About 5 minutes ago I was watching not PBS Nature, but real nature much to my delight. My little hacienda verde gave me a show of not 50 yards from where I'm sitting of a hen turkey and a dozen third grown little ones negotiating the process of flying into an elm tree for their evening roost so the predators won't kill them.
It was delightful seeing them not pay attention to me as I listened to the chicks squeak their frustration of not wanting to fly up into that tree..............a tree by the way killed by dutch elm, looks like hell, has bark and twigs breaking off it, but hey it is nature and if I don't do it then who in God's green earth will?
Whenever I hear like this week Al Gore prattling on things must change in energy or we will be all dead in 10 years...........I remember him saying we would all be dead 17 years ago if things didn't change by the year 2000.
Democrats always have that problem and that includes John Edwards, Howard Dean, Bill and Hillary and Barack Obama. They champion environmentalism and anal holes like Jimmy Carter steal millions of acres from the public and sentence wild animals to horrific ends of starvation, over predation and disease, but I always want to ask then what have you done lately REALLY FOR WILDLIFE?
I have a dozen bird houses I built and raise tree swallows, natives sparrows and house wrens yearly. Right now I have a tarp on my boat and poop on my horses, because I'm raising over a dozen little barn swallows.
I don't cut my hay until late loosing an early crop I need so upland game will have cover to raise their young.
I don't let my dog or cats kill and harass wildlife.........one reason those turkeys are here is because the neighbors all think turkeys either can't poop on their lawns or those turkeys mix well with roaring 4x4's or out of control dogs busting them.
Always easy for them to let the other guy raise things until they want to hunt them or wonder why they don't have anything around their scorched earth, cut to the bone lawns where a worm couldn't hide.
Somebody has got to raise the wildlife though and it doesn't come off of government land nor laws passed in Congress. It comes from people husbanding what God gave for a better tomorrow.
Those turkeys started out as a neighbors eastern wild turkey flock. The state soon saw how well they were doing and sold licenses to make more money pimping wildlife.......and there just were not enough and some jerk has always got to flock shoot the things or chase them so they don't have a chance to eat or roost so now instead of on state land they have moved miles to live with me for the summer.
The entire wildlife system in the United States is a mess and a disaster. It is managed for profit and managed so a bunch of Gore and Obamacrats can pat themselves on the back thinking they have really saved the day.
Those turkeys and other creatures here are here because I also eradicate predators which kill them. Wildlife is a nasty business and I don't appreciate it when my pet cats are eaten by coyotes, my birds are blood sucked by mink or my dogs get ripped into by rabid raccoons.
There are a host of people out there from college boy game wardens to the above politicians taking credit for American wildlife they don't lift a damn finger in rearing or protecting.
I'm no fan of Prince Charles, but he has a farm he has managed for him and it is full of bird houses along with his farming. It is why I built and put up mine, because I love nature and I enjoy seeing the entire habitat I have here working a non vegan operation filled with America plants, American critters and an American way of life which liberals are running over in their hybrid cars or mowing to the bone because they are worried about wood ticks.
Ticks? I believe I have taken over a hundred off of my dog in the past two months. I have horses grazing my lawn and I have birds as my insecticide from everything from cucumber beetles to cabbage moths.....and those nasty mosquitos are being eaten at 1 pound per pair of swallows daily with each nest eating 2 pounds more a day.
That is just part of what I do daily.........but I still want to know what Al Gore did today personally for wildlife besides splat some duck off his jet.
I will bet I did more today for wildlife than Al Gore, his old man, Barack Obama, the Clintons and Al Gore did in their entire lives..........and you can toss their next generation in too and I still would win the wager.