It is this dichotomy shrouded in an enigma and wrapped in a riddle to butcher a phrase which Russia is.
It will surprise most people to know that Russians are one of the most effeminate people in this world. For those who have seen the way the Russian men beat, sex and abandon women, it would seem the Russian was a masculine society, but it is exactly the opposite.
Russians are a very superstitious, extremely religious and ultra sensitive people. They are spiritual by nature in almost being empaths in feeling the emotions of others.
In that, it is why the greater part of that nation is one of alcoholics for the simple reason they are trying to shut out all the emotional misery they are feeling from others.
The Russian artists are noted for the massive writings, poems and symphonies which are a reflection of the long suffering misery Russians are carrying around. Their artistry is even a burden as it is so heavy there is no comfort in it but a further drain of the soul.
The oldest of Russian proverbs is, "вы рождены, вы терпите и после этого вы умираете."
It translates, "You are born, you suffer and then you die".
This is the Russian soul.
A wonderful study of this can be found in California in the United States in Sacramento. There is a large ethnic Russian community there. They have their own churches, their own schools and speak Russian. They will also inform you coldly in that female dominated Russian society that they are Russian and NOT AMERICAN.
The Russian men are very sensitive people and the Russian women have to carry that burden in being more resolute to make certain the people survive. The women are that most wonderful of dichotomies in not having the harsh nature western women have been feminized into, so they are poetically female in nature but so wary of the sorrow of the world they never dare allow themselves to be complete.
They are like the poem The Polyushko Pole (The Girls are Crying)
The girls are crying, the girls are crying,
The tender girls are in mourning today,
Their sweethearts have gone for such a long time,
Oh, their sweethearts have gone away to war.
Russian women have had to smile through the tears of their heart for centuries. The Czar would conscript their men, the Stalin would slaughter them and now as Russia struggles within the war within itself, the sorrow continues today.
The Russian lives in a land like Winnipeg, Canada where one waits in 10 months of winter for one summer bloom which is killed by a frost in the two months called spring in their entire year. It is a place of 40 below winter and where the matter of survival and dreary grey days is what sets a people who have to have a steel grip on life and all around them never letting go in order to survive.
In many ways the events in Georgia now are in parallel to of all things in the War of 1812 between the British Empire and Americans.
The British in the 1800 believed with a passion that once an Englishman always an Englishman who could be kidnapped, ships searched and goods seized no matter if American papers were on that person.
The Americans believed that free trading ships were free to trade and that any person who was in America with papers was an American.
That is the foundation of the War of 1812 and mirrors how Russians feel that Georgia was once their nation and they can do whatever they please in Georgia.
The Georgians who have a bit more legal claim in South Ossetia is their land as it has been under their jurisdiction feel they can exercise as all nations do force in any manner they choose legally without interference.
This type of Russian thought though is amusing not in the dead, but Russia can not see Georgian claims to South Ossetia in attacking it, but Russia can see Russian claims in attacking Chechnya.
One does not condone what Russia does in Chechnya, but on international terms they have land rights there to enforce union. Those same rights for Georgia though in South Ossetia are not seen by the Russians.
That though in the indivisible unions such as the American Civil War is the reason wars are fought with the victors dictating terms to what union is established.
Perhaps for Americans to grasp Georgia, it might be better to view this in the terms of Texas as South Ossetia. America will be the part of Georgia.
The Ford Foundation will play the part of George Soros telling minorities to throw off the majority.
Mexico will play the part of Russia.
So tomorrow the Texas Republic decides that as it now has more Mexicans than Americans, that it will accept Mexico's rules of Mexican passports for all Texans.
Next Mexico sends in peacekeepers and American bases and soldiers are taken over and told to leave.
America not appreciating the storied past of Texas once being Mexican, Spanish and French decides to blow up San Antonio where the majority of the Mexicans live.
Mexico then retaliates with a full scale invasion and blows up New Orleans, captures Oklahoma City and sinks all the ships in San Diego.
As the Europeans who are playing their own role now are tenderly growing an Indian uprising in south Mexico to topple the Mexicans in a civil war, so they can get their hands on the Mexican oil fields.
In those simplistic terms, it is a bit easier to lay a foundation of what is occurring and then adding in the fact that Mexico is attempting to annex Europe and has made pacts with China and terrorists to do their own fragmentation of the "west" to rule them.
I never like terming any people as naive, especially Americans. But Americans are such a good natured people as a whole that they simplify everything down to polar opposites of good vs. evil.
There never is such a case as so many things like in the War of 1812 had Jefferson and Madison so criminally neglecting national defense they got Washington, DC conquered and burned.
At the same time, the British with Indian allies were taking masses of Americans on the frontier who surrendered and slaughtered them.
In this life in all the majority of cases, one is forced to choose a side not which is perfect, but a side which is the one which will provide the individual the greatest advantage in avoiding the greater horror.
Victor Davis Hanson, the noted almost lone Conservative now writing in America, revealed a most interesting study a few years ago along these lines. He was speaking with a Republican from California and Mr. Hanson could not understand the absolute anger in this man over what was going on in Iraq when it came to the definite subject if America should seek to protect Iraqi women and children from slaughter by communist forces there.
Finally the Californian just blurted out, "I don't give a d*mn about "those people" over there.
Mr. Hanson touched upon the iceberg of bias which is not just in certain GOP quarters, but drives the majority of the Democratic leftists not just in America but around the world.
Richard Pearle, oft named a neocon, but in reality is a John Kennedy right oriented projectionist of power mirrored Victor Davis Hanson in a most interesting PBS special he hosted. In the program, he had visited Iraq and then sat down with a British patrician of the Labor or leftist movement and the subject once again came up to protecting Iraqi civilians from slaughter.
Without the emotion of the Californian Republican, this patrician without showing any remorse repeated that "those people" over there did not matter.
One finds this same xenophobic tendency in much of what is coming out of the European press now in direct mirror to what Neville Chamberlain was doing with Adolf Hitler. It is alright according to the leftists in Europe and even the socialist right in President Sarkozy of France if Russia chops up Georgia as long as these western European nations get their oil and have a peace they can live with as it is about "those people" over there who are not like "these people" over here.
All of that matters as I have noted in previous blogs explaining as Theodore Roosevelt did in his War of 1812 history that a war was coming then between the British and Americans and a Eurasian World War is now coming between various forces with Russia, China and the Islamocommunists on one side and the remnants of the world on the other.
Each side is viewing the other as "those people". Each side has been doing some massive hits in proxy warfare attempting to cripple the other before this war does begin.
Russia has been using Muslim terrorists against the west it turned from the old Brzezinski Muslim terrorist group being used against Russia.
Now this Brzezinski Doctrine group in seeing this war will come due to lack of resources in China and that Russia will be overtaken financially in a decade is attempting to bleed off the Russian assets of war.
The first asset was to hem in the battle front in the crescent of containment.
The second asset was to direct those military RussoChin forces into the Caspian Basin.
The third asset was to direct one of the main Russian divisions to be pinned down in the Caucasus region in a Russian Civil war which is already occurring, but now is being attempted to make it so volatile that Russia will not be able to project into Iran in the short term and into the real object of Poland which Mr. Brzezinski is attempting to protect at all costs.
This then will keep Germany, France and the Bilderburg lowland nations safe from a nuclear exchange when this war comes.
Logic would conclude that in Russia requiring three spears to invade Europe that the last will not be left to chance. So it may be Ukraine which is going to required to absorb enough of the forces from the Western Military District of Moscow and Northwestern Military District which is Leningrad, so this spear will not be capable of striking either the Scandinavian corridor or the Polish corridor.
As a note to this in explanation, Russia to Napoleon are forced by natural barriers and historical military necessity to have certain invasion routes.
From the Russian military perspective they require for Europe 3 military spears or divisions to keep their right and left flanks from being exposed.
The first spear is necessary for Scandinavia as that fortress is a nightmare if left alone for harrying military convoys.
The second spear is necessary to plunge in the Ukrainian Baltic corridor to open onto the Polish plains which gets one into the main prize of the Ruhr which is European commerce.
After that it is simple Blitzkrieg to roll over the lowlands and open spaces of France.
The third spear channels by the natural split of the Caucasus Mountains into the Romanian frontier. This area is mountainous and hilly into the Balkans and not conducive to battle or defense.
It does obtain though cutting off Italy and protecting the middle spear's advance left flank. Once a hook up is acquired with the middle spear all of southern Europe can be laid waste.
In this historic and Russian order of battle which Muslims to the Romans have utilized the only opposing zones left would be Switzerland surrounded, the Spanish and Portuguese behind the Pyrenees and the English behind their channel.
All of which can be dispatched with ease.
This will keep Russia busy and is why they have addicted China to this cause as China is required to pin down Japan and China is promised if they initiate and Alaskan invasion to pin down the United States that they will be able to keep all the oil resources there.
America pinned down will not be able to assist western Europe against the Russians.
As shown there are a great many nasty things going on in both sides in leveraging for this war which all know is coming and what President Bush 43 and President Putin have invested their entire presidencies on in preparing the battlefields.
As the Pacific rim has a ring of fire of volcanoes, the entire Brzezinski containment crescent will be a ring of fires in wars which are a last attempt to so sap Russian resources that it will not be able to strike into Europe.
This doctrine in best case scenario from a western standpoint is Russia in a civil war so tied up with refugees flooding Russia, and, a China dealing with it's own refugees with Islamic revolution will consider that a weak Russia is a much more easy victim to march to in taking oil and natural resources as land than in an extremely risky sea invasion of a relatively quiet America. (Providing the illegal invasion of the United States is not completed to causing America's own civil war.)
In that scenario, the Eurasians attack each other in the wilderness and is saved from a war which would slaughter 3 to 5 billion people.
As one sifts through the entire picture instead of taking a snapshot of "those people", a sickening scenario starts playing out on the stage as a world war is coming, but one starts comprehending why it seems soulless people are killing Georgians and South Ossetians, to Kosovoans to Serbians, to Iraqi's to Iranians perhaps to come. In their mind, they are making a clash of civilizations choice in weighing that two hundred million dead are the more acceptable choice than 5 billion.
Every one of these factions know this. Some smaller states being offered up only see it from their national perspectives so they act out in concert with the greater picture.
It is a most troubling thing to consider that a civil war in Russia which will cause even more destruction than is being carried out now in Chechnya could be the salvation of the world in an even greater slaughter.
Troubling in knowing that one is forced to a position in that choice where a moral person is considering they are trying to keep 50 Chernobyl's from occurring in the United States because they know what those cancerous tumor children a generation later are dying in agony from in Russia.
Does one keep western children safe to never knowing the horrors of invasion, rape and revolution while a minority of those people over there die, all so the same financiers who are always leveraging that mess can then prey on these same western children enslaving and murdering them?
It is being forced into those miserable choices that makes one feel as a Russian does in their heart as the world marches to either civil wars to save the world or fails and the entire world marches to a world war which brings that silent contemplation of knowing a hurricane is coming to wipe out everything and there is not going to be any stopping it.
Civil Wars though in history from Rome, to France, to England, to America, to Russia to China all tend to form a more iron power in a united people capable of making absolute war.
The Russian Civil War might be seen as the last salvation in killing the Bolshevik Putincrats, but when she resurrects it will seek to kill the world.
