Thursday, July 3, 2008


I guess in life certain things like bugs achieve the name, because they
irritate one beyond human patience like a whining child, in this Devvy
Kidd is both insect and juvenile.

Ms. Kidd psychologically suffers from a psychopathy. Many people have
them, but the difference between normal behavior in a person being moved
when one sees a thug kicking a puppy there is an insane reaction like
Ms. Kidd who would kill the thug and kill the puppy both as it would
make sense to her if there was no puppy then no harm would come to it.

In this Ms. Kidd is joined by many anarchists suffering from self
problems tearing them up inside with a grandiose compulsion if "she
could just do something" then order would come to the world and order
would come to her. This dilusion appears in many people in media which
fulfills the need to be noticed so they too can be a star and therefore
convince themselves they are somebody too........think of it is as the
Barbara Streisand Syndrome.

Ms. Kidd only deals in facts which create a nemesis she must rise to,
joust with, vent about and claim she is on the battlefield to feed that
inner emptiness which haunts her.
It doesn't matter if her choices are usually Presidents who wouldn't
know Devvy Kidd from a bleating goat nor care what pasture of internet
she is grazing, but Ms. Kidd being deluded actually thinks she amounts
to something and is someone.

Examples of Ms. Kidd's chaotic soul are statements that she wants to
promote Ron Paul at Minneapolis to not give him the nomination, but
bring down John McCain so in her words "maybe Newt will be the nominee".
One must review that closely for Ms. Kidd backs Ron Paul, but her inner
demons are so driving her that all she cares about is destroying and not
even advancing a rather ignorant Ron Paul whose policies would bring
about an economic meltdown in the world and a world war.

Ms. Kidd joins ranters who want to impeach George Bush, but she never
considers the real data on her charges is globalist propaganda, but it
doesn't matter as she is out to destroy someone who if one views history
when impeachments occur that it is a disaster for America........but Ms.
Kidd in desiring impeachment will not sign onto it as "it will never

Instead she in her desperation desires to join prosecutors to go after
President Bush for "murder" and lies. Never mind that all Presidents of
the United States who have served one term have all been involved in
someone dying as that is what happens when one is leader of a military
and police branch of is the psychopathy of Ms. Kidd
that is all the facts she requires.

Facts though would be the best place to focus on Ms. Kidd and her
prosecutors as if guilt is decided by people dying and people
lying..........then let us examine Ms. Devvy Kidd on her own seat of

We ask the court to examine the facts, "Did one Iraqi and at least one
American die by pundits like Ms. Kidd who distracted the American nation
in their writings, actions by emboldening terrorists to attack in Iraq?"

The answer of the court shows that over 2000 American soldiers have
been murdered since Iraqi liberation and thousands of more Iraqi
casualties when President Bush stated Mission Accomplished and Ms. Kidd
challenged this.
This of course means that Ms. Kidd and George W. Bush is guilty of mass where is the prosecution of Ms. Kidd calling for the
prosecution of the heinous Ms. Kidd?

Certainly impeachment or her banishment must be discussed also as she
has violated laws in the deaths of others.
Certainly one can find her conning her mother and step father to divest
their savings and sink them into gold in a volitile market place which
is falling can be termed as a lie as great as her screaming about
Iraq..........for after all the Rothschilds and Russians hold the
majority of gold shares and her profiting these globalists is certainly
as great as anything concerning Haliburton.

So therein lies the rub for the stone casting psychopathy sufferers as
the same justice which they attempt to lynch a legally protected sitting
President is the same tide of sentence which will indict, convict and
sentence them.

Liberty in any nation requires responsibility and a greater portion of
God given common sense. Ms. Kidd is neither responsible nor does she
possess any common sense in her chaotic soul.

As a prayer, Ms. Kidd should invest more time in yielding to the Prince
of Peace, Jesus the Christ Who is Lord of all and by His Grace and
Wisdom she and other anarchists might learn that they are not God nor
are they capable of changing one thing in this world.
Ms. Kidd should face the fact of what she fears in she is helpless and
acting out will not change that. One can only rely on God as He is Lord.

That lesson is the one President George W. Bush in prayer leans on and
is why he has saved millions of people from WMD deaths and he sleeps at
night in God's care while Ms. Kidd fuels up screaming and ranting each
day trying to destroy some innocent as she can not face the creature she is.

May God bless the Good in the United States of America and may God
protect this Republic from the problem children within and the enemies
without. In Jesus Name. Amen
