Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Nation Rapists

It must be wonderful being Barack Obama thinking he made it to that deluxe apartment in the sky.
People he had only seen on television through the smoke of a joint are now servicing him in money, domestic and foreign policy, the way Lawrence Sinclair did to his pleasure the way wife Michelle never would.

Such is the day of the powerful and pawns at play in sex and power.

While most people in the world are literally working all day for their daily bread currently and Americans are worried over their tomorrows, it might be interesting to explore just who is servicing Barack Obama now in all of this merry go round.

Servicing might be a bit of a stretch as Barack Hussein Obama is like the little kid playing checkers with the adults who are letting him win and he actually is in the glorious delusion he is the chosen one, the epitome, the messiah because the lords of lustre have told him so to obtain what they want.

The favorite rook in this is comrade Warren Buffett. Buffet I find as one of the most loathsome of people in he has been practicing the old art form of, "Do not use thy money to make money, but con other people into giving you their money so they take the risk and thou wilt gain billions in profits while thee peasant grins at baboon dividends".
Democrat Buffet is amazing in the cons and manipulation he has fronted for. A few years ago silver was trading around $4.20 an ounce. Buffet with a few con men made a run on silver and in a short time ran it up to over $6.00 an ounce.
Players were baffled why the purchases were going through Republic Bank mostly, but Buffet was making his purchases of almost 130,000,000 ounces of silver out of London.
Silly traders were told London silver was more refined and never figured out that Buffet was protecting his criminal interests as people have ended up in prison for doing what he was doing.
London was offshore so Buffet could not be indicted or at least have legal wiggle room to not be indicted, which he was not, but he did make a huge profit.

My favorite Buffet con was when he "gave" almost 40 billion to "charity". It has nothing to do with charity, but the fact that the globalists under Clinton had been trying to castrate Bill Gates of his fortune.
The globalists tried blackmail to lawsuits and Bill just kept on being a Windows open to spies for his operating system code built for government manipulators to open any computer in the world. None of which worked, so they sent in Gramps Buffett to talk Democratic crap to Gates looking for the Waltons in the world of Wall Street.
Gates gave away the lion's share of his fortune to further the globalist causes which basically embezzle all donations made in laundering the money in purchase contracts. While Bill gave away the shop, Warren simply made his billions back.
That is the way the game is played and Buffet is playing Obama just like he played Gates. With Obama though it is raping segments of the economy so he can profit off of things like the housing bust, the dollar bust and the oil bust.
Buffet and his leftist press term him a hero, but this global rapist makes money off of creating misery and leaving poor people holding the bag.

The guy in the picture next to Buffet is the Governator and the guy next to Arnold it the the Queen of the board in family in being thee Nathaniel Rothschild.

This brings the examination to thee Rothschild family's European expert in hedge funds the way Buffet is their expert to profit skim in the American markets.
George Soros is the nation rapists of nation rapists. He made literal currency war on the British Pound for which he should have been arrested for crimes against humanity, but Soros keeps putzing along like the good comrade he is.
Soros is the funnel for European funds into America to overthrow what is left of the United States. His front groups could care less about being right on Iraq or health care. All that matters is fomenting a form of anarchy to keep people from noticing the real order coming out of the chaos.

This brings us to the girl in the story as all stories need a girl as pasty old swarthy guys just are boring except for the headlines they create like Georgia blowing up.
This pixie is Penny Pritzker and why this wench is important to the nation rapists was brought into the Obama group by David Axelrod for her connections to all the American billionaires as she is one herself.
Penny's real talent though is money. She by assessment is better than Marc Rich who was laundering all of Saddam's billions for this lot. Rich though needed a Clinton pardon. Ms. Penny is so adept at breaking the law that she doesn't need pardons.

The Pritzker family is the cash cow or cash leech in drawing funds into their coffers in various forms in Chicago from the Hyatt name brand to the savings and loan , Illinois based Superior Bank which went room temperature leaving depositors holding the bag.
These culprits tank savings and loans as cash cows every 25 years or so as of late in order to legally rape citizens of funds and then having the government which is tax payers bail the institutions out whereby they make more money in lending and deposits.
Penny though was into predator lending recreating the same high stakes loans which bankrupted American farmers in the 1970's She started this in the 1990's again 10 years before it was the rage which was ushered in in 2000 in the subprime loans which have added a second bankruptcy onto the American nation, but profited her nicely.

My favorite Pritzker trick was when the old man died. Abram Pritzker was worth billions. If one added up the billions in offshore holdings all of these robber barons have, he probably surpassed Bill Gates or in the $60 billion figure.
The family reported though poor old Abran was only worth $25,000. That caused the IRS to blow it's cork and they sued for $53 million in back taxes. Of course, the Pritzker's had their attorneys fight it and the case was settled for a little over $9 million.
Think of it.......
Fraud, conspiracy to defraud the United State's government and instead of paying the $53 million they got a $44 million dollar deduction to pocket and no jail time.

She did though get the job of being the cutie running the Barack Obama now half a billion dollar donation campaign in which one has to start asking the Obama millionaires and five dollar dupes just how much money does the messiah need before they scream, "ENOUGH! Children are starving in Africa and the planet is warming by all that money collected in computers overheating!".

To show Penny Pritzker in criminal action, we visit 1999 when the Clinton Democrats were in power. For some reason the United States Navy in Orlando, Florida abandoned it's property there.
Someone should be asking why the Navy is abandoning property American citizens purchased for the Navy anywhere, especially as real estate is worth something.
Perhaps this is easier than being like Justices Souter and Breyer stealing citizen's land via government land confiscation.
In any event, Penny just happened to show up and buy the land from Orlando for $7.6 million.

In less than 10 years, that abandoned property owned by all United States citizens is now a $1.1 billion taxable property.

That is what it looks like when these nation rapists are in perpetual motion. Poor customers at the savings and loan loose their life savings, but the Penny working for Obama has a billion dollar profit.

Buffet and Pritzker have been in a sweetheart deal for Marmon Holdings, where she was a director. The Pritzker family has been selling off billion dollar assets. These two like Democrat Soros will inform you how dastardly it is that rich people have gotten more wealthy while most Americans have been left in a financial flat.

The reason Americans are in a financial flat is because these nation rapists have been given license from the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers on this side of the world to rape economies.

Soros was created to run hedge funds. Hedge funds are where speculators drive up prices like food and oil to soak up money printed in the United States, impoverishing this nation.

The price of food has nothing to do with ethanol, but with the Chicago branch of the hedge funds led by Cargill which bought up American farmers wheat last year for $4 a bushel as farmers had never seen such high prices and Cargill cartel turned around after gaining a monopoly to drive up prices to $20 a bushel.
They put out the propaganda bio fuels are to blame to hide they are raping the world of a trillion dollars which President George Bush was forced into printing after 9 11 to stop a global depression. That is why all these prices are so high. They put the money into housing, busted that bubble and when the money came out they drove up oil and food prices to soak up that money.
In a short time that devalued dollar will be raised 3 fold, so the Rothschilds will have $3 trillion dollars in value instead of the $1 trillion.
For the food facts which this cartel knows as they sell the soymeal to China and corn meal to pet foods, all that is removed from corn is starch in ethanol and all that is removed is oil from soybeans in bio diesel. These crops were only raised on expensive Iowa and Illinois farmlands as wheat was too worthless to bother with. The profit was in corn and beans for farmers.

The plains states are where wheat is raised as it is dry there. Crops are not interchangeable due to climate. The entire propaganda attack on bio fuels is a case study of the different cartel factions feuding over oil revenues and not wanting what is left of small Brazilian, Canadian or American farmers from regaining a combined multi billion dollar foothold again.
The oil cartel not 10 years ago had just bought up all the bio fuel plants to make their own profits when Tom Daschle of the Obama campaign for the frankenfood Chicago mercantiles like Monsanto dumped billions in government funds for bio fuels and his faction's profits off of American farmers.

This brings the game to the pawn currently occupying the easy chair deluding himself into thinking he actually is there as a player.

Barack Obama has been allowed to accomplish what he has, because as the New York Times reported, Bill Clinton swooped into Asia with a buddy and swept up uranium stores and then sold them to communist Chinese.
This is why Hillary Clinton has been forced to be humiliated and endure the female dog slapping Barack Obama has been dishing out. If Bill simply would have went to George Soros and cut him in so the the Rothschilds would have received their cut, Hillary Clinton would have easily won the Democratic nomination.
Bill Richardson was to be her Vice President if she could have fought off the Al Gore attempt to be drafted into the convention as the savior.
Barack Obama was only to provide the illusion he was someone to bring in the black vote and in doing that, he was to be ushered back to the Senate to stutter, have sodomites pleasure him and look like something important was on his mind.

Bill Clinton didn't make $10 million on that uranium deal. He already had around $53 million in bribes from Saddam he was laundering to himself in "speech appearances", so he didn't need to do this for chump change in ruining his wife's chance to be the first woman president.

The Rothschilds and Rockefellers do not ever allow anyone to "steal" from them. They are the queen and king on the board.
Soros is of the rook class. Buffett is the bishop class. Pritzker is of the knight class and she is running the Obama money laundering campaign.

Barack Obama though is like Bill Gates in just a pawn. They are moved around to manipulate groups of people as the division and control continues on.
Mr. Obama though had better not relax too much as even if Hillary Clinton has been defanged by Bill's theft, their sex videos and her money fraud hanging over her head. The New York cartel though will cut off Mr. Obama yet in this campaign in either replacing him with someone like Al Gore who sold his soul for this already as Mrs. Clinton positions herself for 2012 as she has made penance for Bill's sins.
The fat lady ain't singing and Obama isn't President yet.

This group is the prominent financial cast who are the bank owners, loan officers and bank tellers running Obama Incorporated Messiah and Untrust.
Most people know the Brzezinski, Holbrooke and Wesley Clarke foreign policy poking Russia in the eye by giving Muslim terrorists sticks, but the bankers are interesting as they run the show just as Plouffe, Axelrod and Hildebrand run the propaganda game.

Perhaps someone though should explore the lawyers clique who are welding this all together.
