Friday, July 11, 2008 another Nazicom Site

One has to just love the Nazicom, a word I just created all for God's glory to describe these hybrid socialists who run around as brown shirted thugs bowing to the hammer of smashing thought and cutting blogs off in the sickle of censorship.

Having run into these types from HuffingtonPost (they just invited me to be a reporter on their site even though I'm banned from commenting on their filth, vulgarity and stupidity) to Frontpagemag which doesn't like points such as Jews who died in work to death camps should not be lumped in with commies fighting for that murderous Stalin who had his army rape everything in Germany from infants to 90 year old grandmothers, it just galls one of the Truth to find the champion screamers can not deal with being challenged.

In that I see that Larry Sinclair has now been nuked from that little Nazicom site Wordpress. Often I wonder why the thugs of blogspot owned by Google Marxists don't hammer this site, but then it would be a wonderful billion dollar free speech civil suit if they did and perhaps the Marx brothers of Google would be trimming my weeds as part of the settlement.

I examined Wordpress and found they really don't have many things which will get you banned. The main 3 are, things like spam, viruses, or hate content.
Well, Larry Sinclair was no spammer, didn't have any trojans on his site and it is pretty hard for a 40 something gay guy who showed he was not racist by having sodomite relations with Barack Obama to be considered close to hate content.

Mr. Sinclair didn't take content from other sites, didn't blog for Google search engines, wasn't into marketing, piracy or was a bot blog or automated content.

All those things get one zapped, and Lawrence Sinclair was doing none of them and yet there is Stalin/Hitler/Ahmadinejad WordPress destroying the 1st Amendment rights of someone they are profiting off of.
Oh yes, WordPress made a good sum as Mr. Sinclair's page in a few months had almost 2 million hits.

So why remove cash cow, Larry Sinclair?

It is obvious. They are Barack Obama supporters and the Obamaniacs reported the blog giving the Obama camp another Delaware fabrication to try and silence Mr. Sinclair.

The problem in this is Mr. Sinclair is building a website where all these Nazicoms will not be able to control the content at all. All they have done is let Pandora out of the box with a host of more problems as this story continues to grow, grOW and GROW.

All of this in this beginning means one thing. Larry Sinclair with one little blog, some videos and a few appearances on the Jeff Rense program has more than rattled the entire Obama syndicate of Chicago and the Delaware Biden syndicate.

In that, it exposes the ineptness of how unqualified Barack Obama and his supporters are to run the United States of America.
If they can not deal with one homosexual male who has a brain tumor, is on medication for joint problems, is about as dangerous as a dandelion, how on earth is Barack Obama going to handle Islmaocommunists like Zawahari and Larijani?

What are they going to do in response to the next 9 11?

Get WordPress to delete their blogging rights?

Yeah that will really show them like Bill Clinton did in trying to arrest bin Laden.

Where is the ACLU and the gay lobby protesting for Mr. Sinclair's 1st Amendment rights?
All silent and all part of this Nazicom group of the biggest censors in the world.

Terrorists have more rights than Larry Sinclair.

In all of this, this Lame Cherry which considers Ronald Reagan too moderate, George Bush to inactive and loves God, Mom, homemade blueberry pie, large guns, morality, the US Republic, women and John Wayne has been the advocate for Lawrence Sinclair just as John Adams advocated for British soldiers. No American no matter an off the reservation gay searching for answers in life to babies in Wacco deserve to be treated as fodder for any thug government or band of nazicoms.
It is reprehensible to create bogus charges, harass a citizen, throw them in prison and then deny them medications or tamper with their legal defense.

WordPress should be ashamed as should Joe and Beau Biden with all the minor thugs in this in treating another human like this.
All of these types like claiming what the Nazi pulled in Germany would never be forgotten or happen again. Yet, there is Larry Sinclair suffering attacks which would make the Bolsheviks and Chicoms proud.........and utter silence from the right Michele Malkin, the Jihad Watch Robert Spencer with a jihad carried out against Mr. Sinclair and utter silence from all that bigoted, racist cocktail party gay haters on the left. Where is Bill Maher, Teddy Kennedy, Barney Frank and Al Franken? All silent taking part by their silence like a bunch of putrid socialist and communists who never said a word when Jews were being rounded up or dead Ukrainians were being piled in wagons.

For that this blog speaks for Truth, Life, Responsible Liberty and the pursuit of Moral Happiness. It is that prayer that Mr. Sinclair finds the peace Jesus gives freely in human compassion and caring.

Enough said.

Larry Sinclair Website
