, "We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal".
This monument is a tribute to that victory and a reminder for this modern generation that blood was spilled for this vanquishing despots lest we never forget.
We must never forget all of our pasts from black people capturing black people to sell as slaves to European traders. We must never forget the white slaves captured by north Africans by a million to form the people there today. We must never forget that every race has been preyed upon by the other and never forget that the past sins of mankind are only marked not to wallow in, but to never forget lest we make the mistakes of the past again.
Right now the oil producing nations from Russia to the Middle East have a vast wealth of easy money which will run out in a generation and the epic tide of currency will leave them to the poverty of before.
Right now China harnesses it's people trying to have 1.3 billion people hold up the weight of food, oil, coal, water and military might on the muscles of a used up 1.3 billion people.
Right now Africans are preying upon Africans as World Bank funds flow into despots accounts to only flow back into European banks paying for a day they will never see.
Right now is the birth of despotism and tyranny born to every generation when masses of people are without a God given opportunity to fulfill their destiny as humans and in that midwife of misery there are created despots who herd the masses to their own violent use to march out and attack other states.
This is nothing new. The same flash points of volcanic war are the same eruptions we see today from imported slave laborers into Europe in Muslims, Latinos into America and the sold cheap labor of Asia. From Kosovo, to the Texas border, to Tibet to Siberia, to Gaza to South Africa, the theft of nations turns into the world of wars.
Make no mistake in this polite political conversation that there are now leaders who are using terrorism in established governments. The same threats which spurred the wars which this Victory Column commemorates are the same faced today as yesterdays Polonium 210 becomes tomorrows nuclear bomb by proxy over New York. The same chemicals exported for profit labeled insecticide is tomorrow's VX covering Tel Aviv and the same biological sample shared is tomorrows anthrax in Bombay.
Right now America has Chinese and Russian nuclear missiles pointed at it. Do not tell me we are friends and trading partners.
Right now there are unanswered assassinations in Lebanon. Do not tell me the day will not come when from Tibet to Kosovo that assassinations will not be an expanded policy.
Do not tell me at the crossroads of this monument which has seen invading armies pass by for centuries that Russian plans do not involve a travel route through here if the Bolsehvik Manifesto for a Soviet from Dublin to Moscow does not succeed by oil blackmail.
Do not tell me that the Chinese do not have plans to conquer either Siberia or Alaska for their expansion.
This monument whispers a different history and as an oracle of the future has a clarion call warning that the tyranny born today in the misery of humanity is beyond an adolescent and is fast approaching a soldier marching off to war.
A new exchange must be reached before 500 million soldiers of misery are sent out for another Eurasian World War where there will not be any monuments to victory, but ploughshares cutting the sod which was once the cities of Prague, Moscow and Peking.
This must be the fair marketing of western technology, the grain producing nations, the oil producing states and the Asian masses in labor all balanced in trade.
Nations like Zimbabwe must be treated for the cancer they are and healed. The new patient then must be a building block for all Africa in food production and commerce.
The day of the despot no matter the region must be ended. People will not be managed by Islamocommunists in the Middle East, communists in Africa, socialists in the Americas, Bolsheviks in Eurasia and Maoists in Asia. People producing wealth they can keep and enjoy is thee only answer to stop the world war this monument is in banshee call warning the world is coming.
This column is our combined history and before us is the golden crown of a future in individuals prospering in every nation or the choice of the sullen hard unbreakable foundation set which will be a tombstone to many nations who will cease to exist in the next war.
I give my word that I will support the Iranian people, the Russian people, the Chinese people, the Rhodesian people, the German people, the people forgotten, the people without hope, the people who are my America, but I will lead to that golden future on top of this monument and seek to thwart every despot at the head of nations seeking to enslave the billions.
I will not lead this world to war.
I will not lead this world to peace.
Because there is no leading the individual from China to India to Norway to Argentina. The citizen no matter the place knows what is best for their own life and no one else by God's ordained command for all mankind.
To that I will lead in the best outcome for the individual to be empowered to live their own life in peace, prosperity and in responsible liberty.
That is what this monument whispers in the winds of this summer. It warns that an autumn is coming and a winter no one wants is coming if we do not listen.
I have heard it's call and I will lead.