
Politics makes the strangest of bedfellows, but this campaign has produced two of the most interesting characters in sexual politics by their basic childlike natures possessed at times by an incubus.
It is always interesting when you have two people with pasts who could make the gossip about them burn for days to see how different political camps deal with the issue of having been caught with your pants down.
Most people know of Lawrence Sinclair in his colorful past of catch me if you can monetary crimes and his sodomy rendezvous with Barack Obama.
The introduction of Rielle Hunter though as John Edwards sex partner and baby makes 3 makes one wonder how is it Lawrence Sinclair ends by with the Biden syndicate trying to throw him into a Delaware prison while Ms. Hunter gets a million dollar home from John Edwards and a 150,000 dollar plane trip ride out of camera views to keep her mouth shut.
Rielle Hunter is honestly the equal of Lawrence Sinclair in being a nymph and a sordid past, but is being given the queen's treatment.
She started her life out as Lisa Jo Druck and has aliases from Lisa Hunter, Rielle Hunter and my favorite of Rielle Jaya James Hunter, a name she changed to when she became a New Age child wandering about the world in feeling peoples vibes, reading their signs and bumping into John Edwards in a bar.
The sordid side of Ms. Hunter involves her teenage years when her father decided that a champion horse she was riding would make a wonderful cash dividend, whereupon this sick parent hired Tommy "the sandman" Burns to go in and electrocute the horse to death for the insurance money.
This was quite the operation as the FBI was involved in it as apparently a huge number of sadistic predators were slaughtering horses insured for profit.
The teenager went off her top and was sedated for a time in dealing with the death of her pet, but emerged as a sex nympho girlfriend of author Jay McInerney who used her as inspiration for a running character, because Lisa Jo and her friends both intrigued and appalled him by their behavior in coke and sex.
The nearest one can estimate what Ms. Hunter was like is mixing a cocktail of Britney Spears dope and Paris Hilton's sex as the good twin and Ms. Hunter as the evil twin and one has an idea that Lisa Jo Druck was not the kind of woman you brought home to your mother even if she was the Mayflower Madam.
Ms. Hunter actually was quite talented in viral marketing of videos on YouTube where she used the word of mouth clever editing of her posts for John Edwards to boost his campaign.
Somewhere after her divorce she bumped into John Edwards in a New York bar. Edwards would hire her in 2006 to produce the above videos for a "documentary".
Jonathan Darman of Newsweek would spot the bottle blonde Ms. Hunter flirting with John Edwards on a plane to Iowa and wonder at how low Edwards had sunk from a Vice Presidential candidate everyone knew to a nobody being cavorted over by a groupie.
Mr. Darman would later cultivate her as a source and find Ms. Hunter was quite enthralled with Edwards deeming him a warring soul who could transform to be Ghandi.
She though deemed Elizabeth Edwards not giving off good energy as Mrs. Edwards would not make eye contact with her.
It was during this time in 2007 in which Ms. Hunter would find Ghandi was glad to see her for more reasons than her video work and made financial heaven in John Edwards cover up of an affair with his big bank account.
Initially, this blog suspected Rielle Hunter was some manipulative power wench, but in talking to Mr. Darman she hinted at being love with someone and was pitching an idea on her own life of a program about married men being seduced by women who have affairs with them to rescue them from their wives.
It is apparent the normal safeguards of morality in people who would look at Elizabeth Edwards suffering from cancer and deem John Edwards off limits are not working in Ms. Hunter. Instead she saw Mr. Edwards as someone who she could rescue from his wife, never equating that perhaps Mrs. Edwards was not making eye contact because she was not well and that was affecting her aura.
Whether it was the teenager trauma of her pet being slaughtered in being betrayed by her father or her massive coke and sexual abuse turned off her morality to an amoral aspect, the net result is John Edwards found himself with a woman that all men know of who are perky and make themselves available until there they convince the man that sex is the thing to do.
Ms. Hunter sees herself as the rescuer in this and in her spell has reached a bounty of bucks in draining the Edward's bank accounts he filled with ambulance chasing.
The immoral of the story is so far is Lawrence Sinclair should have had sex with John Edwards as he would be rich now or John Edwards should have had sex with Barack Obama as Sen. Obama is certain to not have gotten himself pregnant.
The Sinclair and Hunter stories though reveal a great deal about the campaigns in the Democratic network in operation and answer a great deal of some questions of events which have been going on that did not make a great deal of sense.
This entire story started sometime in 2005 when Al Gore was maneuvering himself into position for the Democratic nomination in selling his soul to the world elite.
Gore suffering from his own psychodrama of loosing in 2000 desired not to lower himself to run again for office, but set up a scenario where he would instead be drafted into the Denver convention in August to be savior.
Mr. Gore has floated this idea for different periods in "wanting the nomination", but there always were forces seeming to mock him as much as God set about in 2008 to reveal how much global warming was a gimmick in freezing most of the world.
In this Democratic drama, Hillary Clinton was honestly running until the time the New York Times exposed that Bill had swept up Asian uranium with a Canadian and taken it from the globalists and sold it to the communist Chinese for huge profits.
That sort of "theft" is absolutely not allowed even by a son of a Rockefeller, and, a punishment was worked out as criminal charges were thrown out in New York against Hillary Clinton with the caveat she either threw the primaries or would be destroyed politically, humiliated personally and in prison.
The key last threat was the leaking of Hillary having lesbian sex with her female lipstick hottie aide to the British press.
The person chosen for this humiliation was Barack Hussein Obama. Mr. Obama is deluded into thinking he was chosen for higher messianic goals, but the racists of the eugenic globalists had only one original purpose and that was for him to convince blacks they had a seat at the table and continue to vote for Democrats.
Mr. Obama was to bring in that vote, get a pat on the head and ushered like Jesse Jackson back into oblivion while the white leftist ran the show.
Barack Obama's mission though was to humiliate Mrs. Clinton. This is the period in 2007 when people saw her crying and in her speeches one could see her "tells" of a woman who was having a miserable time.
In studying Mrs. Clinton, she was furious not so much at the punishment, but for months at the end of 2007 she was handing Barack Obama the election and he could not win the thing.
Mrs. Clinton even had Bill running around making racist statements for weeks that this blog exposed on Newsbusters in what blacks were really hearing, before the mainstream press caught on to what his words really meant.
The Clintons did absolutely everything they could do and Barack Obama was so inept he could not close the deal.
Ohio for Mrs. Clinton was pure misery as she was running around campaigning in districts which had only a few hundred people as Mr. Obama was in the big districts. The Democrats of the east though completely refused to vote for Barack Hussein Obama.
It was of all things Rush Limbaugh and Republican voters crossing over for Mrs. Clinton who with the leftist racists were assisting Mrs. Clinton in her marching orders to weaken Mr. Obama.
Immediately though after Ohio when Mr. Obama started gaining momentum is when the situation changed.
Hillary Clinton started smiling as the New York cartel knew what John Edwards was up to and would be leveraged, so it was necessary that a repentant Hillary for Bill's sins would be turned loose against Barack Obama, and, that is exactly what occurred as Mrs. Clinton savaged Obama to her delight.
It was the first time Mrs. Clinton started smiling and she was enjoying beating the moronic Barack Obama.
John Edwards who is so important to this process must be understood he was never in this race to win it. Even David Axelrod of the Obama campaign could never understand why Mr. Edwards never could seal the deal either.
John Edwards was the front man for Al Gore in this election. His entire purpose was to represent the New York cartel to form a 3 way split in the election where 3 candidates limped into Denver in lackluster Obama, shrill Hillary and bumbling Edwards where the Democrats would need a savior. That savior was to be a drafted Al Gore as the press was all running that slant of how bad these 3 people were.
The appearance of Elizabeth Edwards on Chris Matthew's show when he had her ambush Ann Coulter was classic in the sense it allowed them to smear Hillary by image in Mrs. Edwards being the strong woman and it produced huge campaign funds and support for her weak husband, John.
Someone, and it looks like there were two "someones" in this about this time in their dirty tricks uncovered the Ghandi dallying of Mr. Edwards with Ms. Hunter making babies.
Edwards in that period would withdraw and caught between the Obama and Clinton "someones" was to simply fade as someone made certain the National Enquirer was pointed in the right direction to neutralize John Edwards.
The entire trouncing and hounding of John Edwards now is not in the least about his being a jerk to his cancer stricken wife, but has to do with his delegates at the convention who were supposed to go to an Al Gore draft, but now are being scattered to be picked at by Hillary Clinton.
The National Enquirer would also find the Sinclair and Obama sodomy story, but it is interesting in floating the information and a few leverage stories they never pressed it and the rest of the left and right wing media abandoned it.
None of this was so much protection for Barack Obama, but was instead the necessity that he was supposed to limp into Denver and loose the nomination to a new savior.
So messiah Obama was not so original in his deity wanderings as he simply stole it from savior Al Gore.
This was all supposed to be so simple for Al Gore, but John Edwards finding a nympho like the whore with a good heart took Al Gore's front man out of position and the Clintons have cut their own deal with the powers in New York.
Bill Richardson who is from Mexico was supposed to bring in the hispanic vote and have the best "yes man" slot for Vice President on the Al Gore ticket making all the little DailyKos frowners smile at having this all saved from a John McCain landslide.
John Edwards messed the entire deal up and this put the Clinton's back into the driver's seat.
Just as there are sexual groupies dripping all over campaigns which most people have no idea of there are also more investigators running around digging up files on candidates. The Clintons have a mountain of filth on them from the GOP and Barack Obama is having a Kilimanjaro sized stacks accumulating on him by the Clintons and the GOP.
The most interesting hint the events have changed was Bill Clinton in Africa giving ABC an interview which was given huge coverage in which Bill Clinton stated that the Constitution is what deemed if someone should be President or not.
Bill Clinton does not like Barack Obama in the least. In Obama, Mr. Clinton breaks into the rare times of racist language in terming him "that boy is smart as a whip who can learn anything", which is pure Arkansas plantation dialogue.
Mr. Clinton could not resist informing the world that there is evidence that Barack Obama is not qualified on Constitutional grounds to be President of the United States and the Clintons and others have this information.
The Clintons either dug this up in Mr. Obama's Kenyan citizenship or Canadian birth with the help of Tony Blair's MI 5 in old accounts being settled or the Indonesian data mining being carried out there with the Hawaiian certificate showing Barry Soetoro as the registered name. It might be all of the above and more.
There is a definite buzz in this as even the mainstream liberal press are scowling now over something and the biggest evidence to date there is massive trouble is that the Obama campaign surrendered to allowing Hillary Clinton have her name put into the convention nomination in Denver.
For the Obama people to buckle to that is a sign they are in trouble.
It has been stated by Rush Limbaugh that Hillary Clinton wants the nomination and will get it in Denver. That scenario makes no logical sense as the Clintons are the most adept at politics and know very well the Obama people are so volatile they make her marching minions look tame by comparison. She would loose no matter if a Hugo Chavez ticket is being engineered where America elects some 37% lame duck like Italian politics where the government is run by the operating financial mafia as the quacker does what the power brokers declare.
In that Mrs. Clinton does seem to desire to save face and to be king maker. A scenario where she stepped down (to later be rewarded with a Supreme Court position) for the good of America and helping choose a savior to replace the messiah would have the leftist press cooing about her forever.
It still is a possibility that and unwilling Al Gore is going to be made to fill out his contract and in most likely political conditions loose this to the logical choice in John McCain garnering the most votes.
In this scenario, Hillary Rodham Clinton achieves exactly what she desires in strategy. The entire Democratic field is wiped clean of contenders for 2012. Her honor as mother of the nation is restored. She gets revenge on Al Gore for her humiliation and gets a John McCain retiring from age after one term or an old John McCain if he runs which she can trounce as he might be unable to campaign in his mid 70's or perhaps a weak Vice Presidential replacement untested or a new GOP pony to whip.
2012 is the best choice for Mrs. Clinton.
All of this should have been played out simply. Barack Obama would bring in the black vote and be humiliated by the Sinclair revelations as the cartel knew exactly who Mr. Sinclair was and by the people in powerful positions monitoring him daily, his story would not be gaining that kind of attention unless the cartels believed it was real.
Edwards, Clinton and Obama were to limp into Denver and so yawn the convention a petition would be submitted for Al Gore in which John Edwards would champion it for the position of Sec. of State.
Mr. Edwards though portraying karma sutra Ghandi caused a great deal of upset in the plans though. By the way the National Enquirer is investing resources in this "nobody" now, it is certain the "someones" are going to exact revenge. The Clinton people are already leaking stories they would have had the nomination if not for Edwards.
Hillary Clinton is going to spend a great deal of time ruining people who betrayed her starting with John Edwards and Chris Matthews of NBC. Common sense would be for Mr. Edwards to flee America with his 2 wives and children for France as the Democrats have abandoned him and Al Gore's power is waning.
John Edwards should probably make reservations for Barack Hussein Obama for his exile in Germany as if Hillary Clinton gets permission to ruin him as the eugenics cartel is leaning toward, he along with all minorities are not going to be a subject for any presidential nomination for a generation.
If Mrs. Clinton gets her way, she will come out of this the Mother Theresa of politics as she plays Lizzie Borden on all her betrayers.
All of this should be most interesting. If a coup is to occur on Barack Obama for the convention, it should take place in convention week.
If the idea is to allow Mr. Obama to secure the convention and limp out, whereby the information is instead brought out by the Republicans so they will be blamed, then a most historic meeting will take place in which Howard Dean will reassemble a special draft delegation which would bring in Al Gore again with Mrs. Clinton or Bill Richardson on the ticket.
For all the room temperature citizens who appeared around the Clinton's, one would think having her on your Al Gore ticket would be a certain for Gore to toss the election and waddle back to his ivory tower. Being king of a hot thermometer is better than being a lauded corpse in a crypt.
The current numbers indicate a 20% vote count for the mob of egomaniacs from Chuck Baldwin, Cynthia McKinney, Bob Barr and Ralph Nader. That means the winner in the race will need 41% and while Mrs. Clinton might be able to accomplish that, the disenfranchised blacks and people who will never vote for her will drop her percentage to a constant sub 40%.
In crunching those numbers, 2012 appears a better time for dame Hillary to allow wounds to heal and allow some other sacrificial donkey to attain the funeral pyre.
Ghandi Edwards, who would ever have thought someone so inconsequential could mess up the best laid plans of mice and men.
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