Saturday, July 5, 2008

Truth about Oil

The Wall Street Journal published for the second day absolute lies about
why oil prices have gone up.

Here is the factual response.

Has anyone here ever been to an oil well? Has anyone here ever dealt
with a refinery? Has anyone here actually had any experience in knowing
the difference between crude oil types?

I have and for the facts in this, there is no peak oil in this. What
there is like in grain now is a monopoly cartel driving up prices meant
to Europeanize Americans which is a disaster as Europe is a close urban
culture and America has hundreds of miles of open nothingness like
Canada. Mass transit will not work in the United States as it will cost
more than the vehicles driving.

Oil is created by deep earth generated forces. The Russians have a well
Kohler SG 3 which is 43,000 or almost 8 miles deep. No dinosaurs ever
got that deep and it means earth heat, pressure on carbon with water
create crude oil, methane ice and natural gas in a natural process which
steals earth gases from the atmosphere.
This oil is renewable and old wells constantly come online again.
America right now has proven reserves larger than Saudi Arabia and
Russia combined. Gull Island in Alaska is as large as the Saudi fields.
Utah has a massive field, fields are capped from Texas to the Dakotas
and the Montana crude is so high grade it is green colored and not black.

Most of the Alaska crude which is sweet crude goes to Japan. California
refineries sometimes get a shipment of Alaskan crude in compared to that
sulfur poison out of Mexico and Venezuela and they will tell you
American sweet crude which we have a 200 year supply for America and our
allies "refines itself" it is so high grade.

The Wall Street Journal has been one of the worst propaganda sources in
this as of late and it is disgusting.

Oil and food prices were spiked to soak up the trillion dollars which
America printed as George Bush tried to head off a worldwide depression
after 9 11. America was already in 1998 slumping into a Clinton
retroactive taxes recession and President saved the world from economic
The problem is financiers want that trillion dollars on a 30 cent dollar
so when the dollar inflates they will have 2 to 3 trillion in buying power.
It has nothing to do with biofuels as corn is corn after one takes only
the starch out for ethanol and no one eats yellow hybrid corn except
livestock anyway. All of that is just a scam to fleece people of money
and take away freedoms.

There are definite ways to fix this. Oil prices would drop to 75 dollars
a barrel if Congress simply stopped speculation in it by the SAME MARKET
TRADERS quoted as experts in this article driving the prices up.
Secondly, America has drilled, verified and capped oil wells from Alaska
to Texas that only need to be pumped.
Congress with the President today could mandate the Army Corp of
Engineers and the Construction Battalions to start pumping all of these
fields at 8 dollars a barrel to cover costs. In that gas would be at the
price it should be with those repressive gas taxes at 27 cents a gallon.

America used to be run in the 1860 to 1960 mode where robber barons
robbed the world, but had moral character to provide good jobs and cheap
goods protecting American citizens. Now the cartel has designed to rape
every US citizen the same way they raped the Reagan created trading
partners in South America like Brazil and install communists to run things.

What is it American worker when you are working for benefits first in
medical and retirement and your wage is secondary as you skimp by on
government subsidies? That is communism and is what Americans have been
conditioned to accept.

All it is going to take is demanding they open the oil taps as American
sweet crude is so easy to refine that no new refineries will be necessary.
Oh and no one is considering the imported slave labor of illegal border
busters who are making billions in buying up cheap cars, cheap housing
and groceries and when you couple with the fact they are burning 200
million gallons of gasoline every week……..gee do you think prices would
go down if illegals were not here buying up the monopolized supply?

I have written to Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota on this as he went
very public in wanting like all these Democrats in Congress to drop oil
prices and not one reply from him or anyone in Congress.

Start demanding the Army Corp open those wells and American oil problems
will stop over night.
If people want solar power, great create solar power to help the grid as
people do not want coal fire plants using billions of gallons of water
in any state. But the fact remains, Americans have got to fix this
problem and become educated and certainly demand accountability from the
Wall Street Journal as what has been appearing here is reprehensible in
the lies it is repeating and charging money for it because ignorance is
no excuse and deliberately repeating known lies is not in the Spirit of
July 4th.

God bless

PS and WSJ, I'm at your humble service to explain all of this if you are
interested in the Truth. I will charge you half the salary you are
paying your staff to lie to people.